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Meeting Your Guarding Angel

Joyous Song

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
United States
Marital Status
My mom tells a story of when she first became Catholic. She stated when we were children that had she would have not married our father and none of us would have been born had she not become Catholic. All this came about thanks to her guardian angel.

She was born and raised southern Baptist in Jamestown NY. She had a mother who went insane when she was still very young. It was she who found and stopped her mother from boiling her baby bother Grant because her mom said he had a “demon”.

Her dad in turn was a avid Scripture studlier, particularly in prophecy. He railed to everyone who might listen that they were living in the end times. The anti-Christ has raisin in German and was that man Hitler. True, Hitler certainly fit an Antichrist and likely was one, but that war ended and the world did not, so he wasn't THE anti-Christ just an anti-christ. One who denied Christ.

All this might have been impressive even so if he wasn't also a drunken violent man. This created a mixed message. One who suppose to be holy, read and interpreting the Sacred Word should not be equally earthly, drinking like a pig and taking out his own weakness and mistakes on his wife and kids.

So whether it was her mom zealous faith that nearly ended her brother's small life or her drinking hypocritical father prediction that fell short, I cannot say. All I know is when she grew up and moved out on her own, my mom eventually decided to change her religion. She simply did not go into any church or faith. Her past brush with hypocrisy and insanity of believers led her to be logical in her choice.

So she went to every faith tradition she could find and learned of each and every one. She did this over a period of time, testing out a faith and finding something not quiet right, then going on to try out another. In time she stumbled into a Roman Catholic church and asked to learn of this one. Lesson started. Once a week on Wednesday she would meet the young priest after she finished work and he teach her another part of the catechism.

It was on that day, a Wednesday, she left work a bit discombobulated and distracted. She never looked as she went to cross the intersection to see if any cars were coming. Long after she wondered were her mind had been.

As her foot left the side of the sidewalk something pulled her back strongly. As this happened a large truck flew by. Had that person not pulled her back she would have been hit by that speeding truck. So she turned to thank whoever saved her life.

She found the sidewalk empty. No person was anywhere near to her.

Still trembling she continued her track to the church rectory. To her surprise the priest answered the door. Seeing her shaken and asking no questions but worried of her state he ushered into the room helping her to sit down and standing over her, asked her what happened.

As her tale unfolded he slowly took his seat and listen carefully to all she said. As she reached the truck, the search for her savior, and no one around, a smile grew in his face.

“Well” he said, “I do not believe you need to hear the lesson I planned today. You should probably go home and get some rest instead.”

“I'm just wondering,” she asked as she stood readying to go, “what was the lesson going to be that I no longer need to hear?”

“It was about guardian angels but as you've met yours, I do not believe anything I could say could enhance on what our Lord and Savior already showed to you.” He replied.

Soon after she became Catholic and the rest is history.