Just found out . .


May 27, 2004
Eastern Orthodox
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I am pregnant. This will be our third. I emailed my husband yesterday at work to tell him. The thing is I am not excited. I was not excited with the first, or the second and now not the third. I hate pregnancy. I am going to vomit several hundred times over the next few months. 5 months with the first and 3 months with the second. i am prepared for this to be a long duration of sickness to. Also With my first I got stretch marks so bad that my skin now hangs loose. The stretch marks start about 4 inches above my belly button adn cover my entire abdomen. Disgusting. The only way to make it look normal would be to have a tummy tuck, and that is not an option. Got more stretch marks with baby #2 and I pray that I don't get more with this one. Pregnancy doesn't do me well. I get ill. I get so huge that I cannot stand for long. I ache, hurt, feel sick, you name it. My sis in law however can bound around like nothing is even afflicting her when she is pregnant. I don't understand why I can't feel that good. :scratch: I am only 3 weeks along so I've got a long road ahead of me. I Guess I should stop now . Sorry about my negativity.

I have read some posts where some of you ladies just melted when you first saw your babies. Not me. I am a c-section girl and I just want to be put back together and get some sleep first. The first time I was surprized how such a surgery would make me so tired. Maybe I have a poor "motherly instinct' but I cannot help it. Maybe this time it will be different.


Not drinking the kool-aid
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Feb 4, 2002
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Aww. I'm not sure what to say, but I pray that this pregnancy will be a more positive experience for you. I know what you mean about not falling in love with the baby immediately. It was like that for me too. Know that you are not the only mom who felt that way:hug:
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Mar 22, 2004
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Stringaling said:
I am pregnant. This will be our third. I emailed my husband yesterday at work to tell him. The thing is I am not excited. I was not excited with the first, or the second and now not the third. I hate pregnancy. I am going to vomit several hundred times over the next few months. 5 months with the first and 3 months with the second. i am prepared for this to be a long duration of sickness to. Also With my first I got stretch marks so bad that my skin now hangs loose. The stretch marks start about 4 inches above my belly button adn cover my entire abdomen. Disgusting. The only way to make it look normal would be to have a tummy tuck, and that is not an option. Got more stretch marks with baby #2 and I pray that I don't get more with this one. Pregnancy doesn't do me well. I get ill. I get so huge that I cannot stand for long. I ache, hurt, feel sick, you name it. My sis in law however can bound around like nothing is even afflicting her when she is pregnant. I don't understand why I can't feel that good. :scratch: I am only 3 weeks along so I've got a long road ahead of me. I Guess I should stop now . Sorry about my negativity.

I have read some posts where some of you ladies just melted when you first saw your babies. Not me. I am a c-section girl and I just want to be put back together and get some sleep first. The first time I was surprized how such a surgery would make me so tired. Maybe I have a poor "motherly instinct' but I cannot help it. Maybe this time it will be different.
Oh hunny, first off there is some really really good cream you can use on your belly now so you want get stretch marks, I used it with Seth and I tell ya I have not one stretch mark, my mom said "why didn't they have something like that when I was pregnant lol." anyways, I'm also a c-section person. Tell them to knock ya hinny out during the whole thing thats what I"m doing on baby number 2 if we ever have a baby number 2 lol. I didn't get to see Seth until he was 5hrs old, you never no you might not get sick with this one, I was only sick for 4months with Seth but the trick is there to eat saltin crackers and DO NOT DRINK WATER water makes you nausiated more drink 7up the carpanation with out the caffine really good for that. Well I hoped I helped a bit. And Congradulations. I know you say its not a good thing but really it is. Think possiative, if you need anyone to talk to pm me I'm here for ya hun.:hug:
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christ is the answer
Aug 21, 2004
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im sorry that you do not feel up to par. im sure you love your other 2 now more than ever. pregnacy is not so kind to us all.. i had diabetes and i got strech marks really bad too. i was sick for 6 months of my pregnacy. and i used cream and it did not work for me.. maybe some peoples skin strech easier. i dont know.. but pregnancy is different with every woman. i hope you can find happiness this time in your pregnacy.. i did not get to see my son for a while after he was born.. i really wanted too.. but i needed my rest. i seen him about 6 or 7 hours later.. and i did not get to breast feed right away.. he had a bottle .. a few times.. i hope everything goes good for you this time.. my sisters 3rd pregnacy was her easiest. so maybe it will be yours too. the morning and all day and night sickness.. is a sign that the pregancy is going normal.. even though that is heck to go thru.. i hated that part. maybe it wont be so bad the 3rd time around.
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May 27, 2004
Eastern Orthodox
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Thanks everyone--I think I am just still getting used to the idea. I too hope that it is better this time around--Its gonna be a girl. I know i am only 3 weeks along but I know. I knew with the others and I know with this one. I've known about this one for about a year now, Kew i was gonna have a 3rd and its gender. Just didn't know when. Well I guess we'll have to wait till ultrasound to find out if i'm right. i'll let you know!
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Queen of the Tundra
Jul 17, 2004
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You know, I don't particularly care for pregnancy either. I have a weird thing called pelvic bone seperation (that's the 'untechnical' term), that basically means my pelvic bone pulls apart and grinds on itself...which it rarely ever happens EXCEPT when I'm pregnant, thanks to all the joint-loosening hormones.

So my normally over-active self has to get really MELLOW during pregnancy, because I am in pain and my movement is somewhat restricted...

Here's how I keep my attitude up:

Considering the fact that within my womb there is housed a little soul who will (we trust) live for eternity in heaven with God, praising Him right next to me, and considering the fact that he/she is called to great things on this earth and has been specifically chosen and appointed to be concieved at 'such a time as this'...
I feel humbled and in awe that I have been chosen to carry this awesome responsibility, and am blessed that God has chosen my womb as a cradle for this warrior of His.

If it weren't for the fact that the above is true, I'd grump my way all the way through till my due date, and probably grump a bit thereafter (becuase newborns are a lot of work, aren't they?)...

But since the above IS all true, it keeps my perspective in the right place and keeps my whining down to a sliver. After all, what is a little discomfort, considering the incredible blessing that is born of it!?

(This same perspective greatly impacts my mothering, too, by the way. It helps replace my natural selfishness with an incredible sense of purpose and responsibility--making me, who would naturally be a terrible mother, into a great momma with awesome children!)

Warm Regards,
12 weeks pregnant (with her 5th child in 7 years)! :)
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