journey of life

Step by step, drawing near to a place called, WHERE.


what a place,

what a venue, more and more it holds its secrets,

such mystery untold.

Some have found it's pull irresistible,

some have find it too much. Searching deep within oneself yet,

finding nothing of meaning

It is like a journey, each step with its own story.

Discovering that other wondrous stories,

though unknown and not recorded

have their unique mystery to reveal

What is the purpose of this journey?

A walk that reveals its secrets step by step,

stride by stride leap by leap,

and yet there is more

Hidden deep within the heart of creation.

A purpose yet to be fully revealed,

a trip that each one should take,

not by force, but by love

God himself, made us in His image

To be like Him, to share,

to be who we are, His beloved ones.

Each special to Him in their own way.

That road, though smooth and straight

gets complicated and harsh.

Yet He made a way through the wilderness

a name was proclaimed

That name came and died.

That name was nailed in time, and yet?

It lives forever, risen to make a way.

For us to follow in the steps of that name.

That name is