Poetry started bubbling out of my head in 2000, this was my very first poem ever!


Is there a God in heaven balancing the books
on my life?
Is the Deity wielding a red pen, the debit side longer than the credit?
Is there an evil entity, a devil or a Satan down in the depths of Hell?
Is he ticking off a list of my iniquities with a smile of satisfaction?
Is the love that passeth all understanding, God given, or one of Nature’s little conundrums?
Is love a deeper, all encompassing emotion that can drive one to unquantifiable despair?
Is hatred, engendered by the environment or by a genetic miscalculation?
Is the murderer, adolescent thug and out of control child driven by the same ungovernable rage?
Is a seeming altruistic act of selflessness a way of scoring brownie points for the hereafter?
Is the beginning of the universe, be it a creative intelligence, big bang or black hole in Man’s gift to know?
Is the ache in my brain when contemplating the forever of eternity likely to be eased?
Is the heart of the sentient me, a Soul, in touch with a Creator God? Or
Is my being no better than a super computer programmed and wired by aeons of evolutionary time?
“Is”, it is such a little word but prefaces the age old questions of Mankind.

Rose-Mary Gower 2000

Copyright Rose-Mary Gower 2000