Is world of warcraft a sin to play?


Jan 31, 2011
So I've been playing WoW for around 3 and a half years now, it has given me no problems and I have remained in the church RARELY missing it for 2 and a half years. Now recently I have began to be under fire by the church for playing WoW and games similar to it. I have fired romans 14 at them and a few other things but nothing seems to work. They seem gung-ho to make me quit my gaming hobby. (I spend about 1 1/2 hours a day playing on average) It has had no effect on grades, little to no effect on family. But is it really a sin to play? I've never thought so until my church started breathing down my neck about it, but I'd like to see what some of you have to say. Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Nah bro, you're dead out of luck, going to hell for playing WoW. Didn't you know Satan coded that game?


As long as you're not playing it 26 hours a day, ignoring anything, and spending as much, if not more, time with God as you are playing, then it's fine. Plank out first, then worry about the stick, would be my response to them. :)
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Oct 21, 2009
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So I've been playing WoW for around 3 and a half years now, it has given me no problems and I have remained in the church RARELY missing it for 2 and a half years. Now recently I have began to be under fire by the church for playing WoW and games similar to it. I have fired romans 14 at them and a few other things but nothing seems to work. They seem gung-ho to make me quit my gaming hobby. (I spend about 1 1/2 hours a day playing on average) It has had no effect on grades, little to no effect on family. But is it really a sin to play? I've never thought so until my church started breathing down my neck about it, but I'd like to see what some of you have to say. Thanks! :)

Hi negaru.

Welcome to CF and know that you are loved and that God will use this forum to bless you.

Regarding your concern about WOW. 1 and 1/2 hours a day is almost unheard of. Is that your own decision and ability to discipline yourself or rules of the house? If this is of your own choosing, then I would suggest it is possible God has an important job for you soon.

I believe that at one time these games were not so bad. The problem is not having the game, but how the game has your generation. I have to be honest with you and tell you what I, fellow servant of Christ, sees from the outside - looking in. (and I'm a pretty tolerant and cool mom - not far crazy right)

I have two sons; 23 and 20. They both served the Lord like little ministers for years. We did not coach them to do that as we know that any calling is God's alone to give. We brought them up in church and prayer.

Puberty made them both turn from God - but it's okay because puberty gets nearly everyone for a couple of years.

The oldest is trying to serve God again; the youngest has all but walked away. The one thing they have not let go from puberty is WOW and similar fantasy live games. They both spend hours upon hours almost every night playing these games. It shouldn't be a big deal - it's not like they are out doing drugs - they're home playing a game.

That is just how slick and slivery that old serpent the devil can be. He knew how to slowly lower the veil over everyone's eyes and deceive almost an entire generation of what should be warriors for the Lord's army. Instead of warriors on the battlefield, they are children corralled into a common virtual area and given toys to play with. The door is shut, and the enemy is free to roam about seeking to devour the very ones God told us to protect, rescue, and bring to him. The rescuers have need of rescue, but they are so blind, they can't even see that they are out of shape spiritually and intellectually. Surely Satan has asked for them - to devour them.

The Great Commission is given to ALL Christians:
Matthew 25:18-20
18. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20. and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Satan wants strong, young Christians like you my sons out of his way.

That is what I see as clear as the day.

Last, if you will not harden your heart to my preaching for just another minute but keep your heart open to God. He will tell you if I'm right, and you will KNOW that the Holy Spirit is bearing witness in your own spirit that what I have just told you is true.

If you spend an hour or so a day playing WOW, you are exceptional or bound by strict rules. Either way, thank God.

Now look at the situation with different eyes and ask God to show you what you couldn't see before. You may lead many out of bondage; I don't know. But I pray you and others will help to rescue our sons (and daughters) out of this ridiculous bondage.
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Feb 11, 2011
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I have played games in the past, indeed I played WOW when it was released, 2005 I think. It is leisure time. Some people spend 2-3 hours a day reading fiction, others watch television, some may pursue other hobbies such as art or repairing an old car. I do not believe that God will judge anyone for doing something they enjoy in their spare time. As you say, you control it, you do not let it get in the way of the rest of your life, so there is not a problem in my mind.
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Feb 13, 2011
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Sounds like they are just trying to make an excuse to not let you play it. It is rather absurd in my eyes that someone would say that. Usually those kinds of accusations are based purely on being uneducated about the specified notion/object. Since you already tried defending your position on playing the game, and it doesn't alter your real life grades, its pretty safe to say you should think hard on the fact that they may be bending the truth of what sin really is.

I hope its not that serious though.
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eagerly waiting for heaven
Feb 13, 2011
West Virginia
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I play WoW too! Some people believe it is a stumbling block, but I think as long as you can look at it and say "this is not a real world, it is not more important than real life" and you are not addicted to it, there's not really anything sinful about it. God did not say "You can't play video games". When these people next begin to yell, ask them why it is sinful. I really want to know the answer. (honestly, I do)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2011
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Demons can posess computers. During my occult days I noticed that online tarot and I ching work remarkably well. Since divination requires the use of wicked spirits, and since I've actually seen one come out of my computer monitor, well I've since renounced everything having anything to do with anything even remotely occult.

WoW is full of pagan symbology, especially magic and demon names. these resonate and attract the same as if one were to draw magic circles in the earth. It is the names and symbols themselves that open doorways.

Remember that we are to bring every thought under the obedience of Christ. Just as thinking about killing our brother makes us guilty of murder, and thinking about lusting after someone makes us guilty of adultery.

I know this is something most of us, myself included, just don't seem to get. We need to be made completely holy, inside and out. The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. When we ate the forbidden knowledge to become like God, we became spiritually cut off from him. It's the same as lucifers rebellion playing out within us. If God is dethroned within us, then how shall we escape?

Know ye not that the days are evil? We are to redeem the days and live for God. We who lose our lives for God shall find them. We who deny ourselves daily take up our cross. Now the modern world doesn't know the meaning of denying the self.

Besides of which, don't you know the tribulation is here and the rapture is just around the corner? Christians in many countries are already being persecuted and killed. This lap of luxury we call America is in for some hard times soon. Who here is ready to die for the faith?

The RPID chips will contain demons, and those who take the mark will become perfectly posessed and at one with satan.
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Apr 24, 2008
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Please understand that I am not attacking you, Phaedron, in this response. Simply some comments, as I view your comments as representing a hard-line literalist approach.

I grew up going to church, as far back as I can remember. And as far back as I can remember I have been hearing about how the end is just around the corner. I also recall a verse which says something like: “of that day and time no-one knows but the father”, meaning, of course, God. We don’t know when the end times will arrive, we can simply look around us at the manifestations of evil in the world and wonder how much worse it has to get before God says enough.

My time in the Church of God also taught me that the devil has no power except that which man gives him, and that Jesus said “occupy until I return”. How we “occupy” can be different from one Christian to the next. I knew some members of the church who would listen to no form of Rock music because it carried to much of a negative meaning in connection with their past lives before being saved. Others could listen to various forms of Rock music without problems. I once knew a black-belt in Karate who walked away from it upon being saved because he felt the ritualism associated with the study of the martial arts required a dedication he no longer wanted to give to the study of the martial arts. Fine, no problem with his decision. Others in the church, however, engaged in the martial arts or other forms of exercise with dedication because to them, it did not interfere with or “rule” over their commitment to God.

God deals with us as individuals. I don’t play WoW but I do play Warhammer Online. There are pagan images in that game as well. I see them, and I just play the game. I see the pagan imagery to represent something which has already been defeated, as satan has. You are correct, he is loose to deceive man, but if you know this, you are armed against his deceptions. A pagan image is not going to sway me in my belief in God or that his son died for our sins. I also know that there is nothing I can do to either protect myself or my two boys from ever seeing pagan imagery. It is just there in so many things. So I teach them what I have learned.

My sense is from reading your post that you would say I am giving place to the devil. I understand that, but I disagree. I am not addicted to Warhammer Online, or alcohol, although I do enjoy a beer every now and then, or pornography, although I do like sex, or drugs, although I do smoke an occasional cigar. I can drink a beer every now and then because I can just as easily do without it. I can play Warhammer Online and enjoy it because I can just as easily do without it.

Posted by Phaedron777:

“Remember that we are to bring every thought under the obedience of Christ.”

Agreed. If I ever felt moved to give up the game because it threatened my belief in God, I would. But it doesn’t. It is a game. I do not find it awesome. God is awesome. Because I know he loves me, in spite of myself.

“Just as thinking about killing our brother makes us guilty of murder, and thinking about lusting after someone makes us guilty of adultery.”

This is part of your commentary I do disagree with. As humans we are designed to have emotions and be pre-disposed to sex. We get mad, we get angry, we are sometimes filled with remorse or rage or love or any number of other emotions. It isn’t what we may think during at times when we are influenced by these emotions, it is how we act upon them.

Thoughts of revenge are natural, acting upon it isn’t, at least for Christians. I have seen women in my day which admittedly made me think of sex with them. But adultery involves lies and deceit and a breaking of vows and dishonoring all a marriage is supposed to hold dear. I am not guilty of all of that simply because I found a woman other than my wife attractive. My wife knows I sometimes find other women attractive. She also knows I would never do anything to act upon that.

For your comment to be accurate, then there would be no need for temptation. Why bother to fight temptation to do anything, if you are already guilty of it simply because the thought crossed your mind?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2011
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Well, I suppose it's similar to how an alcoholic must avoid all drinking, but others can be responsible. I guess I'm especially sensitive given my situation.

My father was a satanist, supposedly turned christian, and he taught me warped values including the practice of many occult things, that we didn't to go to church, and that it was biblically okay. Things like astrology and tarot seemed harmless, and my house was one where he had made a demon summoning portal right in the living room. So I grew up very used to occult involvement, supposed "friendly" spirits etc. I don't know if he legitimately found Christ or was purposely making himself out to be a wolf in sheeps clothing. He signed off on five abortions before me, I didn't even know my mother, only that she cheated on him.

Needless to say when I found out how evil this stuff really was, and how actual demons were hanging around because of it, I realized "you cannot eat the lords table and that of devils."

I suppose I'm going a bit overboard, seeing this stuff everywhere. I am ashamed of my past and I guess setting a lot of self imposed restrictions in my efforts to make up for things.

The lord has given me a tremendous deal to overcome, and I have certainly fallen into a lot of temptations in my day.

The quoted passage about killing and adultery is Jesus's words not mine. "He that looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart." If Jesus isn't telling us to cleanse our thoughts, and polish the inside, not just the outside, then what is meant?
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Apr 24, 2008
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OK, I agree with the "cleans our thoughts" part. I simply see a difference in looking at a woman and leering with images of carnal knowledge flowing through our minds and looking at a woman and thinking her attractive. I have caught myself from time to time wondering what she may be like in bed. But then I just sit there and let her walk on by, because I don't really want to find out.

I can understand where, given the past you mentioned, a game like WoW can easily be a bit too much of a reminder of what your father did. I get that.

Take care of yourself. You, and really none of us, are alone.
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Mar 15, 2011
Marital Status
I've only been play Wow for about a year. Of course, I find it very addicting. It is so rewarding to level and build up my professions. I have about 15 characters (all different classes and professions).

I kept asking myself the same questions over and over.

How does God view my time spent 'in' the game?

What about trying to apply the same vigor to the advancement of 'real' things in life.

I've decided to take a break from the game and redirect my downtime to more constructive things. The urge is still there of course.....

One might give those things some consideration.
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Advocate of Truth
Mar 6, 2011
Marital Status
So I've been playing WoW for around 3 and a half years now, it has given me no problems and I have remained in the church RARELY missing it for 2 and a half years. Now recently I have began to be under fire by the church for playing WoW and games similar to it. I have fired romans 14 at them and a few other things but nothing seems to work. They seem gung-ho to make me quit my gaming hobby. (I spend about 1 1/2 hours a day playing on average) It has had no effect on grades, little to no effect on family. But is it really a sin to play? I've never thought so until my church started breathing down my neck about it, but I'd like to see what some of you have to say. Thanks! :)

Not a sin to play, not in and of itself. However, it can take the place of more important things, and then would be a sin. Myself, I gave up playing all MMORPGs because their play style is designed to be addictive rather than fun. Every time I played an MMORPG I would eventually find myself doing painfully boring things in the game to advance my character and no other reason.

Remember: some games are specifically designed to be addictive (rather than fun). It may not be a sin to play them, but it is at least flirting with danger.
5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted |
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Take heart
Jan 12, 2011
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John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Matthew 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light."

Matthew 6:23 "But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

Isaiah 5:20 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Go on blackle, not google because it shows some sort of pagan image today -_-

Type in wow sacrifice, you will see something thay says in the first link, wow demonic sacrifice.

Leviticus 17:7 "They must no longer offer any of their sacrifices to the goat idols to whom they prostitute themselves. This is to be a lasting ordinance for them and for the generations to come."

You say you play WoW daily for 90 minutes, that is 630 minutes or about 10 1/2 hours a week that you spend playing something God hates.

Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

If you brought Jesus into your room and you had him sit there for 90 minutes watching you play that, do you think he would say "Good job faithful servant, your living for Christ and doing my will, your making the world a better place."

This again goes to the theory of relativity,

You can have a person who is 4 feet tall and a person who is 6 feet tall.

If you compare them, the 6 foot person will be known as the taller one, it is relative however because if you compare them to a 7 foot person they will be the shorter one.

Again, if you compare 1$ to $1,000 dollars then you will have more money, but you will have next to nothing compared to $1,000,000,000 dollars and so fourth.

This applies to morals as well, let me elaborate on this theory...

If you say everything is permissible,

1 Corinthians 10:23 ""Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive."

Romans 3:6 "Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world?"

Again we see the verse that says not everyone who just says Lord, Lord will enter heaven but only those who do the will of the Father in heaven.

Because you give yourself permission to do something the Church feels is evil, you are not listening to the Church authority and you are creating a foothold for the devil to control your life, because WoW has many demoninc things.

God is real, God is not some fake joke, it is not some joke people play and they are like, okay now were are just going to see how deprived we can make you.

1 Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

He is like a lion! He wants to kill and destroy like the thief! He wants to grab a hold of you and choke every bit of life out of you, he wants to take everything away from you!

John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Matthew 10:16 "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

If you are too busy with WoW, you will fail to see the world turning into a cess pool of demonic activity, there is a famine of the word of God

Amos 8:11 "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD, "when I will send a famine through the land--not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD."

The days are coming when,

Isaiah 3:6 "A man will seize one of his brothers at his father's home, and say, "You have a cloak, you be our leader; take charge of this heap of ruins!"

God is calling out to people all around the world! No one wants to step up and be a leader! They say you have a cloak, lead us!

We have stone prophets, we have people asking if fairies exist, we have people asking about other ways to Jesus, we have people living in sin and approving it.

Romans 1:32 "Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."

John 14:6 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

All have sinned, all fall short of the glory of God, if I said that no one ever sinned I would be a liar, but you can see that your sin will lead to death, I hope you can, it will lead down into the grave.

The gates are wide that lead to hell, you will see people flocking to them, you will see people pushing and shoving eachother, rushing into the gates of hell.

There is more to life then feeling good and getting enough food, God is a loving God who provides true life, the theif comes to steal, John 1:16 says we get one gift after another from God, God is a giver, not a taker and he wants to give us true life but when you stunt your spiritual growth by drinking poison and exposing yourself to sin you are really taking away from all that you could be.

If you want to be great, simply obey God and have faith in Christ, people are made in the image of God, they have so much potential to do many great things, things beyond anything the mind can fathom

1 Corinthians 2:9 "However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--"

It is so simple! Just let God be God and stop doing things that destroy yourself, we could all be a nation of priests and kings if you just stop doing things that destroy yourself.

Exodus 19:6 "you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites."

God wants to wipe us clean from the decaying, rotten sinful world and life we have once known.

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

Your Church loves you, that is love.

1 Corinthians 10:7 "Do not be idolaters, as some of them were; as it is written: "The people sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in pagan revelry."

1 Corinthians 10:8 "We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did--and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died."

1 Corinthians 10:9 "We should not test the Lord, as some of them did--and were killed by snakes."

1 Corinthians 10:10 "And do not grumble, as some of them did--and were killed by the destroying angel."

1 Corinthians 10:11 "These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come."

Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
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Jul 4, 2009
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It most definitely is, according to the Bible. When ever you are not sure, remember that the axiom for the Christian is, What would Jesus do? Jesus would never play a game that magic, familiar spirits, demons, killing in raids, and socery are an integral component of all game play. Even the clothes are enchanted with magical forces at higher levels. I have seen players yell at their children to go away while playing, I have seen divorce and loss of jobs due to the addictive quality of this game. I remember one quest a player had to do was to give poisoned food to an innocent dog on the Horde area, and then you see the dog die in agony. Anyone who tells you that Jesus (who is our example in how to live our lives) would play this game, neither knows Him nor the word. Remember the first epistle of John 2:4 "He that saith he knoweth him (Christ) and keepeth not His commandment is a liar and the truth is not in him." One of God's commandments is to behold that which is good and noble and pure. In Wow, what one beholds is killing, sorcery and wickedness. Paul tells us that it is written, by beholding we become changed. Let no one decieve you dear brother, playing World of Warcraft is a sin, and grieves the Holy Spirit.
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