Is it ok to remain single forever


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Nov 7, 2020
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That’s true given my history and emotional problems I face I think I’ve decided that I don’t want to be in a relationship. They seem so complicated to me I don’t know maybe it’s just me
I would say to you that when you meet the right person, you will just know, and you will want a relationship and to get married. So until you haven't met him, you will feel like you don't want a relationship. This is what I personally experienced, and also for the guy who loved me.
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Nov 7, 2020
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In the beginning, God said that man should not be alone, even though Adam had fellowship with God! But He made Eve, and He said it was very good. I believe that what Paul was stating in the NT about being single was his own opinion, for the Bible says that if one lusts one should get married, and who hasn't lusted? We see what happens with the Catholic priests when that becomes a law. So, I personally think it's an extremely rare calling to be single. As a woman if you don't get married, you will find that you will be taken advantage of many times, and you will be vulnerable to all kinds of things. I talk from experience. A husband is your covering and protection. Of course, marriages can turn out awful, too, and be abusive. But I believe, all in all, that pretty much everyone was destined to have a soulmate on earth. I would just pray for God's Will to be done.. As I said, when you meet the right person, you will just know, and you will just change your mind naturally and organically, and it will be the right timing.
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Mar 9, 2020
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Some people say you need to get married before you reach a certain age and I’m almost 29 and I still don’t have anybody.

No better person besides yourself can answer that. Are you okay with remaining single forever?

If you're fine, it doesn't matter what others think. What's "normal" isn't always right. It's more important to focus on how you want to live your life. And for whatever decision you make, be prepared for its pros and cons. There is no right or wrong to this subject.

Is it in God’s plan for everybody to find someone or is it ok to be single as long as you live?

I wouldn't say it's up to God's plan. Technically you can marry off to the closest random desperate man this very same day. I hope you see what I'm getting at.. Fret not, it's really up to you.
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Sir Robbins

Waiting for Fall
Sep 28, 2012
Saint Augustine, FL
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St. Paul says it is preferrable to be single and celebate
you do realize that he was speaking to the town of Corinth during a time of great chaos, not in general, right?

I mean, one could argue the world today is in great chaos and could very well be relevant today but too many people take those verses out of context and apply it as a generalization. It's preferable if you chose to live a life dedicated to Christ as being with another can be of great distraction.

With that being said, many benefit from a partner.

Example: singles don't like going to church alone. A partner can make them feel more comfortable about church and making connections there. A partner can be witness to them in times of pain, trouble and suffering where us singles are alone. I remember being in the hospital after my kidneys failed in 2012. I never had a visitor in the 4 days I was in. :(

Being partnered allows one to be known deeply by another. Of course, many will argue you can have that kind of friendship without being married to experience this but for men, that is a near impossibility. Women are just better at intimacy in any aspect.
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Oct 26, 2022
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There are a ton of pros and cons to being single. This is not an all inclusive list. I'm just basing this on my own experiences and life lessons from other people I've gained a little bit from.

Pros: You can set your own schedule more or less. You can do whatever you feel like (within reasonable, legal, spiritual, moral and ethical limits of course). You don't have to worry about someone snooping on you. No worries about heartbreak. You may or may NOT have children to worry about.

Cons: You are lonely all the time. Nobody to help you during the really difficult times. If you do have kids? It so much harder to deal with as a single parent. Nobody to hang out with on a rainy day. Nobody to hug you all the time. Nobody to kiss goodnight. Crying into bucket of ice cream. Crying yourself to sleep instead of having someone to help you through it.

When I was younger? I had all the typical fears and then some more stacked on top of the usual fears. Fears like "am I going to please her?" and I'm not just talking about in the bedroom but in all aspects of a relationship. Other fears like compatibility in a world run amok with social justice, etc.... "is/was she really a man" was a personal worry of mine that came up. Political differences, spiritual differences, other "wedge issues" to quote Lisa Simpson. Am I going to find this person very attractive in more ways than the obvious? Am I going to want to be with this person long term?

Now that I am 32 and suffer from something that may be life threatening? I have wondered if I wasted all the time I was given by GOD. I used to be so thankful to GOD for protecting me from intimacy and children and other things that gave me so much anxiety. Did I really make the right choice to be alone? I'm not gonna lie. I deeply regret not having someone special but then again, I had no way of knowing this was going to happen to me.

There are of course pros and cons to being with someone, as well.
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