Ideas on repentance to stop corona virus (Coronavirus)

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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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I am taking some liberty in this forum to bounce some ideas I have about the current state of America in regards to the coronavirus and other happenings. Several years ago, I posted some threads concerning a hurricane in SW Florida. That incident, has furthered my thoughts on other chastisements or what allows the devil to come in with evil.

The current situation we are in shows we have a loving God. Plagues and economic collapse (will also come, sooner or later), are going to be used to show the arrogance of man. Doing nothing and allowing people to go on without disruption would be unloving. Chastening is an act of love. As I see it, there are three idols that are involved.

First, there is an idol of government. People look to and expect the government to be able to perform all sorts of tasks that really are the churches and ultimately should come from God. So instead of looking to God, many have been trained to only look to government. The role of government is far expanded, yet ultimately, without God, it is doomed to fail. Katrina should have shown us this in America.

The second idol, many may be guilty of is their over-reliance and faith is in modern health care. America spends more on health care than the tithe, 17.7 percent of all spending in the USA goes to health care. Yet, it can not ultimately save you, only God can do that. There is nothing wrong with a Christian that prays and ultimately uses modern medicine to enhance their health care. The problem is we are leaving God too far out of the equation. At one point in my life, I was attending an Assembly of God church. One day I saw the announcement of a speaker, a medical doctor, that was coming to speak on how to deal with your chronic pain. Now I know the church meant well and probably the speaker was able to help some with their issues. However, as I had never seen this church do much in laying on of hands or annointing the sick with oil, to me it seemed out of balance. (I am not saying AOG churches are poor, I currently attend a different AOG now. One that is very aggressive on turning to God for healing and the word of faith message)

If you are familiar with the likes of Hagin (Sr. especially) you should recall how he would talk about how he would thwart the devils attacks on his and other family members healing. He would stay up all night praying, praising and confessing scriptures; knocking the devil back down on something that was trying to attack him. You know, praying through something) At one point in my life, I wondered why bother when you could just go and perhaps get a round of antibiotics and be well with very little hassle. I mulled this for perhaps a year. The answer I got was..BECAUSE you need victories over small illnesses in preparation and faith for others that might come along that may not be so easily thwarted by modern medicine. I have since repented. It is best to put God (along with a healing believing church) first for health care, using modern medicine as needed. Yes, God uses modern medicine but it NEVER should replace God.

The third disturbing trend has been the over-emphasis on globalization. Many have been defining themselves as "world citizens," and most of us have been taught to lean toward an approach that is not too unlike the builders of the tower of Babel. I have to think on this more, but no doubt we have entire learning curriculums that overstate the benefits of globalization and understate the risks. The truth about such dependencies is now beginning to come about, not too mention the human rights, environmental and other abuses of some of those countries we depend on.

The protection of God, such as found in the verses of Psalm 91 are valid but conditional. You have to dwell in the secret place, not just visit it. Worse, many have God completely out of their lives, mocking etc. Since we (many of us) have ignored spiritual things, God is going to use upcoming calamity to get our attention. Of course I do believe in prosperity, healing and deliverance from the evil things to come. "The afflictions of the righteous are many but the Lord delivers us out of them all." A great scripture for believers, but afflictions sure can persist in those that are turned from God. I know that there are those that prophesying peace and safety, that this is the year of mercy. Perhaps they are right, but as many have become deaf to God, is he going to stop all disruptions in our lives as so many are out of bounds? We certainly may be inconvenienced for the sake of the kingdom.

No doubt there are other areas where America needs to repent. Sins in regards to immorality and addictions are often discussed. I only elaborate on the 3 mentioned as I believe they are highly related to the Coronavirus. Thus, far the world is not talking about coming back to God, rather they seek a magical halt to the virus, a possible vaccine, a V shaped economic recovery and the likes. It could be that easy, but this is more than likely a full out battle on many fronts (economic, plagues and other disasters) and it is likely to get worse. (The locusts in Africa are just one of the other things that is currently ongoing). You may think again, how negative this all is, but instead think on how sweet repentance is and what a large harvest there can be. It seems prudent to plan for the long haul, casting your cares on the Lord daily and being all the more aware of the Holy Spirit's guidance.

As to the latter, I recall another saint in the word of faith movement Bill Basansky, who in writing about being led by the Holy Spirit, said that once God told him not to stay at a particular motel. He did not know why, but had a check in his spirit and obeyed. Only later he discovered that there were deaths from a gas leak there. In the OKC bombing, there were several great Christian testimonies, my favorite being the women who said God told her to stay home that day. The time to be sober and led of the spirit is now. Do it with your finances, health, relationships, jobs, etc. Admittedly, we should always have been doing this, but if you are like me, we let in a bit of leaven and now we got to press in all the more.

I humbly submit this thread for consideration and welcome comments.
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I am taking some liberty in this forum to bounce some ideas I have about the current state of America in regards to the coronavirus and other happenings. Several years ago, I posted some threads concerning a hurricane in SW Florida. That incident, has furthered my thoughts on other chastisements or what allows the devil to come in with evil.

The current situation we are in shows we have a loving God. Plagues and economic collapse (will also come, sooner or later), are going to be used to show the arrogance of man. Doing nothing and allowing people to go on without disruption would be unloving. Chastening is an act of love. As I see it, there are three idols that are involved.

First, there is an idol of government. People look to and expect the government to be able to perform all sorts of tasks that really are the churches and ultimately should come from God. So instead of looking to God, many have been trained to only look to government. The role of government is far expanded, yet ultimately, without God, it is doomed to fail. Katrina should have shown us this in America.

The second idol, many may be guilty of is their over-reliance and faith is in modern health care. America spends more on health care than the tithe, 17.7 percent of all spending in the USA goes to health care. Yet, it can not ultimately save you, only God can do that. There is nothing wrong with a Christian that prays and ultimately uses modern medicine to enhance their health care. The problem is we are leaving God too far out of the equation. At one point in my life, I was attending an Assembly of God church. One day I saw the announcement of a speaker, a medical doctor, that was coming to speak on how to deal with your chronic pain. Now I know the church meant well and probably the speaker was able to help some with their issues. However, as I had never seen this church do much in laying on of hands or annointing the sick with oil, to me it seemed out of balance. (I am not saying AOG churches are poor, I currently attend a different AOG now. One that is very aggressive on turning to God for healing and the word of faith message)

If you are familiar with the likes of Hagin (Sr. especially) you should recall how he would talk about how he would thwart the devils attacks on his and other family members healing. He would stay up all night praying, praising and confessing scriptures; knocking the devil back down on something that was trying to attack him. You know, praying through something) At one point in my life, I wondered why bother when you could just go and perhaps get a round of antibiotics and be well with very little hassle. I mulled this for perhaps a year. The answer I got was..BECAUSE you need victories over small illnesses in preparation and faith for others that might come along that may not be so easily thwarted by modern medicine. I have since repented. It is best to put God (along with a healing believing church) first for health care, using modern medicine as needed. Yes, God uses modern medicine but it NEVER should replace God.

The third disturbing trend has been the over-emphasis on globalization. Many have been defining themselves as "world citizens," and most of us have been taught to lean toward an approach that is not too unlike the builders of the tower of Babel. I have to think on this more, but no doubt we have entire learning curriculums that overstate the benefits of globalization and understate the risks. The truth about such dependencies is now beginning to come about, not too mention the human rights, environmental and other abuses of some of those countries we depend on.

The protection of God, such as found in the verses of Psalm 91 are valid but conditional. You have to dwell in the secret place, not just visit it. Worse, many have God completely out of their lives, mocking etc. Since we (many of us) have ignored spiritual things, God is going to use upcoming calamity to get our attention. Of course I do believe in prosperity, healing and deliverance from the evil things to come. "The afflictions of the righteous are many but the Lord delivers us out of them all." A great scripture for believers, but afflictions sure can persist in those that are turned from God. I know that there are those that prophesying peace and safety, that this is the year of mercy. Perhaps they are right, but as many have become deaf to God, is he going to stop all disruptions in our lives as so many are out of bounds? We certainly may be inconvenienced for the sake of the kingdom.

No doubt there are other areas where America needs to repent. Sins in regards to immorality and addictions are often discussed. I only elaborate on the 3 mentioned as I believe they are highly related to the Coronavirus. Thus, far the world is not talking about coming back to God, rather they seek a magical halt to the virus, a possible vaccine, a V shaped economic recovery and the likes. It could be that easy, but this is more than likely a full out battle on many fronts (economic, plagues and other disasters) and it is likely to get worse. (The locusts in Africa are just one of the other things that is currently ongoing). You may think again, how negative this all is, but instead think on how sweet repentance is and what a large harvest there can be. It seems prudent to plan for the long haul, casting your cares on the Lord daily and being all the more aware of the Holy Spirit's guidance.

As to the latter, I recall another saint in the word of faith movement Bill Basansky, who in writing about being led by the Holy Spirit, said that once God told him not to stay at a particular motel. He did not know why, but had a check in his spirit and obeyed. Only later he discovered that there were deaths from a gas leak there. In the OKC bombing, there were several great Christian testimonies, my favorite being the women who said God told her to stay home that day. The time to be sober and led of the spirit is now. Do it with your finances, health, relationships, jobs, etc. Admittedly, we should always have been doing this, but if you are like me, we let in a bit of leaven and now we got to press in all the more.

I humbly submit this thread for consideration and welcome comments.
Jesus commanded us to keep watching. China has turned back the virus epidemic through quarantine law and medical research. Research is difficult work. Who can endure it?
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Richard T

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Yes, I have read China has helped themselves through some tough restrictions. There also was a Wall Street journal Article on the Spanish Flu. In that flu pandemic there were cities like St Louis that had half as many cases because they took greater preventive measures. I should be clearer that government and health care/research work does have a role, but ultimately we need to look to God for answers.
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Tolworth John

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The protection of God, such as found in the verses of Psalm 91 are valid but conditional. You have to dwell in the secret place, not just visit it

As God promised, If my people will humble themselve, turn from there wicked ways and pray, then will I hear from heaven and heal heir land.

How do you propose getting hat to happen?
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Richard T

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Great question,
I think that Revelations speaks of this concerning the lukewarm. The first realization has to be that we need a new awakening that in spite of the modern age, the need for God is as great as ever. This will happen as many see modern medicine failing in some areas, the stock market and modern economic policy failing, and governments can not fix everything. (I am sure there are more ways this is occurring as well) All this (and our many other issues) will show how poor we really are and help destroy the arrogance of man. Of course some will harden their hearts like Pharaoh, but many are likely going to realize their error and repent.

I believe God only takes chastening to the level that is required. After 9/11 the churches were packed, but most people did not follow through. The recession of 2008 also had some impact but it too was soon forgotten by many. So now it looks like we are getting another round of chastening even deeper. Those already in Christ will be insulated and can even prosper. Those however, that are lukewarm or unbelieving could get shell-shocked. I think right now most are in denial stage but Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would John 16:8 (KJV)
8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

Romans 13:11-12 (KJV)
11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Revelation 3:17-19 (KJV)

17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
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Just me
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I am taking some liberty in this forum to bounce some ideas I have about the current state of America in regards to the coronavirus and other happenings. Several years ago, I posted some threads concerning a hurricane in SW Florida. That incident, has furthered my thoughts on other chastisements or what allows the devil to come in with evil.

The current situation we are in shows we have a loving God. Plagues and economic collapse (will also come, sooner or later), are going to be used to show the arrogance of man. Doing nothing and allowing people to go on without disruption would be unloving. Chastening is an act of love. As I see it, there are three idols that are involved.

First, there is an idol of government. People look to and expect the government to be able to perform all sorts of tasks that really are the churches and ultimately should come from God. So instead of looking to God, many have been trained to only look to government. The role of government is far expanded, yet ultimately, without God, it is doomed to fail. Katrina should have shown us this in America.

The second idol, many may be guilty of is their over-reliance and faith is in modern health care. America spends more on health care than the tithe, 17.7 percent of all spending in the USA goes to health care. Yet, it can not ultimately save you, only God can do that. There is nothing wrong with a Christian that prays and ultimately uses modern medicine to enhance their health care. The problem is we are leaving God too far out of the equation. At one point in my life, I was attending an Assembly of God church. One day I saw the announcement of a speaker, a medical doctor, that was coming to speak on how to deal with your chronic pain. Now I know the church meant well and probably the speaker was able to help some with their issues. However, as I had never seen this church do much in laying on of hands or annointing the sick with oil, to me it seemed out of balance. (I am not saying AOG churches are poor, I currently attend a different AOG now. One that is very aggressive on turning to God for healing and the word of faith message)

If you are familiar with the likes of Hagin (Sr. especially) you should recall how he would talk about how he would thwart the devils attacks on his and other family members healing. He would stay up all night praying, praising and confessing scriptures; knocking the devil back down on something that was trying to attack him. You know, praying through something) At one point in my life, I wondered why bother when you could just go and perhaps get a round of antibiotics and be well with very little hassle. I mulled this for perhaps a year. The answer I got was..BECAUSE you need victories over small illnesses in preparation and faith for others that might come along that may not be so easily thwarted by modern medicine. I have since repented. It is best to put God (along with a healing believing church) first for health care, using modern medicine as needed. Yes, God uses modern medicine but it NEVER should replace God.

The third disturbing trend has been the over-emphasis on globalization. Many have been defining themselves as "world citizens," and most of us have been taught to lean toward an approach that is not too unlike the builders of the tower of Babel. I have to think on this more, but no doubt we have entire learning curriculums that overstate the benefits of globalization and understate the risks. The truth about such dependencies is now beginning to come about, not too mention the human rights, environmental and other abuses of some of those countries we depend on.

The protection of God, such as found in the verses of Psalm 91 are valid but conditional. You have to dwell in the secret place, not just visit it. Worse, many have God completely out of their lives, mocking etc. Since we (many of us) have ignored spiritual things, God is going to use upcoming calamity to get our attention. Of course I do believe in prosperity, healing and deliverance from the evil things to come. "The afflictions of the righteous are many but the Lord delivers us out of them all." A great scripture for believers, but afflictions sure can persist in those that are turned from God. I know that there are those that prophesying peace and safety, that this is the year of mercy. Perhaps they are right, but as many have become deaf to God, is he going to stop all disruptions in our lives as so many are out of bounds? We certainly may be inconvenienced for the sake of the kingdom.

No doubt there are other areas where America needs to repent. Sins in regards to immorality and addictions are often discussed. I only elaborate on the 3 mentioned as I believe they are highly related to the Coronavirus. Thus, far the world is not talking about coming back to God, rather they seek a magical halt to the virus, a possible vaccine, a V shaped economic recovery and the likes. It could be that easy, but this is more than likely a full out battle on many fronts (economic, plagues and other disasters) and it is likely to get worse. (The locusts in Africa are just one of the other things that is currently ongoing). You may think again, how negative this all is, but instead think on how sweet repentance is and what a large harvest there can be. It seems prudent to plan for the long haul, casting your cares on the Lord daily and being all the more aware of the Holy Spirit's guidance.

As to the latter, I recall another saint in the word of faith movement Bill Basansky, who in writing about being led by the Holy Spirit, said that once God told him not to stay at a particular motel. He did not know why, but had a check in his spirit and obeyed. Only later he discovered that there were deaths from a gas leak there. In the OKC bombing, there were several great Christian testimonies, my favorite being the women who said God told her to stay home that day. The time to be sober and led of the spirit is now. Do it with your finances, health, relationships, jobs, etc. Admittedly, we should always have been doing this, but if you are like me, we let in a bit of leaven and now we got to press in all the more.

I humbly submit this thread for consideration and welcome comments.

I was fairly convinced recently that the coronavirus was God's judgment. However I got a lot of kick back for saying that so I decided to seek the LORD more thoroughly for an answer (using a trusted method), to humble myself before the opinions. After seeking the LORD for a day and a half, I now am lead to believe that the virus has a natural source, not a spiritual one, that it was neither the devil, nor God who sent it.

Which really puts another spin on it around what God would have us do. For if it be a judgement it can not be turned back. If it is not a judgment then it can be prayed through.
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I was fairly convinced recently that the coronavirus was God's judgment. However I got a lot of kick back for saying that so I decided to seek the LORD more thoroughly for an answer (using a trusted method), to humble myself before the opinions. After seeking the LORD for a day and a half, I now am lead to believe that the virus has a natural source, not a spiritual one, that it was neither the devil, nor God who sent it.

Which really puts another spin on it around what God would have us do. For if it be a judgement it can not be turned back. If it is not a judgment then it can be prayed through.

Please do not go here again...

In a thread, which has now gone missing, titled, “Sorry if I caused grief” you wrote the following…

“Hi had previously thought that the coronavirus was God's judgement on sin with a focus on homosexuality. Due to a vision that came to me as I was finishing prayer. However I now am not lead to believe that. The bible says that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. When people came against the idea, I sought the LORD for answers, and using some methods I had in the past I felt that it was truely a judgment. However there was one method I use to seek God that I put more trust in, from which I had not received an answer. So I prayed for around a day and a bit, and asked God to clearly show me the origin of the coronavirus. Was it God's judgment on sin, was it natural, or was it the devil. After seeking Him I now believe that the coronavirus has a natural origin, not a spiritual one.

Sorry @Reborn1977 for doubting you, when you said you did not believe it was a judgement, but I have to get these things from God, I can't just take a person at their word.”

Here is my response to that….

First, let me state it takes courage to do what you have done here, and I applaud you spiritually for correcting your wrong – far too many people would not have.

I thank you for your apology to me personally. Please know for me it was never personal, it was simply a matter of honoring the calling God has given me, which in part as one of His prophetic voices is to make sure I speak out when He is not being represented accurately.

Also for clarity to both the readers and you, a more accurate representation of my words would be that God has/had not declared this virus situation to be a result of His judgement. As of the moment of writing this, from all I know from all the reputable prophetic voices of God, the true prophets and prophetesses of God who hold mantles, God has yet to reveal anything on this matter, He has been silent – at least up to this moment. From experience, I believe His silence is vital because His silence is usually followed by a VERY POWERFUL WORD FOR HIS PEOPLE AND/OR HIS CREATION (THE WORLD).

I would like to encourage you in a few things…pray about doing them…

1. Make sure your post here is posted in every thread where you represented this situation as a judgement from God. When we make spiritual claims, we must realize the many lives we can affect and influence. Your previous words may well have distorted numerous people’s views of God and it is your responsibility before God to try and do all you can to correct that.

2. For the future, if you believe you have prophetic giftings or leanings find an accountability partner, preferably a prophet, to help you weigh the things you believe God to be showing you in the future. None of us are ever beyond the need to learn from another person or be accountable to another person more spiritually mature than ourselves.

3. Reconsider making another claim about the origins of this virus, which you are already doing again in several posts on various threads. You do not have to have an answer for people or yourself. As I stated earlier, as of the moment of writing this, from all I know God has not revealed to His prophets or prophetesses the origin, cause, reason, plan, or anything else regarding this virus – God is currently very silent on this issue, I am sure with reason.

4. Keep in mind when we seek God in prayer let us not be too earnest for an answer – let the answer come in God’s time – otherwise, we are susceptible to believing our own thoughts or even the devil whispers as being God, when it is not.
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The entire world today... is in the age of grace, or the Church Age... meaning that in the New Covenant... God is not judging America, nor the world with this Covid-19 "virus" or any other calamity. The New Covenant is about God’s disposition to LOVE and show mercy and grace. His mercy is now extended to all mankind... and through His (mercy), we avoid getting the bad things... we deserve, and through His (grace), we receive the good things... we don’t deserve. "But" for those who (reject) His love and mercy, (they) will face His wrath and judgment... when He returns.

I believe that the best judgment God has ever made in (our place), is when Jesus, His Son... (willingly) accepted the ultimate judgment, and punishment for the sins of ALL of mankind in the entire world that was executed by Himself as the sacrificial Lamb that started in the Garden and on to the finished works of the cross. On that cross... He took (our place) as the ultimate example of His love for us. He paid the debt that we owed... but could not pay.

All of our sins were imputed, and accountable unto Jesus who became what we were so we could become what He was—the righteousness of God.

I like the comment that Andrew Wommack made, "Jesus was like a lightning rod that drew all the judgment of God unto Himself. He not only bore our sins; He actually became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). In heaven, you won’t answer for your sin; Jesus already has. You will answer for your acceptance, or rejection of Jesus Christ."

I pray this helps...

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Richard T

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I was fairly convinced recently that the coronavirus was God's judgment. However I got a lot of kick back for saying that so I decided to seek the LORD more thoroughly for an answer (using a trusted method), to humble myself before the opinions. After seeking the LORD for a day and a half, I now am lead to believe that the virus has a natural source, not a spiritual one, that it was neither the devil, nor God who sent it.

Which really puts another spin on it around what God would have us do. For if it be a judgement it can not be turned back. If it is not a judgment then it can be prayed through.

Thanks for the clarification. To me everything has a spiritual basis, so I don't buy the virus as just natural. Some catalyst got this going. Why not a spirit of infirmity that got it across species? As to judgement, I am intrigued by how the judgement of Eli's house, found in I Samuel 2, may have parallels with what we are experiencing. It is judgement against the elderly, and it changes the priesthood. Could God use this virus to winnow the church? Some are pretty lukewarm so that would not surprise me. Many churches will go under if their attendance is significantly down, and God might be raising up a new thing to take their place. Just a thought, certainly not set in stone.
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Just me
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Thanks for the clarification. To me everything has a spiritual basis, so I don't buy the virus as just natural. Some catalyst got this going. Why not a spirit of infirmity that got it across species? As to judgement, I am intrigued by how the judgement of Eli's house, found in I Samuel 2, may have parallels with what we are experiencing. It is judgement against the elderly, and it changes the priesthood. Could God use this virus to winnow the church? Some are pretty lukewarm so that would not surprise me. Many churches will go under if their attendance is significantly down, and God might be raising up a new thing to take their place. Just a thought, certainly not set in stone.


People on this forum are going to think I am an idiot. Because I keep swinging from one opinion to another. But it did not sit well with me either that the virus was "purely natural", it may have had a natural origin. So I have continued to seek God, continually praying. Because the opinions of man can sway our direction. I am more inclined to think, that regardless of the origin of the virus be it from a natural source or not, the devil has been given power to use it, and I would say by God, for the purpose of executing His plan, and judgements in the earth.
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Richard T

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People on this forum are going to think I am an idiot. Because I keep swinging from one opinion to another. But it did not sit well with me either that the virus was "purely natural", it may have had a natural origin. So I have continued to seek God, continually praying. Because the opinions of man can sway our direction. I am more inclined to think, that regardless of the origin of the virus be it from a natural source or not, the devil has been given power to use it, and I would say by God, for the purpose of executing His plan, and judgements in the earth.
As I too am evolving in my take on this virus situation, I can only hope that most people are open and humble to seek God. There is so much that is unknown, extremely little prophecy about it beforehand, though there is some prophecy now that suggests it will be short-lived. Anyway, you never can go wrong in seeking God about a matter.
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Devoted to Jesus - Less of me MORE of HIM
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People on this forum are going to think I am an idiot. Because I keep swinging from one opinion to another. But it did not sit well with me either that the virus was "purely natural", it may have had a natural origin. So I have continued to seek God, continually praying. Because the opinions of man can sway our direction. I am more inclined to think, that regardless of the origin of the virus be it from a natural source or not, the devil has been given power to use it, and I would say by God, for the purpose of executing His plan, and judgements in the earth.
God does not contradict Himself. God is not wishy-washy. Therefore, if a person is hearing God tell them one day that Covid-19 is His judgment, then another day hearing God tell him that Covid-19 has its origins in a natural cause, then on yet another day hearing God stating no it is My judgment on homosexuality, that can't be God, God doesn't work that way and He doesn't contradict Himself that way or at all. Someone hearing all of these contradictory voices would be wise to seek a more mature Christians help and refrain from sharing what they are hearing because something is wrong with their ability to hear from God. And other people would be wise not to take that person's comments as anything from God.
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now faith

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God does not contradict Himself. God is not wishy-washy. Therefore, if a person is hearing God tell them one day that Covid-19 is His judgment, then another day hearing God tell him that Covid-19 has its origins in a natural cause, then on yet another day hearing God stating no it is My judgment on homosexuality, that can't be God, God doesn't work that way and He doesn't contradict Himself that way or at all. Someone hearing all of these contradictory voices would be wise to seek a more mature Christians help and refrain from sharing what they are hearing because something is wrong with their ability to hear from God. And other people would be wise not to take that person's comments as anything from God.

The world is under a great delusion.
If this virus was only in America,I would believe for another reason.
The World is being sifted as tares from wheat,Paul's prophecy from 2nd
Thessalonians has begun.
America was given a Judge restore this nation and the World back to God.
Our time today remains in the same pattern as we are told in the Book of Judges.
The Bloodlust of Gods people who have turned a blind eye,shows us many have fallen back to their Idols.
We now will witness the end of the Church age.

2 Thessalonians 2: 1. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Timothy 3: 1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.
Gods Children those who were redeemed by the blood of Christ,
stand and watch events unfold of which they cannot understand.
We praised God we were given a man of God to restore us.
We that are in the Body have evanglised the World.
Knowledge has vastly increased,Gods Spirit has been poured out to those who would know Him.
It has begun.
The great day of the Lord no man knows that day,but just as we see seasons change a new Spirit is coming.
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baggage apostate
Aug 20, 2006
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Yes in this age of grace God has always permitted all circumstances to teach and warn the church first, the world after.

As the midnight cry draws near, it will be harder for believers to buy oil, namely receive Holy Spirit prudence and power for caring, who weren't already in the habit of doing so.

A little folding of the hands!

The congregations and preachers who deceived me with their triumphalism had abandoned the long-established teaching in the churches that Christ called believers to ongoing repentance and intercession. This is still apparently contained in the Bible but they mentally take it away from God's words and teach millions who are smaller than themselves, to take away from His word.

Jesus is going to ask believers questions. Before He addresses outsiders.

In the OT, the Amorites, Moabites, Israel (10 tribes), Samaritans - were supposed to be the moral outcasts and God is constantly confronting the "church" of the time with outsiders (whether in small * or large numbers) better than themselves.

In turn Jonah, a triumphalist prophet of the triumphalist Jeroboam II, went reluctantly to Nineveh. Does not Jesus say Nineveh will sit in judgment?

Catholics got it wrong. No, protestants got it wrong. Non-pentecostals got it wrong? Word of faith got it wrong?

Yes, we all did, some of the time.

* We all need to be Mamre, Aner & Eshcol to our brother.
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The world is under a great delusion.
If this virus was only in America,I would believe for another reason.
The World is being sifted as tares from wheat,Paul's prophecy from 2nd
Thessalonians has begun.
America was given a Judge restore this nation and the World back to God.
Our time today remains in the same pattern as we are told in the Book of Judges.
The Bloodlust of Gods people who have turned a blind eye,shows us many have fallen back to their Idols.
We now will witness the end of the Church age.

2 Thessalonians 2: 1. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Timothy 3: 1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.
Gods Children those who were redeemed by the blood of Christ,
stand and watch events unfold of which they cannot understand.
We praised God we were given a man of God to restore us.
We that are in the Body have evanglised the World.
Knowledge has vastly increased,Gods Spirit has been poured out to those who would know Him.
It has begun.
The great day of the Lord no man knows that day,but just as we see seasons change a new Spirit is coming.

God has made no declarations about this virus to His TRUE prophets and prophetesses. As of this moment, He has been silent, without a doubt He has His reasons.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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God has made no declarations about this virus to His TRUE prophets and prophetesses. As of this moment, He has been silent, without a doubt He has His reasons.

It has nothing to do with the virus.
We are witnessing as never before evil over whelming Christianity.

Who are His true Prophets?
Is Gods word of private interpretation?
Do Seers become the only voice of God; Does the Holy Spirit who is God give them knowledge outside of Gods living Word?
Are all Dreams and Visions given by God?

Does it take a Prophet to see what is evident in the Body of Christ?

I would love to speak with you knowing you are beloved of God.
There are no backhanded statements given I am sincere.
God Bless
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Devoted to Jesus - Less of me MORE of HIM
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It has nothing to do with the virus.
We are witnessing as never before evil over whelming Christianity.

What is the "it" you refer to that has nothing to do with the virus? Your post? Sure seemed like it was about the virus.

Evil is great in the world this true, but I do not believe it is overwhelming Christianity - as the Scripture says that nothing overcomes the Church aka Body of Christ.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
Word of Faith
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God has made no declarations about this virus to His TRUE prophets and prophetesses. As of this moment, He has been silent, without a doubt He has His reasons.

It has nothing to do with the virus.
We are witnessing as never before evil over whelming Christianity
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