• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...


Active Member
Jun 27, 2021
United States
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Wow. Just...wow.

I reached out via this forum because I was looking to connect with a human, not a biblical story, who has been where I have been.

Instead, I found "Christians" who make me think of the European explorers who wanted to bring salvation to the new world heathens.

1. Before you offer Godly advice, pray. Ask God what you should say to the person looking for help.

2. You never know what God told someone to do or not do. Obviously, he won't contradict the bible. Other than that, you are not there 24/7 to say that God did or didn't say something to that person.

3. If you speak from anything other than the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 4 - 8, I am pretty sure you're not speaking from God.

4. For those who condemn/mock/belittle: When did God ever do that? Aren't Christians supposed to be examples and representatives of God/Christ here on earth? Where do you see God's example that makes you think it is okay to act that way?

So many "Christians" seem to miss the point. If God wouldn't condemn while he himself was robed in flesh, how can you?

After this post, I'm out. I came here looking to be encouraged. To those who offered it, I thank you. To those who meant well, I thank you. To the other 85%, I would suggest you pray and ask God to show you what you could have done differently to be a better representative of him the next time around. You never want to be the person that interacts with someone only to have that person leave you and say, "Whatever God that person claims to serve, I want no part of."

I have decided to just deal with it and make do with what I do have and wait for God to play it out. Ultimately, God will do whatever he wants anyway. Goodbye!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
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I did cheat. I was horrible. The thing I struggle with is this punishment is like 7 years AFTER having the epiphany that I need to be a better man and making the changes necessary. I had a little girl come into my life that made me realize that I need to be a better man and that relationship motivated me to make those changes and grow in leaps and bounds. Why would God need to put me with this Gomer 7 years after making the changes in my life?
Thank you for reading my post. I appreciate you are interested in what I have to say & are wanting to hear different people’s perspectives.

The simple answer is growth takes time. I’ve been waiting since middle school to get into an enjoyable relationship period. Everytime I think I’m ready, I’m not. You probably weren’t ready as you thought you were. I won’t pretend to know anything about what motivates people to cheat, but did you make her feel loved? How do you know she felt that?
I don't hop into relationships. I knew this woman for years. We hung out completely platonic for like 8 months before I relented to God's pushing me towards this woman who I thought was physically ugly. EVERY woman, date, EVERYTHING gets thorough prayer before I move in whatever direction I believe God wants me to go in.
Okay, that’s good to know. I’m happy to hear that for you: I definitely think you’re making progress. Remember tho: 8 months isn’t that long.

I do find it interesting you believe you were being pushed to her, especially you may’ve otherwise not been interested in her at all. But see my question above. Being pushed has to be sustained.
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Repartee Animal: Quipping the Saints!
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Jul 25, 2005
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I reached out via this forum because I was looking to connect with a human, not a biblical story, who has been where I have been.
When David was where you are, he wrote Psalm 51.
Create In Me A Clean Heart, Keith Green (1984)
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Still Love This Movie
Sep 30, 2004
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So here is what you do. Go right now and ask God if the dream was really from him. Ask him to show you his meaning of the dream and what you are supposed to do with the dream's info. Maybe it's not the rapture as you think, but it's God's symbolism for something else. Ask him. Another thing, the numbers might be symbolism too. Ask him. You ever notice how numbers in the bible are nearly always associated with the same idea repeatedly? Like nearly every 40 has something to do with a trial of some sort? Maybe it's not a literal 26? If the rapture really does happen in 26 days, then it was really from God and it was literal. If that ends up being the case, he told you for a reason. I hope you do what he wanted you to do with that info.
I am so sorry to let yo know..but Jesus told me in my dream that you not invited.....I am so sorry.
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Sep 28, 2018
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When David was where you are, he wrote Psalm 51.
Create In Me A Clean Heart, Keith Green (1984)

He already admitted his faults and his wrongs.

If we don't show empathy with a brother in hard times and be judgemental, we'd be like Job's friends.
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Jun 11, 2021
College Park
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I think I misunderstood you. Are you saying the dream that I had in September of '22 that told me in March of '23 a specific person would contact me on a specific date is not of God? That's not vague like psychics. That was exact!

So... if you haven't spoken to your brother in over a year and get a dream that God tells you he will contact you on 6/9/23 & he does indeed contact you on that date that the dream is a "delusion sent from God"?

I understand that God and God alone is omniscient. Not the Devil, not any man nor any "being". If that is true, how can I end up expecting a specific event to happen 6 months before it actually does? That sure didn't come from me! I attribute that to God. 100%!
I’ve had dreams like your dreams. I will dream something and the next day the exact event happen, with the same people. I have other dreams that are warning dreams.

When we dream dreams in this way, it’s because we are filled with the Spirit of God. This filling causes some difficulty though; we become subject to Satan’s attacks because Satan is more jealous of those who God has blessed being filled with His Spirit. This causes us to become angry at God because we have not yet learned to seek God’s guidance with our dreams. God is trying to get you to turn to Him for His guidance before acting on your dreams. There might be more He wants you to know!

The Bible says in Act 2:17 KJV, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:” Also Joel 2:28 KJV.

Your dreams are a blessing, but if we don’t walk in meekness with a humble spirit before God, we open ourselves up for attack.

I would suggest praying to God about your dreams, asking God for guidance and clarification! He expects us to get angry because He knows our flesh is weak and needs His strength. He’s making you strong in your inner man.

In Ephesians 5:26 KJV, we are told to be angry and sin not. We can be angry at God; however we tell God about it and ask Him to help us let it go.

Job was angry and God was not angry at him. He said in Job 40:6-9KJV,
6 “Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,”
7 “Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.”
8 “Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous? “
9 “Hast thou an arm like God? or canst thou thunder with a voice like him? “

Job’s situation was turned around when he prayed for his friends. We are told to also pray for those who despitefully use us, Matthew 5:44 KJV, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”

God Has blessed work for you to do, so try and see that through your trials, He’s growing you up in the Spirit. Read your Bible, and pray for revelation!

May He bless you mightily!
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
North Platte
United States
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Wow. Just...wow.

I reached out via this forum because I was looking to connect with a human, not a biblical story, who has been where I have been.

Instead, I found "Christians" who make me think of the European explorers who wanted to bring salvation to the new world heathens.

1. Before you offer Godly advice, pray. Ask God what you should say to the person looking for help.

2. You never know what God told someone to do or not do. Obviously, he won't contradict the bible. Other than that, you are not there 24/7 to say that God did or didn't say something to that person.

3. If you speak from anything other than the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 4 - 8, I am pretty sure you're not speaking from God.

4. For those who condemn/mock/belittle: When did God ever do that? Aren't Christians supposed to be examples and representatives of God/Christ here on earth? Where do you see God's example that makes you think it is okay to act that way?

So many "Christians" seem to miss the point. If God wouldn't condemn while he himself was robed in flesh, how can you?

After this post, I'm out. I came here looking to be encouraged. To those who offered it, I thank you. To those who meant well, I thank you. To the other 85%, I would suggest you pray and ask God to show you what you could have done differently to be a better representative of him the next time around. You never want to be the person that interacts with someone only to have that person leave you and say, "Whatever God that person claims to serve, I want no part of."

I have decided to just deal with it and make do with what I do have and wait for God to play it out. Ultimately, God will do whatever he wants anyway. Goodbye!
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Jun 23, 2023
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I am really looking for someone who has been led by God into a period of just bad things. I want your experience as encouragement for me to keep going. I'm out of gas with these past seven years. I know there are many stories in the Bible where God says something good or provides instruction only to have the main character's life seemingly fall to pieces. Eventually, the story sees God's word fulfilled and the main character come back. I am looking for someone in real life though. Anyone?
Do you want me to tell you my story?
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
North Platte
United States
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Wow. Just...wow.

I reached out via this forum because I was looking to connect with a human, not a biblical story, who has been where I have been.

Instead, I found "Christians" who make me think of the European explorers who wanted to bring salvation to the new world heathens.

1. Before you offer Godly advice, pray. Ask God what you should say to the person looking for help.

2. You never know what God told someone to do or not do. Obviously, he won't contradict the bible. Other than that, you are not there 24/7 to say that God did or didn't say something to that person.

3. If you speak from anything other than the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 4 - 8, I am pretty sure you're not speaking from God.

4. For those who condemn/mock/belittle: When did God ever do that? Aren't Christians supposed to be examples and representatives of God/Christ here on earth? Where do you see God's example that makes you think it is okay to act that way?

So many "Christians" seem to miss the point. If God wouldn't condemn while he himself was robed in flesh, how can you?

After this post, I'm out. I came here looking to be encouraged. To those who offered it, I thank you. To those who meant well, I thank you. To the other 85%, I would suggest you pray and ask God to show you what you could have done differently to be a better representative of him the next time around. You never want to be the person that interacts with someone only to have that person leave you and say, "Whatever God that person claims to serve, I want no part of."

I have decided to just deal with it and make do with what I do have and wait for God to play it out. Ultimately, God will do whatever he wants anyway. Goodbye!
I am not even saying the dream was not of GOD I was just saying GOD didn't tell you to go out and fornicate with these different women. Ever thought maybe HE was telling you to stay away from these women? It has always been my understanding man cant perceive what the visions and dreams he gives man. The interpretation when comes from GOD has to be interpreted by a man of GOD. I am not judging in any shape or form, I am the last one to judge, for in my days you couldn't come close to my sins. But I have learned from my sins and of the ripe age of 62 learned a thing or 2. Not a single person can say they have not fallen short we all have, some more egregious than others but they are still sin. Those who think they are holier than thou make the worse of them. I may be crude in speech and may come across wrong at times but I admit when I do make mistakes.
I just don't think GOD tells anyone to break a law, saying that; I believe if from GOD and I have no way of knowing 1 way or the other, you have 1st hand knowledge to know, not I or anyone else, I am just saying you mis interpreted what HE was telling you to do. The way you were wording things to me sounded like you were blaming GOD for things you did . I mean you cant blame GOD for like I said if HE did send you prophetic dreams, for mis interpreting them. If you know GOD by reading HIS word; I have never read HIM or even heard of HIM in 62 years telling someone to do that. I feel you would know HE would not tell you to do that in some way. Maybe you do and why you seeking clarification or even edification, dont know but you do.
If things keep going off the rail it is sure thing that something is not right, wouldn't you agree? Sounds like you are full of guilt and are miserable I know how that feels and wouldn't wish on anyone. So next best thing I would do, is stop everything making me feel that way reevaluate the situation. It sounds like that was what you were attempting by coming here. But coming to Christian site and right off the bat blame GOD for your woes was wrong thing to do because if many are like me I take offense to that to people who blame GOD. I am Zealous for GOD and HIS scripture and although I am far from perfect I stride to be and don't want to see any of my brothers and sisters do the same egregious mistakes I have done.
I will be honest this social site stuff is new to me I havent been doing it but a little over a year. Never cared much for it but now being retired and seeing so many lost have felt the need to help in some small way and when I come across as offending, especially my Christian brothers and sister it bothers me until somehow I clarify. Like I said I am not all that great at speaking with others, dont have much practice at it but I am trying to learn. I have learned sense being on here if you are not specific and precise they will tear you down, that is never my intention to do to any one, the good the bad or the ugly. I am bold, zealous and I have come to realize that is not always good on sites. But I believe time is short and some boldness and girding up of the loins is needed for churches have not taught people what they need to know. If it comes down that I feel I am doing more harm than good on such sites than I will quit coming to, for that is not why I joined in the 1st place. If that has happened by what I have said than forgive me it was not my intention.
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Active Member
Jun 27, 2021
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I finally got my answer from God. He was the one who was in charge of everything the whole time. He sentenced me to 7 years reaping what I have sown in my brokenness. 3 women over 7 years. ALL of them Gomers. The 3rd was to last 3 years. She was the worst. Everything Gomer did, she did to me. God made her prosperous in her efforts of "Gomer-ness" while frustrating my every effort to essentially leave. He confused me until the end of the 7 years. That is when he gave me the key to the dreams to see. It was in the same vein as Absalom and David. God blessed Absalom's efforts until his purpose was completed. Even though God forgives, you will still reap what you sow!

To anyone who ever goes through this, I say this. You run to God and delve deeper in him. Ignore everyone else. I had so many people down me because they thought I was wrong for saying God was behind it. Serve your prison term as best you can. Now I am at the end, God has been speaking of one period ending and a new period beginning. Think of Sarah pre Isaac and then just post Isaac. She is completely changed. She can never go back to being childless. Even though he beat me down with my own sin, he now speaks of tremendous new beginnings to come. Keep pushing and keep a repentant heart!! You will get through!!!
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Lost Witness

Ezekiel 3:3 ("Change")
Nov 10, 2022
New York
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I finally got my answer from God. He was the one who was in charge of everything the whole time. He sentenced me to 7 years reaping what I have sown in my brokenness. 3 women over 7 years. ALL of them Gomers. The 3rd was to last 3 years. She was the worst. Everything Gomer did, she did to me. God made her prosperous in her efforts of "Gomer-ness" while frustrating my every effort to essentially leave. He confused me until the end of the 7 years. That is when he gave me the key to the dreams to see. It was in the same vein as Absalom and David. God blessed Absalom's efforts until his purpose was completed. Even though God forgives, you will still reap what you sow!

To anyone who ever goes through this, I say this. You run to God and delve deeper in him. Ignore everyone else. I had so many people down me because they thought I was wrong for saying God was behind it. Serve your prison term as best you can. Now I am at the end, God has been speaking of one period ending and a new period beginning. Think of Sarah pre Isaac and then just post Isaac. She is completely changed. She can never go back to being childless. Even though he beat me down with my own sin, he now speaks of tremendous new beginnings to come. Keep pushing and keep a repentant heart!! You will get through!!!
GOD allowing something to happen,
Is different than him doing it.
might add that the enemy does indeed give us dreams as he's given me dreams both after I was born again and before the LORD brought me back to repentance. ( Most of which were full of condemnation)
So please Don't say he can't give us dreams because he most certainly can.
Glad to read things are going better for you
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