I have this feeling I should obey this


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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is right to trust in christ alone not in our works because a person can not always do works and how can one judge if effort is made enough so since you can die at any time what can be the ground of one hope that we are asked to be ready at all times and you can not earn the bible says not of works lest any boast that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through christ jesus.

You have to acknowldge that none of your works are good enough to offer to God as all come short of His standard perfection and unless you acknowldge it is christ sacrifice alone that you need to accept in your stead you are sinning.

I believe there are people who are saved upon death who are those who fulfilled all commandments and those who will be saved after in the world to come because not everyone has the chance to do works but you must walk the narrow road to do works to enter the kingdom so must be on death just as the unbaptised do not entering kingdom on death.

So I believe all should put their trust in christ alone to secure their salvation but should do good to be saved on death.

The below link shows that jesus was not actually teaching in the parable of the good samaritan salvation by works he just saying to those who test him that if you want to fulfill the law you have to do to be perfect to help every single person always.

So I believe all should put their trust in what christ did to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.

John macarthur is not teaching a license to sin that if you die when planning to sin or when in sin you wont be saved but that you are always accepted in a moment if you turn from sin for notice kirk cameron says to depend on trusting in christ sacrifice to change so it should lead to turning from sin and does not seem to mean also you need works but if they do I dont agree with that as works never meet christ standard of perfection and you cant judge if person sought enough to do works that I follow belief in tract below.

It is important to not be lazy to seek to confess christ before another who does not believe to just one so one may benefit incase you die while not seeking to to not have opportunity to call to christ for forgiveness but if no unbeliever to confess to christian.That is a required work as is necessary to show that you stand for jesus and care that others be saved if you can that they will share the story. The parable of the talents we see that one was condemned only because of one attitude to not want his master to make profit and he was cast for being unprofitable into the outer darkness where there is gnashing of teeth which is hell but not because he did not do work but because he is evil towards his master so is not profitable to God to keep him to be saved it is not about whether he did or not otherwise one would have been saved but not enter on death unless he made some profit for we know only those who obey Jesus to do His will enter kingdom on death but Jesus said salvation is offered to all so will enter after jesus explaining some are saved in world to come.



I converted facebook video in that link to youtube that can use to share



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Nov 14, 2004
As much as I would like to believe no works are necessary I do not think that is right that the bible says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourself that it is right to trust God justice not to judge those who think they must so I believe should follow the below but that you are not asked to always do works but if it is before you it becomes your responsibility like good samaritan and you should seek to do many works to those who need not too many that you can easily do.

For the bible says to the rich to be rich in good works to be willing to share to lay hold on eternal life though i interpreted before as just to enter eternal life on death and to help who you can easily do that it is within your reach easily so becomes your responsibility to help the hungry naked sick and in prison and stranger who specially it is your responsibility those you know and especially those who know you but others also and no one is helping if you can not to sleep unless you have for it is within reach easily for works are just to show that your faith is real to bear fruit to work to those you can easily that I think it is just what you can do easily but to be safe to do to one of each daily who is hungry naked sick and in prison only need to do one at a time not to sleep unless you do.

Also to often preach christ when you can is necessary to ensure not to be lazy to bury your talent that you want to show to christ that you did to many to ensure to be ready because you dont know when you will die when you are not seeking to do which I did say before cant judge if enough but as long as you were seeking I think is enough because God only takes you if you are not saved when you are not ready when you are not seeking to do but you just need to do what you can now not need to many and should incase you die when not seeking to to have opportunity to call to christ in repentance like the publican who was justified without works such as the pharisee that had works to show.I decided also not to support divisons that I believe is right to trust God not to support such injustice since others may not have been shown evidence which proves for sure christ does not support them.
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Nov 14, 2004
I am not going to do now because should trust God justice and I will see if accepted by coptic church first. Actually I will seek to follow now as may not get chance later but if I find someone before then will not follow catholic church.

I decided I will seek to join catholic church just to see if true but I know according to bible any can be saved so I assume what it requires for others is practical that probably one only requires to accept the faith but I accept i dont know to accept whatever it teaches if it can teach what is required that is practical if i am convinced of faith when i am rebaptised if possible and chrismated but if it does not convince not to follow church but people should try to be catechumen if can that even many not near death can be one.
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Nov 14, 2004
The truth is I want to join the church only because I dont trust other christians judging others as not fully devoted that there is no way they show to measure if you are following fully or not that they on purpose put burdens to be hard on people not doing as much as them and i think they do so in excess that is wrong to put on others and by their own effort to try to compete with church even if not bad intention not knowing why church does much and compare themsleves to others but God gave them greater ability that they have a zeal but not according to knowledge to see clearly what is required for each and they ask of others only what can produced by others by the grace of God not according to their natural abilities that only they have.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I do not have time to follow churches that is right to trust in christ alone for myself that I must obey christ to preach Him and I should not preach church as will be less effective to hinder people as it is more difficult to join for I will not join church as they may not make it possible to join church and or with much time wasting and others need the gospel and if others want they can try to join catholic church or orthodox church. Or it is possible and easy if you are not near death if you really want to be saved according to churches that you can be devoted to it and be catechumen but I dont want to I just want to prove it is not true.

It is only the very devoted people that serve God so much of the time that made me think they judge others as not serving enough that put false measurements that make one think others need to be as devoted which some do not naturally be and shouldnt be required though is better but I think I should not listen to them but trust christ that persons just need to do only their ability as I said before as below:

One needs to help who you can easily do that it is within your reach easily so becomes your responsibility to help the hungry naked sick and in prison and stranger who specially it is your responsibility those you know and especially those who know you but others also and no one is helping if you can not to sleep unless you have for it is within reach easily for works are just to show that your faith is real to bear fruit to work to those you can easily and also to travel if it is someone who you grew up or you know from church where you live that I think it is just that but to be safe even those not easily and those you did not grow up with or know from church where you live if in need to travel or if they are not urgently in need to do to one of each daily who is hungry naked sick and in prison only need to do one at a time not to sleep unless you do.
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Nov 14, 2004
It is safe to follow this to be sure though it is hard though i dont know it is required and though it is hard but can be done. You should not look back on your possesions as though you need it just as you trust God that He can help anyone just as you came naked from your mothers womb and He promises to help anyone no matter the situation.

To follow Jesus if you are rich means you will give away all you have to the poor giving enough to children and just for your needs for survival and then you can work to have some things after you obey christ to give yourself break and if you are not rich you work to provide enough for your children to save enough for their needs you see now to give to them that you store up the money daily to save for them but you use none of it that you just store up daily for them and give to poor too. Though it is command to give everything to the poor is practical beceause you being poor can give for your needs only to store for yourself daily just for your needs.

Because the money belongs to your children I only know to be safe to follow christ you are not to invest in it but they should also obey to do the same but you can not force you have to provide for your children it is a command otherwise you are worse than an unbeliever that you should leave what you work to your kids but you dont invest in it as far as i know that you work daily just to give to them and give to poor then you are seeking first the kingdom and you will be blessed that you are obeying jesus command to sell what you have and give to poor He said we can trust Him for our daily needs that is we will survive just as He provides for the birds some way if He gives work or some way.

It is ok enough to work in business got from your parents as you are poor but if you dont have then you can obey christ first and then you can save to work in a business. To sell all is a hard thing that I intend to do immediately but may delay to do because is hard but does not mean you should not and is not actually required to have it done but only that you fully intend to do because if you needed it done some can not be saved so one only needs to intend to do and it should be done as you may not get opportunity to turn to christ intending to do that you die at any time when you are not intending to do for if you were really intending to do and there was more time it would be done but there may not be time so to intend to do is enough.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually it is wrong to teach you must sell all things for it helps to be good stewards and increase their possesions so they can give more. For many did not sell all things as we Zacchaeus gave half of his goods away but not all and Paul says everyone should give as they prosper so they were allowed to prosper. So you dont have to sell every single thing which is also unreasonable to say one needs to try to sell everything as you wont know if you made enough effort as such can take a long time.

For it is unreasonable you will sell every single thing you own to find every last item that belongs to you and not to others in your family.Paul says in book of Timothy command those who are rich to be rich in good works willing to share so if you are rich you have alot of money and to be safe should give all that is more than you see needed for you and your children in future and that God richly gives things to enjoy which means some possesions are ok to keep to enjoy.However people can try to do to find all items or sell much of them though may be hard to determine if enough if worried to ensure to be saved.

But one should not focus on possesions he has as first thing that priority is to serve God first that ones focus is fully on it and just have break sometimes when one needs it.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe this is right to follow that should not risk and pray if christ shows other christians can be saved. For God will judge according to His standard of perfection as bible says there is none that doeth good that the law was our tutor to bring us to christ and what will be one excuse if one was to die within seconds.So I believe all should put their trust in the finished work of christ and only do good to be saved on death.

However one must confess christ before men to preach to people you see that should do often as you must not be lazy servant since you dont know when you will die if you have opportunity to call to christ but only need to do what is possible if you did not do often but should as you dont know when you will die not to have opportunity to call to christ that that is not considered not a work as though works do give merit but such has merit.

For faith without confessing it if you can has no merit because you must show that you value christ that if you can you would to show love to God and to show to others the way of salvation that that is all paul said must do that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved but that is only because one should that shows repentance but God also accepts any if they cant to call on His name as He said not willing for any to perish but not all have chance to call on the Lord.

The below is

I decided it is right to trust in christ alone not in our works because a person can not always do works and how can one judge if effort is made enough so since you can die at any time what can be the ground of one hope that we are asked to be ready at all times and you can not earn the bible says not of works lest any boast that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through christ jesus.

You have to acknowldge that none of your works are good enough to offer to God as all come short of His standard perfection and unless you acknowldge it is christ sacrifice alone that you need to accept in your stead you are sinning.

I believe there are people who are saved upon death who are those who fulfilled all commandments and those who will be saved after in the world to come because not everyone has the chance to do works but you must walk the narrow road to do works to enter the kingdom so must be on death just as the unbaptised do not entering kingdom on death.

So I believe all should put their trust in christ alone to secure their salvation but should do good to be saved on death.

The below link shows that jesus was not actually teaching in the parable of the good samaritan salvation by works he just saying to those who test him that if you want to fulfill the law you have to do to be perfect to help every single person always.

So I believe all should put their trust in what christ did to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.

John macarthur is not teaching a license to sin that if you die when planning to sin or when in sin you wont be saved but that you are always accepted in a moment if you turn from sin for notice kirk cameron says to depend on trusting in christ sacrifice to change so it should lead to turning from sin and does not seem to mean also you need works but if they do I dont agree with that as works never meet christ standard of perfection and you cant judge if person sought enough to do works that I follow belief in tract below.

It is important to not be lazy to seek to confess christ before another who does not believe to just one so one may benefit incase you die while not seeking to to not have opportunity to call to christ for forgiveness but if no unbeliever to confess to christian.That is a required work as is necessary to show that you stand for jesus and care that others be saved if you can that they will share the story. The parable of the talents we see that one was condemned only because of one attitude to not want his master to make profit and he was cast for being unprofitable into the outer darkness where there is gnashing of teeth which is hell but not because he did not do work but because he is evil towards his master so is not profitable to God to keep him to be saved it is not about whether he did or not otherwise one would have been saved but not enter on death unless he made some profit for we know only those who obey Jesus to do His will enter kingdom on death but Jesus said salvation is offered to all so will enter after jesus explaining some are saved in world to come.



I converted facebook video in that link to youtube that can use to share



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Nov 14, 2004
I do believe however we should show love to support other christians not of the same beliefs to go to church and to support them financially for their needs and to show one is not keeping one away from what is right that you will see they are wrong but to take the good to apply it to your life to help your journey to be saved though such works are not necessary to have a part in heaven in the future.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually is important to correct that true faith must also come with works for I must not mislead others as could be cause of damnation not to seek to do good works if there is a need that one especially needs from you that christ brought especially to you to fulfill that need or which you know about that especially needs your help to seek to do works one at a time for those in need that there is always some works but is not about needing to always do works except to do to those who specially need one help but that you seek to always bear fruit that you should do to many but not too many because you should always be ready because you dont know if you will die at any time before having chance to do any work but one only needs to be found seeking to do any work to be saved that it is safer to believe works are necessary to leave the rest to christ and I should not support divisions. One should do all that is possible to be closer to God to pray and fast for only christ knows if not necessary.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe now that a person can be judged for not doing a good work as in matthew 25 for not always does one have opportunity to repent that if you do christ counts it as done to Him for real faith would not be alone if there is a need brought to you and if you know others need your help that I believe person should seek to do to many needy but not too many to be ready because one may die at time when he did no works but person only needs to be seeking to do a work so should so he does not die when he is not seeking to do.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is right to take a step of faith that I do believe it is right that a person should not be judged for not doing good that others can still be saved if not but he should be punished that I should take a step of faith since there may be risk if not not to be saved for God will judge by standard of perfection that even if you do good if it is not perfect God will not accept it. So I believe all should follow what I said before with the picture of the bridge to ensure to be saved and raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.

It is necessary though to confess christ before men to as many as you meet as I explained before for that is the only work people need to know to be saved and one needs to do good to be saved on death only though one will still be saved in future.

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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is wrong to support divisions and it is was wrong to teach you dont need to seek to do works when i dont know that God understands if person thinks he must do works as bible says below in 1 John 3:17-22 even if such is just for God to approve to enter kingdom on death and to hear prayer but we dont know as also I should not speak for God what matthew means that christ understands if not know and should do works so I think is right to follow what I said before which I am reposting for as with parable of rich man and lazarus I should not say what it means perhaps it was lack of helping poor condemned person and that should be good samaritan.

I just said dont need as I felt you can never be certain if you are doing enough but should just take as 1 John 3:17 says one is only required to do when he sees one in need that it may be enough to do to those brought to you especially but incase should seek to do to many but not too many of needy to be ready and seek to help one of each who is hungry naked sick and in prison to do one at a time daily I cant know but I should not be a teacher but seek to learn as james says let not many become teachers.

1 John 3:17-22
17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?
18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 19 And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. 20 For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. 21 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. 22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

I posted below before
I believe now that a person can be judged for not doing a good work as in matthew 25 for not always does one have opportunity to repent that if you do christ counts it as done to Him for real faith would not be alone if there is a need brought to you and if you know others need your help that I believe person should seek to do to many needy but not too many to be ready because one may die at time when he did no works but person only needs to be seeking to do a work so should so he does not die when he is not seeking to do.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to follow the catholic church to trust them to teach what is practical for anyone who may find it hard to see priest that if you were making effort I dont know how much to see priest the moment you die you can be saved that it may be that any one who accepts catholic church is saved but I would be a catechumen to accept it to teach me what is practical if it can prove is teaching of the early church otherwise I will accept one may need to have been making all your effort to see priest to be saved and even those who are poor and not near death may need to make all effort to find a good job to try to travel to be a catechumen and if sent back for lack of money only must do all their effort to try to travel back but if die before being able to are accepted if accept faith but that may not be what church teaches that I will accept whatever it teaches if otherwise if can prove early church taught it or some effort that one is still trying to see priest to be catechumen to stay there or just accept the faith which I dont know but one should try to make all effort to join but it could be you just need to accept the faith but I dont know so should make all effort and others not near death can be catechumen too.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I should not support such divisions as people need jesus desperately who are far from church and obviously it is not fair to judge them by making as much effort as possible to find as good job as possible they can to have enough money to travel as others dont have to and I should trust God that He looks to person heart to believe and follow Him to repent and to keep His commandments incase one dies before being able to repent to call to christ and seek to if one can which counts as keeping the commandment as christ accepts anyone repentance according to what they can do otherwise just need to call upon the name of the Lord to be repentant which christ accepts also as keeping commandment for repentance to do all that is possible is accepted.

I decided to do so as is urgent to testify to seriousness of the gospel that people need Him now to show I am serious by not supporting divisions and because persons can die at any time and those not near church may not be able to get to church and others may not be able to go to church at certain times that should witness to to show I take serious that they need to accept christ and that they dont need church but if any is worried can try to get to church.
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Nov 14, 2004
I was thinking to follow catholic church but decided to follow orthodox church instead as I have to make a choice and I believe it is more right so I can benefit from communion. I decided to follow the orthodox church to trust them to teach what is practical for anyone who may find it hard to see priest that it may be that any one who accepts orthodox church is saved but I would follow it to accept it to teach whatever it says but what it says must be doable for all for also I dont know what it says and it may be all one needs to do is accept the faith but I dont know and others not near death can be catechumen or maybe enough to contact his diocese to see a priest that one might be saved if he contacted one and person delayed or needs to keep contacting different priests to baptise until they do but if all delay one is saved.I see following that would not hinder a person who cares for his salvation for in the absence of not knowing what to do with church can just accept christ or accept church and do his best to join that he has no other choice but I go to church if it can show me otherwise what is practical that is supported by the early church.
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Nov 14, 2004
I want to make a confession as it hurts people though I wanted to keep it private as others will look down and may be used against me not to get married but I want to be ready. The confession is that I bought a VR headset to look at porn because I thought I would show people that others can make me feel I can not have a relationship that has sex and that I can show that I dont need to sin in person to see what it is like because I wanted to do it now rather than when things get bad and I decide to because I am angry that others reject me. I have to confess because I have to not cause stumbling block and remove sin that I may not risk judgement to be ready. I decided I would throw VR headset in the bin.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided not to support divisions to witness to show care to show seriousness that all need christ that it is right to trust God what I know to be just and if others are worried they can follow church. I should grow in my relationship to God to redeem the time to help reach more for christ and it is my job to be role model to show people should preach christ and if one follows church can preach it that we have to be faithful as taught by parable of the talents to serving God in some way being close to Him for preaching christ and to encourage people to repent of all bible teaches is wrong that they may be prepared.

Titus 2:11-14
11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.

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Nov 14, 2004
I decided instead to follow the catholic church because it may help me if it is true claiming to be source of all truth incase it proves afterward because anyway I have not found much clarity in orthodox church and I believe because God is just those who follow it if they dont know 100% it is false would not be judged to trust them to teach what is practical for anyone who may find it hard to see priest that it may be that any one who accepts catholic church is saved but I would be a catechumen to accept it to teach whatever it says but what it says must be doable for all for also I dont know what it says and it may be all one needs to do is accept the faith but I dont know and others not near death can be too.

I see following that would not hinder a person who cares for his salvation for in the absence of not knowing what to do with church can just accept christ or accept church and do his best to join that he has no other choice but I go to church if it can show me otherwise what is practical that is supported by the early church. As I explained before when bible says call no one on earth your teacher means that a pope may not always be right not to follow him then about certain truth that you can know truth by yourself but some get it wrong so pope job to clear it. Jesus taught to call no one teacher because you are to test what pope says yourself by reading the bible to know if it is wrong that if they teach outside of bible not to listen what is clearly wrong.

That does not mean He may not have given pope ability to teach truth because others could be wrong but is his job to clear the matter and give understanding but that he can be wrong if he did not seek the Lord enough so if clearly against bible jesus point is then not to listen to him when it clearly contradicts though that he is able to be infallible if he seeks God but still others can tell if he is wrong but not always do they teach what God will show him if he seeks truth and He gave keys to pope to show how everyone in church is to be managed but one is to follow christ within the system of management he does.

I only want to follow catholic church as I saw this video in below link and since I was confused not to know if following christ enough I thought should accept the faith that God may guide me if I do and seek to learn in fellowshipping in church and it is safest to follow now incase it teaches truth to learn from them if they can show me it is practical for everyone what they must do to be saved.

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Nov 14, 2004
I decided not to follow the catholic church that it is right to trust in God justice that I will go to any church to learn that it is job of catholic church if they want others to accept it to prove that it is practical not from new teachings but from church history that any one even those far from church can do what is practical to be saved. I will focus only on my relationship with christ to seek to grow it to reach more for jesus. If others are worried they can follow catholic church or orthodox church.
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