I Don't Know What to Make of This

Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Normally, this would be conspiracy theory nonsense. It appears these are facts though.

There's no stories in anything remotely resembling a legitimate source other than the one I posted. These look like actual motions and rulings provided by this "Freedom of Information Act Project" site....though I haven't heard of it before so....grain of salt.

Some undeterred lawyer filed for Seth Rich's laptop. Seth Rich was the DNC staffer after Clinton lost who was murdered in what was called a botched robbery with no known suspects.

Later, Assange would offer a cash reward for anyone who had Information on his murder. This fueled speculation that it was this DNC staffer who leaked DNC info about Hillary to Wikileaks...not a Russian hacker. This was widely considered a crackpot idea....and his death an unfortunate story. A robbery gone wrong. A PI would later claim he was shot twice in the back, wallet and belongings in tact....no reason to suspect robbery. He also claimed the FBI had his laptop, he said he had inside Information it was shut down as a case internally, and the FBI was hiding the laptop.

This was widely shut down as conspiracy nonsense. People were shamed at participating, and told to let his grieving family move on. Most of the conspiracy theorists agreed....they shut up. It was simply too thin. No evidence of any collusion beyond Assange's offer of a reward. No laptop in existence to speak of. No witnesses.

One of the few to continue to not drop this is the lawyer who filed a FOIA request for the laptop. The FBI decides not to turn the laptop over....apparently they have it. No explanation why.

The judge ruled the FBI turn over the laptop. That was back in November last year. This is essentially, a cold case, and there is no reason to not turn it over....it's dead....let the retirees have a look.

The FBI has apparently, defied the order. They've claimed there's some sort of confidential informant they have to redact from the laptop...and to do so....they would need to print out it's contents, redact them, at a rate of 500 pages a month or over 60 years.

I shouldn't have to say....this is nonsense. Unless some other crime that was extremely serious was found on the laptop....the possibility he spoke to some confidential FBI informant about his own murder is as close to zero as it gets.

The FBI, CIA, NSA, and other large crime enforcement agencies do this really only when they want to hide their own involvement. It's pretty simple...when people find out, it gets buried for so long everyone involved is dead and no longer subject to prosecution. Operation Fast and Furious was an old mistake by the ATF...and credit to Obama for not burying it. The ATF had been running guns to Mexican cartels under the guise of "figuring out the logistics of the firearms black market in Mexico"....a rather dumb proposal if true.

But it didn't damage reputations much. One dead federal agent was bad....but it was shut down and since Obama didn't start it, it was plausibly deniable. I'm only pointing this out to demonstrate that our government sometimes does pretty stupid or horrific things to us.

Seth Rich was murdered. It matters if he leaked that info about the DNC to wikileaks and not the Russians. It matters if the FBI knew. This is all speculation though...as no one knows what that laptop holds. Whatever it is, the FBI has pulled some weird stuff by not letting it go. No progress has been made, no suspects pursued.

Still, some basic logic can be inferred here...

Why does the FBI have his laptop? What possible information about a botched robbery could be on there? The only witness is an old lady already known...she doesn't provide much.

I guess I'm saying that as someone who "analyses data" I'm struggling to come up with any reason why the FBI wouldn't turn this over. A botched robbery wouldn't have any information on the culprits on his laptop. He wasn't on his way to buy something on Craigslist and got mugged at gunpoint. The most likely conclusion is pretty awful. It also explains why this isn't reported in any legit news media. You would be shocked what isn't.

Thoughts? Especially if you have any suggestions why this would be withheld that don't involve the promotion of the Russian hacking story and all it was used to justify. I'm struggling to think of any.


Er Victus
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Jun 29, 2010
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I'm struggling to come up with any reason why the FBI wouldn't turn this over.
This is the first I'm hearing of all this, but the simplest and only plausible reason is that they are hiding something. I think it is just hard for most of us to accept; that the world really is as corrupt as it appears to be.
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Jun 25, 2018
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This is the first I'm hearing of all this, but the simplest and only plausible reason is that they are hiding something. I think it is just hard for most of us to accept; that the world really is as corrupt as it appears to be.

We are now living in an open police state. They aren't hiding anymore.

You know people who testified against Hunter and Biden is being jailed? I think they've put 3 or 4 of them in jail now at least.

That's an open police state.

And it's very hard to accept but if we don't see it for what it is and act in response to it appropriately, they will steamroll right over us and we'll never be free again.

The CIA programs they use overseas to destabilize countries and take over governments, putting puppet governments in place have been turned inward on us ... And they appear to want to remove power of government from the people. We've apparently become a problem for them.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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This is the first I'm hearing of all this, but the simplest and only plausible reason is that they are hiding something. I think it is just hard for most of us to accept; that the world really is as corrupt as it appears to be.

I hate thinking about this. It's just bizarre.

I heard of it and immediately figured it was being spun into something it wasn't.

Then I couldn't find any mainstream sources reporting on it.

To be clear....that is alarming. Murder stories can get squashed....and they do get squashed...but there's usually a threat of violence when they are.

For example, if you had any idea how many US citizens are murdered in Mexico every year (or simply go missing) you wouldn't consider visiting any tourist destinations. None. No Cancun, no Cabo San Lucas, nothing. Cartels keep people from reporting the murders they see to any reporters they don't have in their pockets....those reporters don't share information with US reporters....US reporters risk being murdered by cartels for reporting anything they shouldn't. Cartels do this to keep legitimate business with the US going. Tourism is a big industry in Mexico.

The US won't threaten the lives of every reporter and mainstream media source. They'll simply tell them they won't be able to call the administration to verify or deny any stories. No scoops. No exclusives. No inside sources. Keep this story off your pages or else.

There's really only one thing to hide. They killed Seth or hired who did. If a DNC staffer shared the info with Wikileaks....then there's no justification for the Trump/Russia investigation. There's no real reason to lean on social media companies. There's no possible justification for the Ministry of Truth.

One can easily see why killing Seth Rich would be ideal for the intel community. The only other person who knows where the information on the DNC came from is Assange....and he's been hiding in embassies ever since the bogus rape charge was thrown on him.

If I recall correctly, Assange was already in trouble with the US and several other nations for Wikileaks. He's squeaky clean though. He caught a rape charge after a visit to Sweden....which has some very goofy rape laws. Again, if I recall correctly...a woman can consent before and during the deed....and decide later that she didn't consent (even if she agrees she did at the time) and this is still considered rape. A quick check appears to show Sweden has dropped the matter.

Assange has claimed the whole thing was an attempt to get him extradited to the US. He's afraid he'll be jailed for life. I think he's more likely to go the same route as Seth.
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Er Victus
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Jun 29, 2010
Northwest US
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I hate thinking about this. It's just bizarre.
I agree it is disturbing and bizarre to think about. Much of it reminds me of pre WWII Europe. And we've done a great job of discounting any serious discussions of these issues. Mostly not because people are bad or in on it, we just don't want to believe it is happening. Not to make light of the situation, but it reminds me of the cartoon below:


I do believe that in the long run, these issues will be exposed, but right now we have such an "us against them" mindset, that only certain "facts" will be accepted or revealed by the mass media and hence society as a whole.
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