How Should Christians Handle Conspiracy Theories?


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When I say the words conspiracy theories, where does your mind go? Maybe to the JFK assassination, the moon landings, or even September 11? We’ve all heard our fair share of people playing guessing games with these events. The question is, how should Christians handle conspiracy theories?

Many relegate the notion of conspiracy theories to what we would sometimes call “fringe audiences.” In the past, that might have been so, but not anymore! With the arrival of the internet, social media, and especially mass media, conspiracy theories are on the rise. As a matter of fact, they’ve grown exponentially!

By now you may be thinking, “So what does this have to do with me as a Christian?” Plenty! Conspiracy theories have the potential to affect you. It’s important to realize that they’ve always been around, particularly with God’s people. Yep, that’s right! Check out the people in Isaiah’s day. Here’s what God Himself said to them through the prophet in Isaiah 8:12 (NLT): “Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don’t live in dread of what frightens them.”

Interesting, huh?

Maybe at this point, a disclaimer might be in order. I am not here today to tell you what you should believe and what course of action to take. We know that historically they do arise, but here’s the clincher—God is more interested in how you respond. Your mind, your will, and your emotions.

Continued below.


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Jun 18, 2017
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God is more interested in how you respond.
That's correct , so when we read in the bible warnings given by God , Jesus and the apostles telling us to watch out for deceptions and especially Satan and his deceptions , then we should take notice and keep watch.
So thank God for the internet , social media , alternative media , phones etc , we can now warn others almost instantly if need be.

When the wuhan virus broke out in China my daughter rang me and asked if I was watching this and I said yes looks bad doesn't it , and she said don't believe it dad , there's no virus or anything like that that can cause a person to drop dead in the street.
So I began to look a little closer at what we were seeing , and I saw a guy look at the camera first and then fall down to the ground but he put his hands out and landed softly.

But the next one really woke me up , I saw men in space suits taking an infected lady to a metal box or room with bars on the window and they welded the metal door shut , that means she's never coming out and nobody is ever going in. What sort of nonsense is this I said to myself , she should be taken to a special isolation unit where she can be looked after and studied , not treated like this.

Anyway that was my first waking up and the rest is history as they say. And of course I tried to warn family and friends about the covid injection but I was called a conspiracy theorist and a nut job. Oh well I did my job and no blood on my hands. When the watchman see the enemy coming and not warn the people , their blood shall be on his hands sayeth the Lord.
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There is a conspiracy (The Black Awakening), but the Illuminati is not behind every school shooting... Though every time one happens the political left doesn't hesitate to use it as an opportunity to cry for gun control, despite a man with a gun stopping the shooter. Some are saying that the devil was behind the CoVid19 pandemic. But even if the virus wasn't created by the devil, the devil surely used it as an opportunity to instill fear into the masses. Not everything bad that happens is caused by demons, but demons love to exacerbate the problem if they see it as an opportunity. When people are scared, they are more easily controlled... That isn't theory- it's lessons from history. We should be aware, but not frightened because of the hope we have in Christ Jesus.
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