How Do You Be a Helper When DH Won't Accept Your Help?!?!


Feb 11, 2012
Marital Status
Please pray for me and DH. I think he is kidding himself. He's in a denom. that pretty much operates by "anything goes." Practically any preacher who says he/she's been called can get ordained. They don't offer any serious theological training, and I for one think that the parishioners are suffering immensely because of this. I know I am! Before I married him, I'd been affiliated with very progressive churches, and I feel like I'm regressing terribly.

DH has not had one single soul come to Christ or baptized anyone (except for baptizing his son) since he started as a senior past 6-7 years ago. He does not put a great deal of time in studying. He demonstrates little to no real compassion for the people under his leadership, and the areas that he needs the most help, he won't listen to me. I asked before we got married if we could make a point to go sit under another strong preacher when DH is not preaching. He agreed to it, but I soon found that he was not serious about it. And I believe this is one of the reasons why his ministry growth is stunted. He reads very little. He refuses to take time to "get fed" by a strong, veteran preacher that could help mentor him.

Truth is, he's not really a "people person." I don't like to question whether he's truly called, and I certainly don't like the thought that maybe I married the wrong man - considering my own strong values and standards in this area - but sometimes I do wonder. It's like a bunch of older preachers told him God was gonna use him to preach and he ran with it. What happened to preachers getting TRAINING! DH needs speech therapy and some serious work on pronunciation and subject-verb agreement. Yet, me being a Speech/Theatre major with great strengths in language arts and he won't even hear my matter how lovingly and gently I approach him. He just keeps mispronouncing the same stuff over and over. Sometimes it's REALLY embarrassing.

I don't know if I was wrong for marrying him in the first place, knowing that the speech issue was huge for me...or if I'm wrong for being embarrassed about how his gaffes reflect on his ministry and our marriage. I mean, some of them are AWFUL! And he's in a church where they have elders and bishops, yet no one - except me - seems to care enough to point this stuff out to him. I KNOW people can see it! I've noticed them grimmacing and squirming in their seats, as though they're embarrassed FOR him.

What else can I do. Granted he's in a back woods country church right now, but I fear that's where he'll always be if he refuses to seek help in his weak areas. He just seems to operate under this Lone Ranger mentality where he has to look like he has it all together at all times. And I for one think it's causing his advancement to suffer GREATLY. How can you be a good helper when your DH is too prideful or fearful to accept or receive your help! I dunno...maybe I need a new approach, but I feel like I've tried everything!

I just don't know what else to do! Any advice?


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Oct 21, 2011
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Hi, I have not been married, but my mother has counseled women and I have learned some things from her. You need to support your husband, encourage him and praise him for the things he does do right. Once you have married you must consider him to be the right one. You need to love him with God's love. You need to make Jesus your all and not your husband. Keep praying for him and the people he serves.

Unless your husband abuses you or is unfaithful there is no reason to divorce him, and some people forgive unfaithful husbands and stay with them.

I answered this thread because no married people have answered you. My Mom counseled a wonderful Christian woman, who married a man she did not love because the man said the Lord told him it was the Lord's will.She felt tricked into the marriage. She has had her struggles, has some beautiful children and is still fulfilled despite her desire to leave someone she did not fall in love with. He turned out to be someone who is often drepressed and does not work to support them. She stayed with her husband and supported him the best she could and the Lord has provided for them all these years. The Lord has blessed her and kept her all this time.

Mom would say, you can take the high road and stay with your husband or the low road and leave him.

God bless. Praying for you and your husband.
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Hi, I am married to a pastor. I know how hard this ministry can be and how lonely and left out we can feel. You are concerned about your husband`s lack of diligence in studying the Word. It is absolutely crucial to be in the Word and to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
However, there is not much you can do to change him. There is probably a mixture of pride/failure/guilt involved. He probably sees that his ministry isn`t so successful (outwardly anyways) and feels terrible about it. But to admit that he is doing something wrong is very hard for a man.
You are probably praying for him and that is the absolute best thing you can do for him at this point. Hinting that he should change or that he needs to correct his pronunciation will only make him feel more inadequate and defensive.
Does he like to read? There are many wonderful books out there to inspire and to build him up. I really don`t know what type of books your husband reads but giving him a book as a present is a wonderful idea. There are also sermons online. One place that has many Christian podcasts is
I hope it helps. Please, don`t give up. Your support is what can make or break him.
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Feb 11, 2012
Marital Status
Thank you Ladies for your responses. I do indeed pray for him regularly, but I will admit that my patience is wearing thin. Not just due to the issues I initially shared, but because there is so much evil going on in his denomination anyway. It's a longstanding culture of evil that the leaders don't seem to want to address. I get little to no spiritual fulfillment and I feel like I'm always running on 'E'. Continue to pray for me and I will do likewise for you.
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