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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

How do u know if u have ocd??

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
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Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but yeah how do u know if uv got ocd?
iv had depression for about a year and a half. iv always been a worrier. recently as in the last 6 months maybe, i worry a lot over things, and some things repeteadly, such as "wot if the person i marry ends up the wrong decision, and he's horrible and i cant really divorce coz its not biblical" etc, or failing uni, not being able to cope being an adult etc...some things in particular i find v hard to take my mind off. wud this be classed as ocd, or just anxiety probs? im a bit embarrised to tell my doctor.

Any thoughts anyone? Judy xx

P.S. I don't know a lot about ocd, but one of my friends who iv recently come to know has it. i dont know if im just being paranoid or if i have it too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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it could be OCD, but like Dee said, only a doctor can give you a diagnosis, no one else can be accurate really! I'm sorry you're too scared tot ell your doctor what's going on! I'll be praying for ya! going to see someone is the hardest step, but you find once it's over, you question why you where worrying so much (I wanted to breath first! lol) but they can help!
hope you get help for whatever it is soon! God bless
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OCD comes with both Obsessions and Compulsions. It is unlikely that anyone would have just the one, because normally you have an obsession with something eg. being clean, and the Compulsions are carrying out actions to make sure the obsessional feelings or standards are met. Normally it means worrying excessively over something eg. am i clean enough? for more than an hour a day that causes some form of distress or upsets you a lot, or in some cases prevents you from doing things.

Hope that helps
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Working for God, through our Lord.
May 5, 2005
Hi Judy,

OCD sufferers very rarely know that its OCD they suffer, yes they may do a lot of ritual type actions, but it quite often can take many months years, for it to be diagnosed, and then its only through specialised proffessionals who will diagnose after many other issues have been looked at.

Judy02 said:
Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but yeah how do u know if uv got ocd?
iv had depression for about a year and a half. iv always been a worrier. recently as in the last 6 months maybe, i worry a lot over things, and some things repeteadly, such as "wot if the person i marry ends up the wrong decision, and he's horrible and i cant really divorce coz its not biblical" etc, or failing uni, not being able to cope being an adult etc...some things in particular i find v hard to take my mind off. wud this be classed as ocd, or just anxiety probs? im a bit embarrised to tell my doctor.

Any thoughts anyone? Judy xx

P.S. I don't know a lot about ocd, but one of my friends who iv recently come to know has it. i dont know if im just being paranoid or if i have it too.
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Senior Veteran
Nov 25, 2005
Looking Up:D
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No expert, but do know a little about the subject. I would think what you are describing would be considered Generalized Anxity Disorder....Where a person has constant irrational worries about many things in the world & in their lives.
Actually I have Social Anxiety myself & was wondering about the Obessesive side while reading this forum. But I suppose that is why these disorders are on the Anxiety Spectrum...bcause the symptoms are so similiar, but there are differences.
You can check on books of all types & go to reputable websites where there are tests you can take most free of charge. & I do encourage you to seek help, bcause no one needs to suffer with this stuff needlessly & feel so alone.
God Bless

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Joyfully we adore Him!
Nov 28, 2004
Northern California
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I am a worrier too, and to me that is a part of life. We need to learn to deal with it in our faith, as well. As far as OCD, the people that I know that suffer from that it actually cripples their lives so bad that they definitely need treatment. OCD stands for Obscessive Compulsive Disorder, and both elements have to be a part of it to be called that.
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