Healing And Salvation For Loved Ones


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Mar 5, 2024
United States
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Please pray for all of my loved ones (family members, friends outside of my church, including some of my guy friends I have crushes on, my neighbors, my acquaintances, and my enemies. Please pray that they would all come to know the Lord, get into his word, find a bible-based church whether it's my church or another bible teaching one, and seek and do God's will. Please pray that my family will stop talking bad about other people and judging them. Please pray that my cousin Sam and her lesbian wife will realize what they're doing is wrong and find partners of the opposite sexes. Please pray for healing for some of my Christian friends: my pastor Rob of the sickness that's going around, Marti who also has that same sickness, Glen and his wife Debbie who also have the same sickness, and Cari, who has chest pains and is dealing with stress at a school she teaches at. Please pray for Marti's dog to be healed; she had her teeth taken out and her mouth still hurts when she eats. Please pray that God will help Marti with her apartment situations, her insurance situations, and her Diabetes situation. Please pray for one of my crushes, Bruce. I don't know if he's saved or not, but he has stage 3 lung cancer from smoking, so please pray that God will help him come to know him and seek and do his will if he doesn't already, heal him of cancer, help him stop his sinful habits like smoking, drinking too much, having sex outside of marriage, cussing, taking God's name in vein, looking at horoscopes, and listening to questionable secular music. Please pray for another crush of mine Bud. Please pray that he comes to know the Lord, if he hasn't already and seeks and does his will and that he stops some of his sinful habits: smoking, drinking too much, having sex outside of marriage, cussing, and using God's name in vein. Please also pray for my neighbor Marie and her son Roy, which Roy is my third crush. Please pray that they come to know the Lord if they haven't already and seek and do his will. Please pray that they stop smoking marijuana, that Roy stops doing other drugs, that he and Marie stop fighting with each other and their other family members, that they stop cussing and using God's name in vein, and they stop breaking the rules and breaking the laws. Thank you.


Electric Nightfall
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Apr 25, 2022
United States
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Dear Lord, I pray that opportunities to witness for You to be given to Nmerckert. Please help her to reach out to these people who need to know You, that they may be brought to a saving knowledge of the truth. I also pray for your hand of healing for her pastor and all of the people (and the dog) who need healing, that this may be a witness to Your truth. Please be with Nmerckert and protect her as she interacts with these people.

Finally, I pray for Sam and her lesbian partner, that You may open their spiritual eyes to their own mutual self-destruction. Help them to recognize that while their cousin may be physically blind, she sees things that they do not. In Christ's Name, Amen
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Active Member
Mar 5, 2024
United States
Marital Status
Dear Lord, I pray that opportunities to witness for You to be given to Nmerckert. Please help her to reach out to these people who need to know You, that they may be brought to a saving knowledge of the truth. I also pray for your hand of healing for her pastor and all of the people (and the dog) who need healing, that this may be a witness to Your truth. Please be with Nmerckert and protect her as she interacts with these people.

Finally, I pray for Sam and her lesbian partner, that You may open their spiritual eyes to their own mutual self-destruction. Help them to recognize that while their cousin may be physically blind, she sees things that they do not. In Christ's Name, Amen
Thank you.
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