Have you ever wondered what is would be like to hang around Jesus back in the day?


Aug 6, 2005
Entry 7

The Magdalene Journal
The Feast of Tabernacles

We did not observe the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem this year. I couldn't understand why the Master did not led us out of the city, until today. We arrived in Chrorizon, just two days journey short from our goal, Yeshua's beloved Nazareth. The crowds are larger then ever, so dense that we could hardly pass through their midst. People stood shouting and waving on both sides of the narrow streets, on roof tops and on up into the surrounding hills. As soon as the Master appeared, he was immediately descended upon from all directions. An attempt by his disciples to set up a human barricade between Yeshua and his adoring crowds was futile. With the look of an impassioned lover, Yeshua tried to pull as many as he could to his bosom. They touched his colorful robe and covered his hands with kisses.

'Yeshua! Yeshua!" The cry rose up from the crowd mingling into one great chorus.

Kapha forced his way in front of the Master along with Jochannan and Jacob.

"Make way!" Like approaching thunder his voice boomed, "Clear the path for the Rabbi of Nazareth!"

I had not forsaken my place at his side. I walked in step with Yeshua like a strong and defiant disciple and would not be swept away from him by the frenzied crowd.

Yeshua's eyes clouded as sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Let them come!" He entreated.

He took hold of a small red haired boy who had been leaning heavily upon a crutch. The poor child was so thin and dirty. His robe hung in rags about his ravaged body. Despite all the excitement he looked terribly unhappy, until Yeshua swung the boy high into the air and on top of his shoulders. Then his large brown eye came to life.

In the process the crutch fell.

But Yeshua said, "You won't be needing that anymore!"

The boy squealed in delight, clapping his hands.

"Your name is David, yes?" Asked Yeshua.

Straddling the Master's strong neck, his small body above all other's in the crowd; he surveyed everything high atop Yeshi's tall frame and answered proudly, "Yes! I am David. I was named after a great King!"

The shouting crowd drowned out the conversation, consuming Yeshua with affection. He was the yielded victim in the midst of this celebration of love as with one company they led him to a group of booths prepared for the Feast of Tabernacles.

These people were the poorest of the poor, the sick, the feeble, the farmers, the work worn laborers and those who could not afford to make the yearly trip to Jerusalem. But the booth where they brought Yeshua was beautiful and rich in isimplicity, adorned with flower garlands, grape vines and hand strung fruit. There stood Yeshua, beneath the crude structure made of rustic wood panels and willow branches, with the boy still on his shoulders.

"You look like a King!" said the boy, obviously filled with awe. He reached down and stroked Yeshua's beautiful robe.

The Master smiled up at him. "I do?"

Lifting the youth from his shoulders and cradling him in his arms Yeshua asked. "Are you ready to walk David? Strong. Like a king?"

"I've never walked without my crutch before." answered the frightened boy as he clung to Yeshua.

Yeshua kissed his copper curls "Don't be afraid." He soothed, "You'll see. It's easy...Ready?"

The boy nodded. "Ready!"

Yeshua set his precious bundle of boyhood on the grass. The message traveled quickly through the multitude. "The Rabbi is going to heal a lame boy. David. You know the son of Jacob and Deborah." A hushed awe came over all gathered.

David stood. His thin legs trembled. He took one step and nearly fell. A woman whom I guess to have been his mother reached out a helping hand. David took another step and then another and yet another. Soon he was running around in a circle and jumping up and down. "I can walk! I can walk!" He exclaimed. The crowd erupted into applause and praise to Adonai. Then David wrapped his arms around Yeshua's leg and cried. Yeshua bent to his tiny frame.

"It's alright David. Yes.I love you also, my brave boy!" He said embracing the little one. The Master pointed to a group of children who had managed to edge their way through the crowds. "Look! Here are your friends. Go and run and play. And remember how much your Father in Heaven loves you."

"I will." David promised wiping his eyes.

Yeshua smiled and playfully messed David's hair. "Of course you will." He answered.

David's friends quickly surrounded him, touching his once deformed leg and staring in wide eyed wonder.

"Thank you Rabbi Yeshua!" One of them remarked. She was a little dark haired girl.

"You are welcome!" Replied the Master, offering his friendliest look. He watched as the children excitedly took David by the hand and disappear into the crowd, but not before his mother and father came forward and tearfully embraced him.

I, Miriam of Magdala witnessed this beautiful miracle but even more beautiful was the conversation between Yeshua and David. I was privileged to hear it as I stood so close to the Master.

To be continued...
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Loving my Heavenly Family
Aug 21, 2007
with my Lord and my Lady, most beautiful.
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this is absolutely stunning. It's like what happens in a crowd at Adoration in church- waves of love over He who is most lovable.

I liked this the best :
An attempt by his disciples to set up a human barricade between Yeshua and his adoring crowds was futile. With the look of an impassioned lover, Yeshua tried to pull as many as he could to his bosom. They touched his colorful robe and covered his hands with kisses.

Your work is so lovely, dear Amy!
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Aug 6, 2005
Entry 7, part 2

The story continues...

Afterwards Yeshua and his men stepped out from under the booth and into the thick of the crowd. Leading the way the sons of thunder and Kepha. The other men followed close behind. Despite the boy David’s healing, Kepha watched the crowds with hawk eyes. Jochannan and Jacob were equally as guarded. I remained at Yeshua's side uneasily wishing his men weren't always preparing for the worse. If our dear Master were to stop suddenly they would all collide into each other. Some in the crowd complained that no one could get near enough to touch the Rabbi.

Suddenly I felt a desperate tug at my robe. Someone had managed to reach beyond the disciple’s protective barrier. I looked over my shoulder and there was a man. His garments and his flesh seemed to be inseparable. His skin was weathered and appeared as hard as leather, dark like his ragged robe. His hair and beard were shot through with white spirals. A soiled cloth woven round his head prevented me from looking into his eyes. The man was blind.

"Please!" He cried gripping my arm. "Is Yeshua Min' Zareth passing this way?"

Repulsed by the sight and smell of decaying teeth and filth, I drew back.

Tears ran down his creviced face. His fingers molded to my arm. "He must be near. I can smell a fragrance like wild flowers."

"It is the flowers of the field you smell!" A bystander sneered.

“No it is the flesh of that–woman!” A wife on her husband’s arm narrowed her eyes and shot daggers in my direction.

For a moment I wanted to flee from the crowd who at once adored Yeshua but then in the same breath were unbelievably cruel. How horribly disappointing for the blind man! His entire body slumped in dejection. Was it the repeated sighs I heard from Yeshua as he moved through the sea of humanity that caused me to forget my own discomfort? Some how I gathered my courage no longer resisting the man’s hold on my arm. I announced cheerfully. "Yeshua IS here! Yeshua Min 'Zareth is here! Be of good cheer! He is passing by now!"

The blind man fell to his knees weeping uncontrollably. "Yeshua!" he called feebly. He could not be heard above the noise of the crowd.

"Yesh...!" The Master's name stuck in his throat.

The disciples were closing in on the Rabbi from behind.

"Wait!" I scolded Judah.

"Yeshua Min' Zareth!" His voice rang out clear in the morning air. "Have mercy on me!"

I knew his prayer would be answered.

Yeshua turned and raised his arm. The noise of the crowd seized. He stepped forward and bent over the kneeling man. "What do you want be to do for you?" He asked kindly.

"Please Master!" The blind man spoke thickly accented Aramaic and pleaded with outstretched arms. "I want to see!"

Yeshua helped him to stand. "Adonai has heard your prayer, Elijah!"

Again Yeshua knew the name of a complete stranger. I wondered greatly at this. The Master treated him like a brother, embracing him and kissing him on both cheeks. Lastly, he removed the dirty rags from Elijah's eyes. Shielding myself from what I believed would be a terrible sight I held my ground but could not help but be nauseated at what I saw as were other's who stood close enough. I could hear the murmurs of shock running through out the crowd, but Yeshua kissed the scale ridden eye lids.

"Be it done according to you faith!" Yeshua commanded.

Elijah blinked, looked about and covered his eyes with his huge callused hands. "It's so bright! It's so bright!" He fell on Yeshua's breast and cried like a child. To see Yeshua holding this Ethiopian Jew who was more than twice the Master's age broke everyone's heart. When Elijah recovered, he looked at the bystanders with clear dark eyes. "I can see! I can see!" He exclaimed. And those who looked back at him did so with tears of gladness and appreciation, gladness for Elijah's good fortune and appreciation for Yeshua, the extraordinary, hands on, miracle worker.

Yeshua draped a friendly arm across Elijah's shoulder. "Now you can join us in our feast of Tabernacles." He said.

We were truly a family when together with the disciples, the women, the happy throng, all walked back to the booth, Elijah and Yeshua arms linked across shoulders, leading the way.

“I believe Elijah received more than his sight.” laughed Jochannan “He’s got a new spring in his step and his youth has been renewed like an eagle.”

“Just like Adonia promised.” Mattijah agreed.

What I recall most about the end of the day was Yeshua asking everyone to join hands. The great circle of love spread throughout the crowd. We were truly united as Yeshua sealed our unity with a strong grip of my hand on his right and Jochannan's on his left.

I could see the oil lamps burning from the village homes and campfires lighting the fields and surrounding hills where various booths and tents stood. As the early evening sky gleamed a bright red and gold and pierced our booth with slivers of the setting sun Yeshua lifted his voice and sang:

"How goodly are your tents O Jacob.
And thy Tabernacles O Israel!
As the valleys are spread forth,
As the gardens by the riverside,
As the trees of aloes which the Lord has planted,
And as the cedar tree's beside the water."

We joined the ancient chant of our people. A multitude of voices lifted heavenward and heaven embraced us all.

To be continued...

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Do not be so open-minded that your brain falls out
Apr 19, 2008
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Diary of James
Aprilis 2
... note to self. in the future, stay out of no-limit poker games with the Master. He simply cannot be bluffed. I don't want to say anything to the others, but its obvious He can read the backs of the cards.
. . . and this is supposed to be funny?


Methinks you should obey your own signature.
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Aug 6, 2005
Coclusion of Entry 7

Afterwards, when the crowds were dispersing, Yeshua deterred Elijah. He walked with him among the tents until we lost sight of them.

When Yeshua returned he was without Elijah and without his beautiful robe. He had exchanged his robe for Elijah's poor, tattered robe.

"Yeshi!" Tamar cried, fingering the coarse material. Tears were in her eyes.

"I had to!" Yeshua moaned. His eyes swam with sorrow as he beheld how disappointed we were to see Tamar's robe gone. "I couldn't let him go home without a gift."

"You already gave him a gift when you gave him his sight." Judah remarked with a scowl.

Jochannan stepped forward and gripped Yeshua's shoulder with an affirming smile. "What a good and wonderful thing you did Master. I pray that we will all imitate your kindness." he observed. "Just today I heard several men in the crowd say how they would not believe you really understood their plights of suffering seeing how well you dressed were. But I am afraid I wasn't very kind to them." He lowered his head.

"What did you do?" probed Andrew.

"Well...you know my temper. I told them to be quiet and go home and that it was none of their business!"

"Jochannan!" gasped Sushanna.

"And?" Jacob poked his brother in the ribs.

Jochannan frowned and shook himself free from his brothers tantalizing jesting. "Alright!" He admitted. "I called them thick headed Galileans!"

Yeshua stopped his mouth and then released a fountain of laughter. "But Jochannan! You too are a Galilean!" he said.

Jochannan shrugged his shoulders. "I know." He sighed. "It was the only thing I could think of without cursing." he admitted shamefacedly.

"Well, at least you didn't curse.' approved Kepha.

"You should talk!" laughed Phillip.

We all patted Jochannan and Kepha gave him a friendly knuckle dig on the top of his head. The youngest of the disciples smiled shyly. He was closest to Yeshua. Suddenly he grimaced, "Master!"

Yeshi looked with wide eyed innocence.

"It's your robe!" Jochannan groaned standing quickly away from the Master.

Tamar slapped his hand. 'Oh never mind! I'll give it a good washing and a good mending!"

"Where's your head Jochannan?" shouted Andrew impatiently, "Don't you know who you are speaking to?"

Rebecca groaned with a roll of her eyes. “Men!”

Yeshua watched his men, laughter finding a path through his upturned lips. He would close his mouth and then, unexpectedly the laughter would come again softly, but I couldn't help but think of Tamar and how she had braved the fact that all her beautiful work had been discarded in a moment for a beggar. She looked with shinning eyes at Yeshua. She was a true disciple.

The Magdalene Journal continues with a new adventure.
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Aug 6, 2005

Entry 8

The Magdalene Journal

I ran from his mother's house across the yard, toward the carpenter shop trying to escape the down pour of rain. Miraculously I arrived without spilling the contents within my cup.

"I found you." I managed to say, breathlessly opening the old wooden door and holding out a fresh cup of goat’s milk to Yeshua. He received the cup with a thankful nod. I squeezed my dripping hair, now free from the drenched veil that had been covering my head. "I've been looking every where for you, on the roof, in the house...all over!" I fell silent when I saw him standing ankle deep in wood shavings. The dust on his apron and in his hair brought a smile to my face.

Yeshua placed his hands on his hips and leaned against the table in the center of the room seemingly proud of the abundant wood shavings and the sweat on his brow. He appeared to be amused by the secret swell of my heart as I inwardly reveled at the sight of him. I could tell by the way his lips turned up slightly when he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He felt my approving gaze.

"It looks as though you have been working very hard." I said shaking my head, half in awe and half in, well... the whimsical sight of Yeshua the workman covered in the fruit of his labors...dust, dust and more dust! I realized Tamar's robe would have never survived Yeshua as the carpenter of Nazareth.

Ever since we arrived in Nazareth two days ago most of his day has been spent in the old carpenter shop. I was glad to watch him working at his trade, the sleeves of his robe rolled up, his hair tide back behind his neck. He couldn't quite capture the loose strands that always managed to fall in his eyes and spiral down his cheeks.

Yeshua took a good long drink. "Yes." he replied with a satisfied sigh. "I've decided to work on this new loom for my mother." He ran his hand over the smooth surface of the wood. "I don't know how she was able to get any use out of the other one, but soon she shall have a new loom. Can you keep a secret? I don't want her to know until I am finished." I too touched the wood, admiring his craftsmanship. I promised I would keep his secret.

He grabbed a hammer and a chisel from one of the tool racks on the surrounding stone walls.

"Would you like to try Miriam?" He asked offering me the tools of his trade.

"Oh no. No. I couldn't. It's not for a woman to..."

"Just as it is not for a man to pick vegetables in the garden." laughed Yeshua. "Here I will show you."

Yeshua guided me to the loom. He placed the chisel in my left hand and the hammer in my right hand. "Like so." He said. "Now hold the chisel here." Yeshua stood behind me and with his hand on mine he helped me to hold the chisel in place.

As he stood so close to me, his fragrance wafted into my nostrils. I could smell the sweat of his labor's and the aromatic oil he would use to smooth his hair mingling with the scent of his breath. His breathings had the air of fresh cut apples. A verse from the Song of Solomon, "Your breath is like apples," caressed my heart and the melody nearly escaped my lips, but this was not the time for singing.

Yeshua seemed oblivious to my feelings. He was intent on showing me how to use the tools. 'The chisel only needs a few taps from the hammer. We don't want to remove a lot of wood. Watch how you angle your chisel."

The hammer became much too heavy for me, so Yeshua held the hammer and I placed my hand on his. He gave a few taps to the chisel. "Yes, yes. Treat the wood gently. See how easily it's done?" He bent over the loom. "Now, blow the shavings away." I blew them away.

He touched the place where the chisel had made its marks. "Touch Miriam." My hand followed after his. He smiled broadly. "Perfect!" He exclaimed but I was still dreaming about his fragrance and how I had felt when he stood so close to me although I nodded trying to keep my matter of fact almost masculine attitude. Inwardly I laughed. At that moment I felt anything but masculine.

Yeshua walked over to a rather crude looking bench and held out his hand towards me. "Sit for a while."

To be continued....

question: what would be a better way of saying, "as a matter of fact'? I think it's too contemporary sounding.
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I'm new to the boards here, but i want you to know how your writing has really touched me. The last year has been an extremely difficult time for me, just this week I am dealing with a painful eye injury that is being stubborn abou healing. I myself have not often thought of the human side of our Lord, but you have helped me see it. Many areas of your story have brought me to tears, not in a bad way though. Thank you so much for reminding me that He is my friend, as well as my Lord and savior. I look forward to more of this story.
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Aug 6, 2005

Welcome to the forums! :wave: I was so blessed by your encouraging words.I was moved when you told me that the story brought tears to your eyes. I do try to capture the humanity of Jesus because I don't think we can ever hear enough about how much He understands us. I'm sorry about the difficult times you are experiencing and that you are having trouble with your eye. I had two cataract surgeries. I pray for your healing.

Thanks for reading. It will be quite sometime before I publish. There's much more to go with the Journal. Glad I can share this with you.

Now for the rest of Entry 8!

I sat down beside him facing a window where I could look and see the hill beyond the garden and the road that passed by the carpenter's shop. A mist was coming up from the ground as the rain fell. The day was unusually hot. Yeshua wiped his brow with the sleeve of his robe.

"How often I would sit here and watch the people walk by, friends, neighbors, strangers, so many people in need." Yeshua spoke softly his vision, "I have learned many things by watching and being silent."

Just then I saw an elderly couple doing their best to hurry along in the rain. The Master asked me gently, "Miriam, do you think they know how much Adonai loves them?"

"I pray they do." was my honest reply.

Yeshua nodded thoughtfully. "Here, sitting on this bench I learned how to pray."
I looked at him sitting in his work-worn robe, his head lowered, hands clasped on his lap..

"The prayers of a wanderer." I blurted out. "I see you that way Yeshi."

Yeshi faced me quizzically. Trusting the truth to our friendship I unveiled my heart. "Even here, in the house of your mother you are not home. Where is your home Yeshi? Tell me what you are looking for."

Yeshua placed his hand on mine. He found my eyes. His gaze would not be shaken. "I have set my heart adrift." He said.

"What do you mean dear Yeshi? I do not understand."

His eyes, innocent beyond human knowledge opened the door to my soul.

"My heart I have set adrift on the waters of longing." He replied. His voice took me deeper into a well of intense yearning, Yeshua’s yearning. 'Just as bread is cast on the water, I am cast on the water. I shall see my desire soon return upon the waves."

"Then you will be home?" I questioned. Although inwardly I shouted, "I want to be your home! Take all of me! Every thing I have!"

Yeshua touched my cheek. "Yes Isha. I will be home when my journey is complete." His face exuded compassion. "You will rejoice with me then?"

I smiled, fighting my tears.

We sat in silence for a long while gazing out the window. I was honored to see this part of my Master's life, the hidden place where for thirty years he labored and offered his prayers and longing to Abba. My arms were too small to wrap around such grand love. I wondered if Yeshua ever felt his arms did not reach far enough to enfold all the people he prayed for. I was amazed his cheeks were not furrowed from the many tears he wept. I wanted to say something to comfort him, but I could not. I could not look at him. I sat in the sacredness of that moment and watched the road and the people passing by in the rain. Yeshua never let go of my hand.

To be continued...

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Loving my Heavenly Family
Aug 21, 2007
with my Lord and my Lady, most beautiful.
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oh Amy...your story contains such love...we can see Jesus' soul through the dialogue. Also I love the part about Him watching us in silence, just as we watch for and with Him in prayer.

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