Has This Ever Crept in?


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Jan 1, 2024
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I've been to all kind of Churches in 40 years, and many considered to be non denominational, charismatic, or interdenominational. I've noted many strange doctrines Crept in, especially these that I brought up in my message "Strange Fire" awhile back.

"Strange fire. That's what a lot of contemporary Christianity offers. A lot of this so called "worship music" is rock & roll, a music of Satan. A lot of songs, you can't tell the difference between them and a secular love song. There's no depth to the lyrics.
And then there's the positive confession declaratory songs: "Get ready for your blessing! Get ready for your miracle! Gods got a blessing, with your name on it!" Can't stand that song honestly. It grieves my spirit, and that's cuz it grieves Gods Spirit. Prosperity gospel foolishness! God ain't some genie in a bottle, or some big cosmic Santa Claus!
He does bless us, but we need to be seeking the BLESSER, not the Blessing! "Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt. 6:33) His righteousness; Don't leave that part out. Many try to seek Him and His kingdom without His righteousness, apart from His righteousness. So many are trying to seek Him with strange fire."

I could go on about "the 4th Dimension" introduced by David Yonggi Cho back in the 70s. I know from experience that all this "Dimension" stuff is occultic, because dimensions played a big role in occult theory and practice. Also, the last preacher I heard teaching Cho's material also taught the heretical "Little gods" teaching , that God begets "gods." Along with all this heretical nonsense, as if this weren't bad enough, he, and others like him claim they can tell the devil "Get off me! You can't touch me. I'm a son of God!" This flies in the face of the first 2 chapters of Job, and Jude 9,
"Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee."

They also misinterpret Genesis 6:3 "And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." Here they teach man's lifespan was set to 120 years. However, that scripture is about the length of time the world was given to repent while Noah built the ark.
While Moses did live 120 years, he actually wrote Psalm 90 which states, "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." (vs 10) That's 70 or 80, not 120. We also know after the flood lifespans remained well over 120 for awhile. Terah was 205 when he died. Abraham was 175. Isaac 180. Jacob 147.

Now while some scientists say the maximum lifespan of a modern human is about 120 years, this is not what the Scripture means in Genesis. Some people have lived that long, and there's a woman in Spain who just celebrated her 117th birthday.
"The oldest known age ever attained was by Jeanne Calment, a Frenchwoman who died in 1997 at the age of 122" (This of course is in our times, not taking into account the pre flood world, or the Patriarchs.

It would be nice if we could stay healthy that long, but wouldn't one tire of this world? They'd long to be with Jesus, if saved, and especially with failing health. Point is, these false teachers CLAIM these lifespans. I remember one pastor got all hung up on prosperity, name it claim it, and died at age 54 of a heart attack in the middle of expanding his radical church into a new construction project. The church had been put out of Assembly of God in the 80s and for several years went this route of falsehood. God eliminated the problem, now the church is back with the Assembly of God, but during it's time in between it was non denominational.

Right now, my prayer is that Churches realize Christ could return any moment. The world is on the brink: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation. We need to be all about living holy godly lives, not caught up in doctrines of devils that distract and detract from the Gospel.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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What good books you have read that exposes that nonsense?
Thanks, your brother and friend in Jesus.
First, the best book ever to expose any false teaching is the good ole King James Bible. You have to read everything in context, and instead of building a teaching of error on a few select verses while ignoring other passages, cross reference, and see if there's any scriptural teaching that might show such verse sas prosperity verses, for instance, are in a certain context.

I came to learn much on my own. 2 Books back in the 80s were "The Seduction of Christianity" and "Beyond Seduction" by Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Publisher's Description
"The Bible clearly state that a great Apostasy must occur before Christ's Second Coming. Today Christians are being deceived by a new world view more subtle and more seductive than anything the world has ever experienced. What are the dangers in the growing acceptance and practice of— •positive and possibility thinking •healing of memories •self-help philosophies •holistic medicine The Seduction of Christianity will not appear as a frontal assault or oppression of our religious beliefs. Instead, it will come as the latest "fashionable philosophies" offering to make us happier, healthier, better educated, even more spiritual."

The True Gospel of Christ versus the False Gospel of Carnal Christianity (Doesn' specifically address prosperity preachers per say, but does talk about lovers of self and such) Lee Roy Shelton Jr. is a good solid Christian author.

"Little Gods"
Are believers in Christ little gods?

Dangers of the “Little gods” Doctrine Exposed | Apply His Will

(I have not read the following, but it sounds really good. Note what I highlighted.)

The Prosperity Gospel Exposed: And Other False Doctrines – September 22, 2011

(This book has been replaced by Satan's False Prophets Exposed) Michael Fortner makes an invaluable contribution by showing that such commonly heard claims as that believing in Jesus will make you rich are totally mistaken. (Robert S. McElvaine, author of Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion in America)

Unlike other writers on this subject, the author once believed the Prosperity Gospel, but after twenty years of financial struggle and frequent unemployment God called him to research the Prosperity Gospel. What he found proves the Prosperity Gospel is totally false, and a horrible sin, and calls for a Reformation of the Charismatic Movement.

Other books on this subject take a theological point of view, but the prosperity teachers failure is in not properly interpreting the Scriptures; so he analyzes every verse they use to teach the Prosperity Gospel, and gives the correct interpretation. As a result of properly interpreting the Scriptures, this book totally destroys the Prosperity Gospel.

Fortner says all Christians have been deceived by wealth, not just Charismatics, the result is spiritual lukewarmness. The Scriptures show that Biblical prosperity is having all your needs met, or not being in want, but the American definition is having lots of stuff. He also says that many pastors, especially the mega-church pastors, earn too much money, while Jesus taught that his future ministers should live without high incomes or material wealth.

This book says most preachers on Christian TV today, the Bible refers to as almost true yet false prophets because they are leading people away from the truth. But he is not against all Pentecostal / Charismatic doctrines, but takes a balanced approach because he grew up attending an old fashioned Pentecostal church.

He believes Christianity in America today is the church of Laodicea, and so God has already started to refine us as gold; which means suffering the fire of judgment. He details the economic and natural disasters that have come upon America in the last few years and calls it is the judgment of God upon us, and calls for Christians to repent of materialism and the Prosperity Gospel. He says that the judgment will likely get worse until we repent, resulting in another Great Awakening in America.

Michael D. Fortner was called into the ministry at age 20, but because he is not an eloquent speaker he chose to spend his adult life doing in-depth study of the Scriptures. He has a B.A. in journalism with a minor in history, and is a skilled researcher, with God-given ability to figure things out.

This book gets under the skin of people who believe in the prosperity gospel and it makes them really angry because it proves them wrong.

Chapter 1 Deceived by Wealth
Chapter 2 Spirituality and Riches
Chapter 3 The Way of Balaam
Chapter 4 Using Proper Context and Interpretation
Chapter 5 No Wisdom Here
Chapter 6 The New Covenant Priesthood
Chapter 7 Rich and Poor Christians
Chapter 8 Supernatural Signs or Strange Fire
Chapter 9 The Almost True Yet False Prophet
Chapter 10 Holy Laughter and Strange Manifestations
Chapter 11 Strange Charismatic Doctrines
Chapter 12 Prophetic Voices Crying in the Wilderness
Chapter 13 The Judgment of God and Revival
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