Has anyone received a miracle/healing or know someone who has?


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I used to have alot of lower back pain and sciatic pain. The Lord took all that away once I repented of all the "workout dvds" (mostly yoga) that I had. I was led to do research on what I was allowing into my life through these "practices" and then I destroyed them by burning them. It was a spiritual battle, too! God wanted me to surrender everything. I did and He healed me, just like that. My life has not been the same since.
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Personally I've had problems go away without medical treatment. Recently it was some gastric issue causing me a lot of discomfort. (Doc said probably diverticulitis, which my mom had).

Several years ago my pastor was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I remember at one point he said the doctor told him "I don't like what I'm seeing". But it went away on its own after what I'm sure was a lot of people praying.
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Sep 12, 2015
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All sickness, lack, etc., is from the kingdom of darkness. The devil only comes to steal, kill and destroy.
When the man asked Jesus, "if you would, I could be made well", He responded with a phrase that interpreted from the Greek can complete a whole paragraph and coming out to- " it is the very nature of who I am that you be well, whole, restored, etc.
There was no sickness before the fall and there will be no sickness after His restoration.
Someday we will be made aware of all the times He has interceded and healed us without our knowledge as we move forward doing His will.
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Sep 12, 2015
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How can anyone claim to be His and not experience Him totally in this way? It is His very nature that we be well.
Just went through a knock down, drag out, fight with a man who claims to be Christian yet denies that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever, just as He said He was, and in our exchange spent more time talking about how God doesn't heal that asking how to seek and receive His abundant and free healing.
How deceived most are!
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Thank you Lilac! Your testimony reminds me of how He came to save us FROM our sin, not IN our sin, and how the devil has crept in. we may think it is just stretching moves, the demons know yoga is composed of prayer positions to demons.
Exactly! See, I didn't know that. Nobody told me how yoga was bad. Not family, not friends, and not even the church! In fact, they all said it was OK! So yeah, several years later, the Holy Spirit taught me a lesson I'll never forget and now I pass that information along as well. I'm so fascinated how God brings us out of sin and makes us new again! :amen:
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Sep 12, 2015
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Yes, precious sister in Christ, He is so patient, I had a Holy Spirit experience once where he clearly brought out Isaiah 28- "line upon line, precept upon precept, hear a little, there a little".
Just as our whole lives have been a small part of His ongoing plan to redeem mankind and His creation to Him.
JGLM.org, John G. Lake ministries has taught this, I didn't know it either until I learned it from there, the demon is looking for the prayer position, if it complies, it can then enter in, so sad to see the ignorant churches, and most are, advertising "Christian Yoga" while they are in fact allowing their own to invite in vile spirits.
best wishes
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Nov 19, 2022
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If yes I would love to hear the details. My wife had stomach issues and I took her to the hospital a few times after we just met. She couldn't heat certain foods like bacon or raw vegetables. She was on a lot of medicine. A friend of ours prayed for her at a camp fire and she was healed. This was 5 years ago and she eats bacon and salads now and haven't been in a hospital since. She cut her medication down to 1 or 2 pills a day. Thank you Jesus!
I read the bible every day. At least a chapter a day. She listens to preaching on the radio and follows along with our church pastor when he is online. We are far from perfect and not worthy but God has mercy on her.

So if anyone knows of any miracles could you post them and details of the miracle? And maybe how the people who received or did the miracle live? Spiritually speaking.
God is so Good :)

Yes I do...

My Dad had been diagnosed with emphysema about 12 years ago. He ended up on a puffer to help him breathe. He was very depressed and stopped doing the things he use to enjoy doing.

About 4 years ago, my mum became a born again Christian and joined a church through a pastor that lived across the street.

My mums been trying to convert him ever since, and my dad grew up in religion, but developed his own beliefs about God as an adult... anyway, there must have been a prayer answered because he is miraculously healed as of a year ago, his lungs are completely clear, and he is back to his old adventurous self.

He isn't saved, baptised, born again yet - although he still believes in God, but he watches a lot of stuff to do with bible theology and teaching these days... I think God is calling to him for sure, it's just a matter of time.
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Sep 12, 2015
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Great to hear, thank you for sharing.
Many years ago I was healed of tonsillitis, Felt His healing touch, looked in the mirror and watched as the red inflammation was reduced to near zero, except for a little soreness that went away in a couple days. Many other healings since.
We are not to beg Him for anything, but pray as Jesus prayed, He commanded the demons of sickness and disease to leave. Now we can when we command in Jesus name, after "stirring up the gift (of Holy Spirit") that is within us".
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Pavel Mosko

Arch-Dude of the Apostolic
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If yes I would love to hear the details. My wife had stomach issues and I took her to the hospital a few times after we just met. She couldn't heat certain foods like bacon or raw vegetables. She was on a lot of medicine. A friend of ours prayed for her at a camp fire and she was healed. This was 5 years ago and she eats bacon and salads now and haven't been in a hospital since. She cut her medication down to 1 or 2 pills a day. Thank you Jesus!
I read the bible every day. At least a chapter a day. She listens to preaching on the radio and follows along with our church pastor when he is online. We are far from perfect and not worthy but God has mercy on her.

So if anyone knows of any miracles could you post them and details of the miracle? And maybe how the people who received or did the miracle live? Spiritually speaking.
I've known a few, especially in my time in 90s while hanging with my best friend going to charismatic churches, praying for people after service or making personal visits to people that were sick. It seemed like more things happened when I was with my best friend Stan who had faith and I believe a gift for such things.

The two most vivid examples

1) There was the wife of an Episcopal priest that had a cancerous tumor behind one of her eyes and was scheduled to have surgery to remove the eye so the tumor could be removed. We had a prayer meeting for her, and I think my best friend had some kind of word of Knowledge that she was going to be healed and there was a strong presence of God in the room. She had some kind of pre-operation appointment, and it was confirmed that the tumor had disappeared, and she was in no need of surgery.

2) I would count myself as this at least as a baby. My mother got chicken pox when she was pregnant with me and that was something that tended to either kill the baby, or really harm it so there was a lot of fear before I was born. I was born however with not any trace of chickenpox! This was very unusual at the time, and my case made a Southern California Medical Journal of a major University Hospital like UCLA. This kind of thing however is something I only learned a few years ago, but it is noteworthy for a few reasons. Probably the biggest is one of perception. I was raised in a conservative Lutheran church that taught Cessationsim and that miracles etc. basically "died out with the apostles". This event did not seem to really register in my parent's mind as being an Act of Divine intervention as it would have if they went to a more Pentecostal / Charismatic church, even a Catholic or Orthodox church..... They were happy it happened, but just seemed to file it away as being good luck or a fluke rather than Divine Intervention that they should be giving a testimony for before the congregation.
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Pavel Mosko

Arch-Dude of the Apostolic
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Oct 4, 2016
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3) I had another act of Divine Intervention on a road trip. At the time I was a part time seminary student and worked a lot of survival jobs in security and other areas like as a phone recruiter for a market research company. It was a tough and depressing time for me, which in honesty did not last years but actually decades (my circumstances only really changing recently). What was especially hard was I failed at getting established in a career in counseling / psychology. This was something I had put my heart and soul into since my high school years, and the fact I could not get established really looked really unfair. The holidays were especially hard because so many of my relatives were successful, had families etc. while I seemed to be the looser of most of the Clan.

Anyway, one of the other things that bummed me out was a failed attempt to settle in the Seattle area. I knew a bishop up there that I liked a lot, and good reason to move, but God didn't seem to be making away to do it. Anyway, when I ended up moving back to Northern California, and my bishop wanted to come back with me, because he was close to my best friend and wanted to make a trip out of it. He would stay a week with me at my parents' giant house, visit me then most likely fly to some kind of event like a Revival etc.

Anyway, unknown to me at the time, my car's alternator broke while I was still in Washington state driving back to my folk's house in the Santa Cruz mountains. I began to get low battery warnings in Northern Oregan that made me stop doing things like running the radio, and the fan and the AC. I ended up finding a motel early that was near a restaurant. I was already worried then of the problem and told the bishop we needed to pray for the car. (I also only had a few hundred bucks in cash at the time, not enough to deal with a big car issue.)

When we started in the morning after praying for the car, I seem to recall it starting fine that gave me a sigh of relief, but the problems nevertheless persisted all the way driving back to California that Summer (I think it was in late August where the days were still long, and day light savings time was in effect. I was making good time, but I was really worried what would happen when the sun went down because my battery was just barely hanging in there. I was relieved because by the time the sun was setting, we actually had reached the area of the Santa Cruz mountains where my folks lived. So, I drove for as long as I could with no headlights on hoping to reach my dad's property just in time.
And we continued to make good time, but the sun continued to go down..... Only a few miles from my dad's place, I was forced to turn on the headlights now that it was nearly black outside in order to see so I did so, and me and Bishop John began to pray emphatically that the battery would continue to run... And it did, but it began to gradually dim. But I noticed we were really close to my dad's house and in an clearing area with more moonlight and I think I probably switched off my headlights that were just barely burning anyway to try to have enough juice to make it my dad's place.

AND WE DID MAKE IT, just barely. My dad actually was outside doing something and guided us to a safe place to park the car which also was a towing a U-Haul trailer, by the way!

Anyway, I consider this a kind of miracle. My car should have conked out hundreds of miles ago... but it kept on going and going... only dying till I made it safely on my dad's property and that was quite the rollercoaster ride of up and down, steep turns, but few places to safely break down....
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Presbyterian Continuist

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I really enjoyed reading through the testimonies on your thread. 10 years ago I viewed Curry Blakes set of DVDs on being a healing technician and found it refreshing and faith-building. I also downloaded a copy of "Healing is the Children's Bread" by Cornel Marais and Simon Wilson. I met Simon who was living in Auckland at the time. I used his book as the basis of my teaching in two healing conferences which were well received with one lady totally healed of a chronic back condition and the pastor emailed me to tell me that she had the first night of restful sleep in years!

I remember praying for my supervisor at work who had arthritis in her knee, and three weeks later her doctor couldn't find any sign of it. I found that when I offered prayer to "pre-Christians", I was never refused, and they appreciated the "blessing".

Then I was subjected to cessationist videos on Youtube and unfortunately they muddied the waters for me. I didn't realise how the unbelief of cessationism can drain a person of faith in God's word and to make him wonder if God really does heal on request today. Was Curry Blake correct? Was Simon's book the right way to teach healing? I stopped praying for people with medical conditions who crossed my path.

Reading the testimonies on this thread has been a good antidote to the false unbelieving teaching of cessationism. It is important to hold to God's Word that promises healing, even though Youtube is full of charlatans who claim guaranteed healing but cannot show verified results. I am certain that the following passage of Scripture applies as much today as it did when the Apostles first prayed:

"29And now, Lord, consider their threats, and enable Your servants to speak Your word with complete boldness, 30as You stretch out Your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.” 31After they had prayed, their meeting place was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.…(Acts 4:29-31).

If the Apostles needed the Lord to stretch out His hand to heal in their day, then it is just as important that He does the same in our day. I think that we need to follow Jude's advice in this regard:

"I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people." (Jude 3).

This is not only in terms for the true Gospel of Christ, but the genuine signs and wonders that are meant to accompany it.

We need to base our faith on God's willingness to heal the sick and disabled as shown in the Scriptures, in spite of whether see actual experience of it or not.
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Wings like Eagles

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Yes - I was healed from terrible stomach pains no Dr. could cure or figure out. Watching (Its Supernatural) with Sid Roth. It was actually the below video ....... towards the end of the show, I was praying with Katherine for healing for everyone and I felt and saw fingers pushing on my stomach and Praise Jesus healed immediately:

Right at 23:14 or so.......I was amazed, could not believe it!

What a great thread by the way thank you.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I had experience with instant healing. Received a deep plasma burn from a steady-sustained electrical arc on a finger.

The skin was literally vaporized into fine yellowish dust and leaving a gash on my finger 2mm deep. I turned my attention back to the electric arc device for a few minutes to make sure it's safely turned off.

Then I looked back at my finger and the deep wound is completely gone and healed. The vaporized remains of the skin and the smell of burned flesh is still there but no more wound as if the injury never happened.

It's the only instance of instantaneous healing I ever saw (or did I accidentally discovered a device that could stimulate extremely rapid healing of open wounds??)
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Apr 12, 2023
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I know someone who is not a personal acquaintance, but it is their expertise to heal. They also perform operations, but they will not open your body. However, you will feel the pain as if you have undergone surgery. The problem is, if you want to be healed, you have to fly to my country. I believe they do not charge people, but you have to stay in the church and be resilient during the hardships. They identify themselves as followers of Christianity.

The number one requirement for your healing is to possess faith in God. If you lack faith, like the apostles of Christ, who couldn't perform the task of expelling demons due to their lack of faith, you must recognize its significance.
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