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Greta Thunberg is the antidote to Donald Trump


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Jan 7, 2016
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The pure spirit of Greta Thunberg is the perfect antidote to Donald Trump

She is the opposite to Donald Trump. He is 73 and devotes considerable attn. to his vanity. The workers at his golf resorts have revealed how he wears makeup & has to have fresh shirts brought to him often bc he gets bronzer on the collar. He has this unnatural skin colour with a white ring around his eyes probably bc he tans in tanning beds and wears goggles. He bleaches his hair & brows, and does this elaborate comb over. He wears suits to look impressive even at casual events like baseball games. Greta is 16. She has more important things to do with her time than preen, so she keeps her face clean of makeup, wears her hair in a simple braid. Has met President Obama, PM Justin Trudeau, and spoken before the UN dressed simply, again with no makeup, no hair style.

He has frequent outbursts on Twitter. He wrote more than 100 Tweets in 1 day. But adults like to tsk tsk teens & say we're the ones who spend too much time on social media. He sulked away from the NATO Summit after world leaders low-key mocked him for the spectacles he's made, returning early to the US where he's in the process of being impeached by the House. He aggressively publicly mocked her & she didn't give him the satisfaction of writing a tweet or making a comment in response. She gave him all of like half a minute of her time, just changing her Twitter bio to troll him back brilliantly & efficiently. Then she returned her focus to what matters. Not pettiness on Twitter.

On Wednesday, Time named Thunberg the magazine’s Person of the Year. Donald Trump, who is famously obsessed with being on the cover of Time, could not stand it. He has campaigned on fossil-fuel expansion, has betrayed on numerous occasions that he does not understand what climate change is, and, on November 4th, he officially began proceedings to remove the U.S. from the Paris Agreement. (Every other country in the world remains a signatory to the pact.) On Thursday, in response to Thunberg’s news, he tweeted: “So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!” Thunberg, as always, took the President’s mockery in stride, changing her Twitter bio, minutes later, to “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend.”

This is not the first time that Thunberg has one-upped Trump’s mocking tweets. In September, she gave a historic speech with the kind of rhetorical vigor that exemplifies her gifts as an orator. “This is all wrong,” she said. “I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school, on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!” Later, Trump retweeted a video clip of her remarks, adding, “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” The same day, Thunberg put the exact words in her Twitter bio: “A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.”

Thunberg is Trump’s perfect foil. She is pure spirit, committed to the foremost emergency of our time, to the science behind it, and to the people who are working every day to rapidly change our energy systems and consumption patterns so that we avert climate change’s deadliest impacts and destabilizing tipping points. Thunberg is devoted to learning, writing, and understanding the world around her. She constantly lifts up other young climate leaders—especially those from indigenous and frontline communities—and begs reporters to focus on them, not her. (On Monday, she and Germany’s most prominent youth activist, Luisa Neubauer, hosted a press conference with young leaders from the Marshall Islands, the Philippines, Russia, and Uganda.) She is a gifted public speaker, not because she stirs up chaos and hate through incoherent rants, but because she speaks elegantly and intelligently, in logical, pithy, unmuddied sentences. Her rhetorical gifts are, perhaps, all the more remarkable considering that, when she was younger, she fell into a major depression concerning climate change and stopped speaking altogether for months. As she said at the start of her speech on Tuesday, “A year and a half ago, I didn’t speak to anyone unless I really had to. But then I found a reason to speak.”

Go Braves

I miss Senator McCain
May 18, 2017
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The pure spirit of Greta Thunberg is the perfect antidote to Donald Trump
He has frequent outbursts on Twitter. He wrote more than 100 Tweets in 1 day. But adults like to tsk tsk teens & say we're the ones who spend too much time on social media. He sulked away from the NATO Summit after world leaders low-key mocked him for the spectacles he's made, returning early to the US where he's in the process of being impeached by the House. He aggressively publicly mocked her & she didn't give him the satisfaction of writing a tweet or making a comment in response. She gave him all of like half a minute of her time, just changing her Twitter bio to troll him back brilliantly & efficiently. Then she returned her focus to what matters. Not pettiness on Twitter.

This right here is what truly emphasizes how Greta Thunberg despite being darn near 60 years younger than Donald, has shown a heck of a lot more class & maturity.

It's a hoot seeing all the folks devoting so much time to defending their Donald for his indefensible trolling of her when she showed the best response by just not even directly responding to him.

Also refreshing to see how Thunberg has owned up when she's made errors. Folks who defend Donald's every convefe comment are gleefully pointing out how she made a translation mistake. She apologized for it. He will not apologize for any wrong. She's definitely the antidote to Donald.
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Jan 7, 2016
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"Seeking an echo chamber and affirmation only?"

"One doesn't need to be underage to support her message."

There's literally hundreds of bars in the United States that you can go into to discuss this or whatever else you want. The ppl here I tagged cannot go into any of them.

There's a whole section that is just for Christians on this forum & there's threads there about Greta Thunberg that one of the girls I tagged cannot post in. But you're not going to see her complaining about that bc she's too mature.

With the ppl here who are under 21, there's 4 nationalities represented, and different political POVs. I know they're busy but I think they will post when they can.
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Jan 7, 2016
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Getting whiplash bc of how rapidly some Trump supporters have switched positions, one week soapboxing and ranting about how a poor vulnerable teenager was victimized bc a law professor made a pun about his name that flew over their heads. This week they're saying someone in his same age range isn't any more vulnerable bc of her age.

Whatever. Greta Thunberg isn't having meltdowns on Twitter about it, or photoshopping her head on Donald Trump's body, which is as pathetic as it is creepy. She also didn't photoshop her head onto the body of Thanos, the mass murdering Marvel villain. It was Donald Trump who did that.
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Jan 7, 2016
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If you're 73 and you decide to become a politician, then be prepared to not only be criticized but also don't be shocked if it's very aggressive / not polite. Just because a president is elderly doesn't necessarily make him more vulnerable. The worst Donald Trump can be accused of is failing to honour the oath of office for the Presidency & acting in a way beneath that office constantly. Such as by expending time and energy being salty bc a teenage girl got picked to be the Person of the Year and he's just a runner up. Or writing more tweets in a week than the avg teen does in a month, all full of vinegar & self-victimization bc he's being held accountable for his actions.

Donald Trump punches himself more than he punches anybody else.
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St. Helens

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NO Goading. This includes images, cartoons, smileys or post ratings which are clearly meant to goad
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Jan 7, 2016
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I appreciate the interest from older ppl but I've posted in - several threads outside of this thread that are about Greta Thunberg so they can ask me q's there. Obv. if I only wanted to stay in an echo chamber I wouldn't post in those threads.

This is the ONE thread for ppl who are in the same gen as her to talk about her. I wish that would just be respected.
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Jan 7, 2016
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I already provided a link to the older person posting here despite having been politely requested not to bc this is the 1 section on the entire forum where peers of Greta Thunberg can discuss her. But here's another one:
Why Greta Thunberg is a prophetic voice for our time
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Jan 7, 2016
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I'm scrubbing out the posts that did not belong here will address why Christians should care for the environment.

This is another good source:

The Bible gives three main reasons why we should care for the environment. First, God Himself says that His creation is very good. The material world matters to God; He sustains it all the time. Without Him it would fall apart into chaos. "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together" (Colossians 1.16–17). So if we neglect, abuse and spoil the environment, we are damaging something that is precious to God.

The second and even more important reason why we should care for the environment is that in Genesis 1.28 and 2.15, God specifically commanded humankind to do so. He told us to take care of both the living and the non-living creation. We are to work at ruling and ordering creation as good stewards without abusing it for our own selfish ends. By caring for the earth properly, we enable it to be fruitful and to play its intended role in giving glory to God. That is part of our proper worship of God.

The very existence of the universe is the result of God's creative activity
The third reason is that one day the cosmos will be renewed and re-created as the "new heavens and new earth", to which both the Old and New Testaments look forward (Isaiah 65, Revelation 21). That will bring the fullness of life that God intended and purposed for His creation: a place where people will truly be at home, where God will dwell with His people, and both they and the whole of creation will worship Him and give Him glory.

So how we treat the environment now ought to be a preview – a practice run if you like – of what we will do in the new creation. The certain hope of a renewed future creation is not a licence to abandon care for this one. Rather, the opposite is the case: there is every incentive to foster and to use the innate goodness and fruitfulness of this material world to do what is pleasing to God in our time and place. As Luther is supposed to have remarked, "If I knew Jesus would return tomorrow, I would plant a tree today."

It is increasingly clear that our use of oil and gas in the West is driving rapid climate change in the whole world. It may not have much effect on us in the short term, other than maybe giving us longer and hotter summers in the UK, but the effects of more extreme weather events will fall disproportionately on the very young and very old, on the poor and the marginalised in places such as sub-Saharan Africa.

One quarter of the planet's population lives in poverty and is extremely vulnerable to changes caused by drought or flooding, to the failure of agricultural crops or to rising sea levels. If we take caring for our global neighbour seriously, we need to consider the impact of our lifestyles on them.

Many of the practical things we can do are not difficult, and indeed are often personally beneficial. Walking to school or church is usually healthier than driving. Changing to low-energy light bulbs, switching the TV off stand-by and insulating our homes will all save us money. So why are they difficult for us?

Partly it is because we are prone to put to the back of our minds the impact of our actions on those we can't see, such as those in another part of the world or even future generations. But perhaps mainly it is because we are by nature sinful, self-centred in our thoughts and our actions.

Those of us who live in the high-income nations with standards of living purchased through profligate use of natural resources have a particular responsibility in our stewardship: an imperative to care for those elsewhere in the world marginalised by global climate change. Our decision to drive a big car, to fly to Paris for the weekend or to turn up the heating rather than put on a sweater will have a direct impact on someone already living on the edge. Once we are aware of that, how can we ignore it?

Of course Christians will want to do all they can to tell others the Good News of Christ. But woe betide us if in telling that Good News we don't also model it by caring for the world God has entrusted to us.
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Go Braves

I miss Senator McCain
May 18, 2017
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Except I'm not arguing against Greta. She has a good message.

Glad to hear it. She sure does!

Cimorene here has posted in at least half a dozen threads all over this forum about Greta Thunberg so it's clear as day she's not seeking out an "echo chamber."

Like I said there's all sorts of political discussions all the time in the Catholic section, there's an entire subsection just for politics, in fact. Only Catholics can post there. I don't see why it's any different here. Why can't Cimorene as a teenage gal be respected in her request to want to talk about Greta Thunberg, a teenage gal, with others close in age? There's just a handful of young folks here, wanting to build up fellowship with us is a good thing that ought to be encouraged. Making threads on a topic we care about, well that's a good way to do just that.
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Go Braves

I miss Senator McCain
May 18, 2017
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No, you are correct, I can buy beer without showing ID. I just want to know what and how Gen Z thinks. Your strict limitation as to who can post (and I understand your desire to communicate with your peers) may end up with no one, or few who can respond.

Thank you for considering my question, even if you decline to answer.

Well if you want to see how we think you're welcome to read this thread. :) That's what plenty of folks do, without posting in it. You can see from the ratings on the OP several read it who have not replied. I read the threads in the Married section which none of us younger folks can post in, in a section for apologetics I don't have access for, quite often. Your questions to Cimorene about her personal faith aren't on topic to what the OP actually is about, but it was nice of her to have given you several Biblical resources anyhow.

She's not the one making or enforcing the strict limitation anymore than the folks posting threads in the other sections she can't post in are.

She'd already answered you: Greta Thunberg is the antidote to Donald Trump
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Go Braves

I miss Senator McCain
May 18, 2017
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I'm rather neutral with Greta and I have criticized others who pick too much on her. About environmentalism, I don't know much to comment on except I am against eating bugs :p

My baseball coach had us on a high protein diet. Gave us BBQ crickets. I was real skeptical but gave them a shot. They were pretty dang good. I know some of the gals here are vegetarian, good for them. If you're not give it a try sometime! Texas BBQ Crickets | Flavored Cricket Protein Snacks | Low Carb |

I think as far as protein sources go this one is probably more environmentally friendly.
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Go Braves

I miss Senator McCain
May 18, 2017
United States
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The pure spirit of Greta Thunberg is the perfect antidote to Donald Trump

She is the opposite to Donald Trump. He is 73 and devotes considerable attn. to his vanity. The workers at his golf resorts have revealed how he wears makeup & has to have fresh shirts brought to him often bc he gets bronzer on the collar. He has this unnatural skin colour with a white ring around his eyes probably bc he tans in tanning beds and wears goggles. He bleaches his hair & brows, and does this elaborate comb over. He wears suits to look impressive even at casual events like baseball games. Greta is 16. She has more important things to do with her time than preen, so she keeps her face clean of makeup, wears her hair in a simple braid. Has met President Obama, PM Justin Trudeau, and spoken before the UN dressed simply, again with no makeup, no hair style.

He has frequent outbursts on Twitter. He wrote more than 100 Tweets in 1 day. But adults like to tsk tsk teens & say we're the ones who spend too much time on social media. He sulked away from the NATO Summit after world leaders low-key mocked him for the spectacles he's made, returning early to the US where he's in the process of being impeached by the House. He aggressively publicly mocked her & she didn't give him the satisfaction of writing a tweet or making a comment in response. She gave him all of like half a minute of her time, just changing her Twitter bio to troll him back brilliantly & efficiently. Then she returned her focus to what matters. Not pettiness on Twitter.

Donald is infamous for his projection. When he accuses somebody else, it's almost always what he himself is guilty of, when he gives somebody else "advice" it's almost always what he himself ought to take.

Perfect example is him telling the 16 yr old to chill and watch an old-fashioned movie, before he proceeded to rage-tweet. Anybody else who made 100 tweets on a work day would get booted on out the door. I know with my girlfriend's job, they consider it to be theft of time if you use your personal social media during work hours. That's a sensible rule.

Donald had himself a tantrum on account of him not being named Person of the Year. He's on the short-list but didn't get named. It's bad sportsmanship.
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Oct 13, 2016
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No, but you are the one enforcing them.
No - You are the one who refuses to follow the requirements to comment in this room.

There are Statements of Purpose for every room and you have failed to read the requirements for this room. Instead, you choose to deflect your own negligent behaviour onto @Cimorene thereby, not only refusing to follow the rules here but also disrespecting the OP.

Your best course of action is to remove yourself from the conversation.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2016
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Seeking an echo chamber and affirmation only?
No - quite obviously she was seeking older persons like yourself to have the grace, dignity and responsible behaviour to NOT comment in a room where you're neither welcome or eligible to comment as per the Room SOP.

Your snide comment to @Cimorene has no impact on is. We are familiar with Boomer attacks; Okay?
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