Government Mind Control, Surveillance, etc.


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Jan 1, 2024
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Just wondering what some of you think of this stuff? I believe some is real. I KNOW some is real, but also there is a lot of whacky theories out there too. I don't believe the govt. has alien hostages in underground bases, and in fact any "aliens' that ANYONE encounters are either 1) demons, or 2) angels - but angels of God will not masquerade, they may be only misunderstood.

I came across this which from a book " The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals About Americas Top Secrets"

Talks a lot about CIA's Mk Ultra Program, then goes into this:
"A whole new mind-control program started up in 1972, this time led by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The goal of this new program was “to determine whether anomalous mental phenomena (i.e. extrasensory perception and psychokinesis) existed and the degree to which such phenomena might be applicable to problems of national interest.” Like MKUltra, it went on for many years, and cost many millions of dollars. How many exactly is still difficult to determine. But a single California contractor, SRI International, would eventually receive $11.3 million (or about thirty-six million in today’s dollars).

Even escape artists and magicians saw that the government was being rooked, and patiently explained to officials how timeworn tools of their trade could easily trick someone into believing in ESP. So, too, did the scientists at DARPA, who concluded that the Israeli illusionist Uri Geller, the DIA’s star pupil, was a “charlatan.” They thought it was “ridiculous” that Geller had fooled the US government into using taxpayer dollars to see whether he could bend spoons with his brain. They pointed to a host of problems with the ESP and psychokinesis experiments, above all the fact that the people paid to conduct them had a financial incentive to produce positive results.

Under the cloak of secrecy, their hubris and magical thinking ran wild.
In 1985, the army commissioned a blue-ribbon panel from the National Research Council to evaluate the program. The panel concluded there was “no scientific warrant for the existence of parapsychological phenomena” such as “remote-viewing”—sensing the location or appearance of things through sheer mental effort—or psychokinesis.

Nevertheless, over the following decade the army conducted between fifty and a hundred more such experiments. In 1995, another review of the remote-viewing program was commissioned, this time by the American Institutes for Research (AIR). Once again, the reviewers found that, because of flaws in the research designs, there was no clear evidence demonstrating the existence of the paranormal.

But the AIR report found something even more damning. After some twenty-five years of experiments, the reviewers concluded, “In no case had the information provided ever been used to guide intelligence operations.” Even if some people really do have ESP that cannot be explained by science, the point of the program was not to use government resources to explore the Twilight Zone. It was to support actual missions that would safeguard national security. Yet, despite all the time and money spent—not to mention the human costs—the government’s venture into the paranormal proved useless for any legitimate intelligence purposes.

Why, then, did the intelligence community and the Pentagon go to extremes in pursuing such embarrassing “research”? For the same reason why they felt they had license to control the weather and alter the upper atmosphere: because, under the cloak of secrecy, their hubris and magical thinking ran wild. Moreover, controlling people’s minds was a prize that was just too tempting to resist. And although the government may have given up on telekinetic spoons, it did not give up on that larger goal."

Ok, I'm aware of some of that stuff, but I'm noting it seems to end there, and then goes on to talk about CIA's waterboarding and interrogation tactics during the war on terror, which I'm taking to be after 2001 and 9/11.
I haven't read the book, nor do I wish to devote my time to such a read. I'm just wondering if there's anything on projects after 2001, and the advancements.

Even the CIA has a book on their own website about the search for a Manchurian Candidate:

One thing I was privy to in some of my activities in the past was the desire to blend or meld A.I. with the human brain, thus exercising a form of mind control in that fashion. Of course this would be under the guise of helping a person both mentally and physically, but then there's the dark side, and any number of science fiction scenarios may come to mind. Today in 2024 this stuff is more and more reality.


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Jan 1, 2024
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And then, there's this fun stuff apparently anyone in the public sector can tap into, if they dare! (Actually I've used some of their tech. Keeps pretty much all viruses & spyware out, even if you happen upon a site loaded with it) Just know they'll most likely be privy to anything you're doing that is accessible by their tech.

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Jan 1, 2024
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The only question worth considering is who they serve. They'll testify to their allegiance in their words and deeds. Do you see the Father in the things they say and do? Of course not.


Amen. Absolutely. I'm sure there are some born again Christians among them: in fact I know for sure there are because I've known a couple of them.
But overall, if what's being done isn't honest, or is a violation of rights, each who partakes in that must give account to the LORD.
I wonder about the honesty part when it comes to war and national defense though, and am reminded of rahab who was justified by faith when she hid the Israelite spies, and told her own people they went out the other way.
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