God allowing evil to rule


Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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For man's prime motivator is gain at the expense of others. A self absorbed world of man means unnecessary greed creating hurt and oppression.
Yeah, but that’s how God set it all up and maintains it that way. With a wave of his hand he could make it all perfect but he chose not to.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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The will of man causes the suffering. Why blame God? We brought it upon ourselves.
Not so. God put the fruit of knowledge in the vicinity of Eve knowing what she would do.

He could have put it up in space. So the suffering is fault.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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You cannot hide something that is in everything in the universe.
God did. He hid the knowledge of good and evil in the fruit. He then put it in reach of Eve knowing exactly what would happen.

Had he put it in everything in the universe that would be worse for his culpability. Even breathing would do it.
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Dec 29, 2002
United States
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God had nothing to do with this. We do what we want when we want and when everything is going good as the rapper in his song said go away God I call you when I need you again. He only becomes real when were dying in bed of something awful happens. God had nothing to do with this. The easy answer is for God so loved the world He gave His only son so who ever believes in Him shall not die but have ever lasting life. He can not do anything in someones life if they are not His nor can they understand His word at all it will just be foolishness to them. The truth only comes when Christ is lord of your life. He is the way He is the truth He is the life.

That's when the peace comes when all around you is scared fearful. His joy, His strength, His armor.. on and on. Psa 91 just one of many promises to those that believe. That's the key aka faith. Its a simple saying yet since I have known Him over 55 years now I don't have any problems I have faith in God. No matter what comes I use what my Father gave me. If fear comes it always leaves why? "God has not give me the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind" and "the joy of the lord is my strength".. I make sure I put on the whole armor of God. I walk in love peace joy in the fruits of the spirit. So in this world what hits anyone else hits me its just I know my authority and it that problem has to leave can not stay. I only speak on what I know and have practiced.

So with out Jesus Christ its like tossing dice.. there is no hope out there. There is no other gods just the one true God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Jesus Christ of the Christians. All one body. If we have faith then nothing is impossible.. Just most do not work their faith so when something bad happens GOD FOR BID we tend to blame God. I know this when my baby was like 4y. Ambulance came and never left, door opens that man is not happy very sad says "he is not responding to anything" and closes the door. I turn and say "Father I will never blame you". The door opens just that fast oh now this man is very happy saying "hes responding!". Helicopter comes take them.. and perfectly 100% healed.

Its not a easy walk this life. I have to walk it with Christ leading. I've had great great pain in my chest one time. That was also very cool! Well my chest oh never had such pain and in one moment it was like someone pushed it into my back... then back into my chest. I did what I believe me not saying anyone else stood on His word Isa 53:5, 1st Peter 2:24 on and on. Not what some man told me but what I read what I knew HE would do if I believed. Praise God for the countless times He helps those with no faith. Anyway went to the doctor for my wife and they took the ekg and what they said others have said that is "it looks like you had massive heart attack". If one said it .. they could have been wrong but more then two said it.

There are things that when I don't have faith I RUN to the doctor haha as everyone should. I could keep going and going. Like leaving Christian meeting late in Hollywood. Every been to Hollywood at night? Haha some know anyway very happy my little truck was about 2 blocks away just as I was crossing the street again very happy the lord said "RUN" I thought run? But I'm not scared. He came right back with "when God tells you to do something you don't question it you just do it". To that I smiled and said "yes sir" and started to run. I cross the street and as I look to my left I see an apartment building with double doors pitch black inside just as I run past two people run out jump into this baby blue beat up car and are driving backwards after me. Now? haha there is no faith man I am so scared. I run across the street and see my little truck on the other side and them right be hind me but what catches my eyes are... I share only exactly what happened. There were in the dark two big guys just standing by my truck. one on the side walk by the passenger door the other on the grass by the front bumper just standing not talking.

later it hit me I had no fear of them what so ever none. I just ran over the care stops sees them and takes off. I jump in drive off. I can again keep going there is so much more. Yeshua Jesus Christ is very real. If I like anyone else doubt then as He said "if you doubt let not that man think He will get anything from God". "if we know He hears us then we know we have the petitions/prayers we asked for". He is real He died for the world. I just posted some stuff from my own life. I fall I miss it He never ever condemns just loves me. I repent.. I get up dust off keep going I just never listen to watch what happens to those around me to then take that as proof what God can and cannot do. I just read what He said and blindly believe never doubt never try to put Him on some time clock. No matter what it looks like sounds like feels like I will not be moved and He never fails always keeps His word. And at this moment 55y later I have not even started to see what HE can do.

So you that don't believe.. He loves you died for you.. came to give you life.. to all as long as we lead He is not
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