Giant swimming pool with huge, killer waves.


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
In this I suddenly found myself in the middle of a swimming pool of gargantuan size.

It looked similar to the 'wave pools' in amusement parks but at least a mile across and double that in length. The shallowest portion is 150 ft deep! And that's in the middle of the pool.

In the dream, the pool is only partially filled with water so the shallowest part in the middle is out of the water by just a foot like bar island stretched all the way across the width of the giant pool.

It was a moonlit night, the waters are crystal clear, it was beautiful with just one problem, there's a 20 ft tall wave coming towards me. It's only one wave but I'm not going to take my chances so I started running away from it. But here's another problem as soon as I faced the opposite direction to run, I saw the perfect manifestation of death because the other side of island was another wave approaching but this time, it's over 100 ft tall literally looked like a wall of water with a near vertical and flat face (not like those waves you can surf) that is racing towards us and I don't think I can outrun that one and it's going to completely swallow the island.

I'm not sure if I'm going to faint out of terror or laugh at the irony of the situation.

Then a young lady came to me out of nowhere, she held my hand and gripped it tightly. I didn't know her and I don't think she knew me either. We didn't move and just stood there and stared at the impending doom like it's our last moment alive. And then a strange thing happened, as the giant wave neared us, the The part of the 100 ft wave that is grazing the wall had collapsed and had become a lot smaller and much less turbulent to probably safe enough to swim across the wave and avoid the full impact of the wave. So we ran towards the wall towards calmer waters and just swam across the giant killer wave and we lived! For all this trouble, I never seen anything so powerful and so beautiful and I meant the giant wave. I didn't get a good look at the woman because I'm terribly focused at the wave.

It wasn't the first time I had this dream. The previous one was also in a wave pool but much smaller. Yet we still face a 100 ft wave and I came across a little girl. It's probably the same girl just grown up and older in my latest similar dream. I held the little girl's hand and the giant wave collapsed right where we stood not a drop of water from the wave touched us.

It was a lot different in the dream than just replaying it in my mind. The huge waves were both incredibly beautiful and breathtaking but also incredibly scary.
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