gestapo again


Dec 27, 2008
Marital Status
had another dream about gestapo last night.
in a nutshell

they were after the children.

here s the dream

i was in the kitchen of the man i talked about b4. the christian man who was married to my friend who id always for years seen as a father to me ,who later had 'tried it on' with me and then denied the whole thing.

in the dream i was in his kitchen. in this dream his wife, my friend, who i dont see anymore, was dead.

it crossed my mind that if i married him i would be very comfortable as they were very wealthy.

i didnt want to marry him , it was just a thought.

in the dream the man 's ex wife, not his dead wife in th edream, my friend, but his ex-wife-he had been married b4. ex wife was there and she was talking about him to me.
in real life she cant stand him, but in the dream she was speaking more favorably of him.
i was pleased to hear better reports of him.

then i saw his grown up daughter. she looks a little like hermione the young girl in the harry potter films.

in the dream i told her she was beautiful

anyway the knock at the door came

suddenly now i was a child/teenager, not a grown up, in fact from now in the dream i was hermione from harry potter and was referred to as hermione in the dream.

in the dream there were 6 children and i was the eldest.

we were told to hide

an officer of the gestapo came to the front door. he came in and looked around. but at this point it was only polite.

although we knew their intentions were harmful, which is the parental voice told us to hide, on the surface and in the media, they were our friend and for us.

they found none of us and left.

i had hidden where the washing machine used to be in the kitchen.

when we hid we were told to be completely still and not move a muscle. my hiding place was much more exposed than the others, but i was the biggest. i just followed the parental instruction tho, to the letter, and didnt move a muscle. and i wasnnt discovered -even tho the mans long coat swished past me.

i was a teenager

we were taken then to a kind auntie to stay with her. she had red hair. not anyone i know but it was a 1940 's style of hair. she was always washing and our beds smelled so fresh- there were always sheets hanging everywhere drying.

it was homely

then out of a secret place popped a small cockney london boy with an older polish boy who were living there unknown to our auntie.
the cockney boy had seen one of the gestapo doing something wrong and had
blackmailed him. so he d been let go and given quite a lot of money to buy his silence.
this little boy was old for his years , very streetwise and didnt have a care , he knew he could afford food when they needed it and they had snook into this safe house and were hiding.

then one day i came out of the house and the gestapo officer saw me and grabbed my arm.

he wanted to see my watch

in the dream i had bought a gold watch in Israel. it had words in greek on it
i dont know what they were -but i did see an omega sign, the last letter of the greek alphabet.

my dad appeared and quickly smiled and took my wrist and said to the officer, oh this is a lovely watch, it has a tiny inscription and it says 'ein klein'

i looked up 'ein klein' and it means 'a little'

my dad convinced him that it had been bought in Israel but it was a german watch or had german craftsmen involved in its making.

my dad was protecting me with his quick thinking, as he was aware of the secret evil they were perpetrating. my dad was very good at playing along politely, because he knew, at this point of their regime, they could not blow their cover and expose their evil overtly to the larger public.

so the officer smiled and accepted what my dad said and left.

we went bk inside

then another day i went outside to see a friend. the whole time now i am hermione out of harry potter. as i came out, the same officer was there waiting hiding. i didnt see him but he put his finger or a gun into my back. he took me to a restaurant and sat me in the window at a table.

the restaurant was on a hill.

he told me to wait there for a car he would send.

it was dusk, early evening.

2 cars drew up. one like a state car for royalty and the other -a dated sort of limo full of women.
i went to get into the state car, but the cheif lady in the other car called my name,' hermione', (in the dream, thats not my real name.) so i presumed this must be the car i was to take.

i got in and we went to a diners club, where there were only women. some had the plaits across the head and were blonde and i felt they were german. i wondered if they were officers off duty and i certainly wondered if they were lesbians because one of the acts were doing a sort of comic striptease- these women were very loud and bawdy. i felt very uncomfortable

i felt then that they were expecting , me , hermione, from harry potter , a teenage girl to do some sort of 'turn ' on the stage.

i managed to get away and climb up a drain pipe.

another male officer grabbed me to prevent me, but i somehow knocked him out.

my strength and agility at this point felt supernatural. it startled me.

i knew i had to get out of the city.

they had these travellator things that were transporting 'sick' children out of the city to 'hospitals'. there were other travellators too, they ran along the rail tracks. some simply lead to different cityies. as a child you were told to sit down and it transported you.

so i went and i gave the name of the officer that i had seen me with the watch, the one that had organised the car etc....he was very senior and had particular interest in me, hermione.
so when i got to the guards in charge of the travellator i told them i was to be was another town but i dont remember where, and that this senior officer had sent me.

the guard immediately put me on and said, you sit here then but dont look behind the panel.

so i said ok.

after travelling some time the guard was now out of view, so i removed the panel, and was horrified by what i saw

1000's of children dead arriving on travellators, literaly 1000's. their clothes were bright colours of the modern day, not old fashioned , this was now.

some were alive among the dead and hadnt yet been killed but were somehow swept up with the dead. i saw a little blonde girl sitting facing back away from the direction that the travellator was going. she had a teddy and her eyes were so blue and big.

each of these travellators , behind the panel, lead to know when you go bowling and the ball comes up out of that suction hole.......well the kids were being sucked down a similar contraption.

there were 1000's of dead children. and some swallowed the little girl.

im not worried about these dreams, its clear the Holy Spirit is bringing them for a reason. i know i need to wait and pray.

if you have any input tho, God may work through that too

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then one day i came out of the house and the gestapo officer saw me and grabbed my arm.

he wanted to see my watch

in the dream i had bought a gold watch in Israel. it had words in greek on it
i dont know what they were -but i did see an omega sign, the last letter of the greek alphabet.

my dad appeared and quickly smiled and took my wrist and said to the officer, oh this is a lovely watch, it has a tiny inscription and it says 'ein klein'

i looked up 'ein klein' and it means 'a little'

my dad convinced him that it had been bought in Israel but it was a german watch or had german craftsmen involved in its making.

my dad was protecting me with his quick thinking, as he was aware of the secret evil they were perpetrating. my dad was very good at playing along politely, because he knew, at this point of their regime, they could not blow their cover and expose their evil overtly to the larger public.


im not worried about these dreams, its clear the Holy Spirit is bringing them for a reason. i know i need to wait and pray.

if you have any input tho, God may work through that too


That is the piece that really stands out to me.

I could go into depth on that and how it relates to Revelation 9, but would spare you the gruesome details.

Basically, what is happening there is some wicked power sees you have a watch 'from Israel', that is you have spiritual gifts. Now, 'no prophecy comes about by the interpretation of the prophet's own opinion', prophets are given prophecy but it is God who does it. They usually do not understand what it is they are being told until God shows them or it is fulfilled: as was said to Moses, 'I speak to my prophets in dreams and visions, in riddles'.

Numbers 12

4 At once the LORD said to Moses, Aaron and Miriam, "Come out to the Tent of Meeting, all three of you." So the three of them came out. 5 Then the LORD came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the Tent and summoned Aaron and Miriam. When both of them stepped forward, 6 he said, "Listen to my words:
"When a prophet of the LORD is among you,
I reveal myself to him in visions,
I speak to him in dreams.
7 But this is not true of my servant Moses;
he is faithful in all my house.
8 With him I speak face to face,
clearly and not in riddles;
he sees the form of the LORD.
Why then were you not afraid
to speak against my servant Moses?"
9 The anger of the LORD burned against them, and he left them.

God is saying he speaks to his prophets in riddles, for one thing there, which is true. And not "clearly".

This represents the fact that the watch had Greek words on it, but was from Israel and you did not know what it says, but "omega". So you are a prophetess who knows your riddles from God are about "The End".

Israel there is important as is the fact that the lettering is in Greek, for the Anti-Christ's coming with his legions and those in the church who side with him against God... are predicted through the Greek overthrow of Jerusalem and the desecration of the Temple.

You see at that time a fight back from the true children of Heaven of the spiritual Israel against those wicked powers, both of the Greek powers and of those Jews who sided against God and with the Greeks.

These things are well spoken of in Revelation 9 to the destruction of the Harlot.

Your dad here helped you escape them by tricking them. This may be your Heavenly Father working through your actual dad.

He makes you seem innocuous.

Instead of saying "the end", "omega", he says, "a little"... as in "a little" watch, or you do not have information that they need or could use. As the wicked powers misuse the prophets and are bound to seek to.

As for the rest, it reminds me of you being in camouflage. We often have to operate in secret as Christians in this spiritual war, often almost like guerrilla fighters. Not all Christians, but as it is said, 'she is taken to the desert to a protected place'.

Now where is that protected place.

Gideon's attack represents the end well and there God has him hiding the army's torches in vases. Again you see the hiding symbolism. Hiding our lights, then a sudden surprise against the wicked powers at night.
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Dec 27, 2008
Marital Status
Im really grateful for what youve suggested, thanks freeport, that has given me a lot to think about, it rings true .

when you said about the fight back of the true children of heaven of the spiritual that us christians or specifically messianic Jews? i m not quite sure
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Im really grateful for what youve suggested, thanks freeport, that has given me a lot to think about, it rings true .

when you said about the fight back of the true children of heaven of the spiritual that us christians or specifically messianic Jews? i m not quite sure

1 Cor 15

23But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. 24Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27For he "has put everything under his feet."[c] Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

So "all dominion, authority, and power" must be destroyed.

Now how will be that be? Not a lot of details are given, but there are a lot in metaphor.

All of the mysteries of the fulfillment of the message of the prophets are in the prophets.

It all points to Christ and this coming Kingdom and it must all be fulfilled.

But, whatever times and dates one might be able to work out from the complex array of metaphor in Scripture, even then: "God will cut the time short".

Now, how strange is it?

Isaiah 28

21 The LORD will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim,
he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon—
to do his work, his strange work,
and perform his task, his alien task.

It should be expected to be entirely strange and alien.

Even to Christians.

Matthew 24

36"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

Now if that was just about an hour of arrival, why not just say "hour"? But the term "day" is included there.

And for God a "day" can 'be like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day'. Or it could be speaking of a lesser time, metaphorically. The meaning is not locked in stone, as far as anyone knows.

Now remember: we all have work to do. Every Christian, every angel. And the Son works through us.

So what even is our own tasks?

Do not think every Christian is given a big picture scenario. Christians work on a tactical level doing what they do as they need to know. This is obvious from these verses. And this means you may not even know what you are doing.

If man can hide things behind cells and with many people each working on different tasks without the other knowing what they are doing: how much more so God, who directs from Heaven?

But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.

Now this means that details are kept secret and is a very important verse.

Because Scriptures are open to good powers as well as bad, to angels, to demons, and to all the earth. As well as the Church is, and the prophets.

Matthew 24:15-17 (New International Version)

15"So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,'[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house.

Remember, Jesus spoke in parables and 'said nothing which was not in a parable'.

But that seems very literal, does it not?

You can research that type of attack and such by researching Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Maccabees.

Is that even future. Or past. I do not know even that.

Judae -- consider that spiritual. We are all in, spiritually, judae, for we are all of the Kingdom of God and the coming New Jerusalem which was in Judae.

Now on "messianic Jews", look at Zechariah. "On that single day I will remove all of sin of the nation". That speaks of the Joshua, the High Priest verses, but also of Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection.

  1. Zechariah 3:4
    The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes." Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."
    Zechariah 3:3-5 (in Context) Zechariah 3 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Zechariah 3:9
    See, the stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that one stone, and I will engrave an inscription on it,' says the LORD Almighty, 'and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day.
    Zechariah 3:8-10 (in Context) Zechariah 3 (Whole Chapter)
  3. Zechariah 13:1
    [ Cleansing From Sin ] "On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.
    Zechariah 13:1-3 (in Context) Zechariah 13 (Whole Chapter)

So, who removes your sin? Jesus. What sin is removed "sin of this land", which is spiritual "Judae" and also spiritual Jerusalem.

On mountains and hills: what could those metaphors mean? Think about it. Work it through. A mountain or hill is a place away from the crowds, now physically we are in the world. But we are not of the world. So, look out for what the masses are teaching and being taught, and look for the high places which are obscure to hide in.

"Infants suckling", new Christians: very hard for them.

"If on roof, do not go down to get anything", take that as a general principle in your spiritual life. Don't hold to any conceptions or assumptions, keep moving on as the game changes. Don't look back. Be quick to adapt to all new information. Be wary of holding onto anything at anytime: even if it came by revelation, for 'no prophecy comes about by the prophet's own interpretation'.

And God's meanings in revelations given to His prophets can change. It may mean one thing to you for awhile, then you may find a deeper meaning to it. Don't go back, grasp every truth given. Never be sure of anything God has not made sure of in your heart.

Keep all of what Jesus said about the end in your heart and contemplate every word otherwise God gave to Jesus to give to you.

For instance, "messianic Jews", are we not messianic Jews.

Will God save physical Israel? I surely do think so. But, what else might that mean, or how, or where?

Keep seeking on all matters God puts on your heart, 'seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened', and 'the Spirit searches even the deep things of God'. And you have the Spirit who 'teaches you all things'.

So, remember: whatever I say, or anyone says, ultimately listen to your heart and what the Spirit says.

The Spirit brings to mind Scripture, and many matters, and we go by that internal communication first and foremost, despite whatever other appearances may show.

Finally, be wary of the enemy, as they listen and watch, as said. If Christians are caught by surprise, how much more them. And they are not stupid, they know how the Prophets speak and have spoken of all of these matters: in the Law, in the Prophets. From the Exodus, to Joshua and Jericho, to Gideon, to the Assyrian invasion, to the Babylonian captivity and return, to the desecration of the Temple under the Greeks and that rebellion... to the destruction of Israel and the Temple by the Romans. Even by the sick covering Herod put over the Temple (for instance, he put at the door the Roman eagle).

All of that... and David, Solomon... everything.

Listen to how God guides you in your heart on all matters.

That is all I can say about these things, which is a lot.
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What are the parallels others of you are seeing between present day and WWll. I believe I see quite a few.

A lot... God orchestrates events with awesome detail.

Hitler and his regime was very anti-Christ, most close in wickedness I have seen yet.

Her story, especially that middle part is vivid in details and so deeply ties into such events.
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What are the parallels others of you are seeing between present day and WWll. I believe I see quite a few.

I believe this is coming to America, and soon, only now it will be Christians who will be hunted down.
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thank you freeport, im really grateful for you taking such a long time to explain.

be wise as serpent and gentle as a lamb, i guess

It sounds like kung fu when you say it that way. :)

And, no problem, it is my pleasure... every single person is very important by my book.

One of your posts interested me enough to go and look up some of your past posts, you are definitely a 'right on' Christian.
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oops i said lamb again, i always say gentle as a lamb when i think of that scripture. it should be gentle as a dove

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16, KJV

Yes, well, dove or lamb, pretty equivalent in the sense of being innocent.


Real difference being the Lamb died for your sins.


Good stuff in Revelation about the Lamb, you know.
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Dec 27, 2008
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glad you ve been blessed by something i offered. Glory to God, He taught me what ever it was i wrote.

i must say , being new to this section, ive been nothing but blessed to read yours and others' posts. like you said , its always the Holy Spirit who confirms and reveals, but He can bring such fantastic information through brothers and sisters....i think Heron uses the word 'fodder', which is a good word, when i read the posts here, so full of rich possibilities i feel i have much to 'chew on' , new things to meditate on.

thanks for being so thorough with your replies
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glad you ve been blessed by something i offered. Glory to God, He taught me what ever it was i wrote.

i must say , being new to this section, ive been nothing but blessed to read yours and others' posts. like you said , its always the Holy Spirit who confirms and reveals, but He can bring such fantastic information through brothers and sisters....i think Heron uses the word 'fodder', which is a good word, when i read the posts here, so full of rich possibilities i feel i have much to 'chew on' , new things to meditate on.

thanks for being so thorough with your replies


The Spirit 'teaches us all things'. It is sad many do not believe that... despite the great evidence given to them. As Christians, we are asked to believe.

Thanks for posting your dreams, glad you are posting here.
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Okay, God also put this on my heart for you (more to that story, but ultimately it comes from God):

How to say... okay, notice how you were hiding when the Gestapo came in? As Christians we do not hide.

Now being "wise as serpents and innocent as dove" does not mean we are secret agents rustling around hiding from any powers which oppose the dominion of Jesus Christ over the whole earth. Far from it.

You have a long, long trail of Christian blood which founded and raised up the Church. Countless Christians were persecuted unto death for their faith. No, history does not record it so well. One has to dig to find record of it. That was why they killed them. They wanted to destroy them. They also did not speak of them and tried to erase the memory of their existence entirely.

But, mark my words: God sure remembers. Note in Revelation how their cries God hears to bring about those very events in Revelation even down onto the destruction of the Harlot who 'is drunk on the blood of the martyrs'.

Nor is their sacrifice without effect, for by their blood and by their testimony have the dominions of the world been crushed.

Today is a much freer world where Christianity might be freely preached in the most wealthy of nations - blessed by God despite their impurity - clearly and so the whole world sees it. And believe it the nations still under the wrath of tyranny hate us for it for a reason. Because we are good and God loves us and hates them. (Metaphorically speaking, God hates it when people live in sin, being His desire is they repent.)

We have nothing to be ashamed of and need to be bold in representing the dominion of Christ to all challenging authorities and powers.

If anyone does dare kill you or arrest you, that is your chance to give the testimony of God by the Holy Spirit.

As for speaking or not speaking: I am warned off by God on speaking on some matters at times. Other times, I speak boldly on even hidden matters. Wicked powers can only be caught by their own deception when they seek to steal and misuse such information. All things good which they come in contact with and misuse increases their condemnation.

All condemnation has a breaking point. God never forgets.

After a certain point of anyone or any dominion being loaded up on condemnation, its' time is over.

God brings them down.

When I do not say something or obscure it, it is either because it is a professional reason which could put others in harm or trouble, or more usually it is because it would do more harm then good to the wicked. They trample jewels, then turn and rend us.

(Yet, why has God given the New and Old Testament to the whole world? It is a testimony to them. It is a testimony to the heavenly powers which have ruled this world, as Paul said.)

We do not fight with guns. In totalitarian lands we may run hidden churches, this is true, and have matters kept in secret. That may be a necessary base of operations for growth. But God has taken even beginning Christians and imbued them with great talents and almost immediately sent them to their death (and torture).

If one can believe, God can give people a ministry anywhere, anytime.

Look at the Apostles. Every one of them put to death, but John who escaped death so he could witness of Revelation.

And did any of them not have a ministry? God gave many saints who were new in the faith a great ministry. But, look at it this way: if God gives you five talents, you will have interest and a reward. It is a given. There is no way to change that. Don't take the 'guy with one talent who did not invest his' too literally. Had he not responded to God with harsh judgments, he would not have received harsh judgment in return. (Though, that is his due having only one talent and little knowledge, therefore, of God... all talents are of knowledge of God and the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven.)
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Dec 27, 2008
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i personally dont fight demons, or feel they have power over me.

I know that Jesus is Lord of all

if you re read the dream, i hid because my father told me to.

i was obeying

also, in the dream i was a teenager and although i was seeing all of this, i was actually a character out of a fictional story too.

thanks for making the effort, i appreciate that.

God is speaking to me even as i read things that dont ring true too...its all good

very grateful
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i personally dont fight demons, or feel they have power over me.

I know that Jesus is Lord of all

if you re read the dream, i hid because my father told me to.

i was obeying

also, in the dream i was a teenager and although i was seeing all of this, i was actually a character out of a fictional story too.

thanks for making the effort, i appreciate that.

God is speaking to me even as i read things that dont ring true too...its all good

very grateful


Anyway, God always has everything for a reason...

Guess what you mean by that last line. Like when you were offbase on my dream the other day. Who knows that did not have some other purpose.

Why would God your Father tell you to hide... I am just wondering the context then.

David hid when he was on the run... but that just does not seem right.

Do you ever see yourself as being a fugitive from the law?
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I thought the icecream truck was interesting. Icecream makes me think of cheap yummy desserts, hot weather, entertainment and alot of children of all ages. Innocense too. Then the window hoist platform which symbolizes the need for cleaning followed by the newslady needing to reach the horse and the truck. Next is the horse itself which seems to have his "own comment" on the whole business....

So do you see this as representing the church and the condition it is in or am I not seeing this?
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Dec 27, 2008
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i felt there was something in the fact that the horse would not urinate in the air, i was thinking about the window cleaning hoist too.

when you clean a window you see clearly.

there was no building but it was by a main river

the white horse, i did feel could be Christ...but maybe the 'organisers' who raised him up high, but wouldnt let the people come near and touch him.

the horse i feel in its attitude was like any animal 'on show' tolerant,, bearing it, patient, going along with it....but it drew the line when it came to the blood. the blood had to be on the ground where the people were.

maybe its Gods patience with the church, and all her 'good ideas' to make Him, palatable to kids young and old, turning Him into an entertaining, ride for the senses....but He absolutely will draw the line with men and their projects...if the people do not know they are clean, if the people do not know the power in His shed blood for them.

it maybe a sign that God is getting restless with 'entertainment' in the church....nothing wrong with havin a good time....but i know in the years i have been a christian, i have seen many churches very entertaining...but ive left having not heard the good news of what christ has done. i have seen alter calls after ' have a better life pep talks'....but no mention of the blood, the cross, the Father,the ressurection, the new creation.

i think in trying to be what some people call 'seeker friendly' some leaders have tipped too far over into 'style' and forgotten 'content'

but, even so, in the dream the horse did not seem worried about these methods around him, him being 'made attractive'

he tolerated it

but the blood and the cleaning of the people through the blood - that is where he put his foot down
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the white horse, i did feel could be Christ...but maybe the 'organisers' who raised him up high, but wouldnt let the people come near and touch him.

the horse i feel in its attitude was like any animal 'on show' tolerant,, bearing it, patient, going along with it....but it drew the line when it came to the blood. the blood had to be on the ground where the people were.

That is what I thought, and why I brought up the white horse of Revelation.

Revelation 19

11I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. 12His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter."[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
Actually, I am quite sure of that interpretation.

But, what of Christ? Is Christ a horse?

Do you think the 144,000 tie into that at all? Maybe the 144,000 are a type of vehicle for Christ?

Or is it the Holy Mountain which they stand on? Or, both?

Maybe Christ does represent the regality of that horse, however: for where could the vehicle of Christ be, but in that which is godly?

No comments needed -- but that is an interesting aspect of the urination, the way you explain it.
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