Gave up astrology and tarot cards



I use to look at my astrology and read tarot cards, occasionally.

I didn't think it was a big deal but I was sent two dreams by the Lord that depicted reading tarot cards and dealing with the occult was AS horrendous as being a seriel, insane criminal.

I know for some, these dreams don't make sense or sound logical - but they convicted me.

The devil preys on my weakness, when I worry about the future (which the Bible states I am NOT suppose to do).

So when I feel the temptation to take a look at those satanic tools, I instead read my Bible or look up a daily Bible verse on google.

Thank you Lord for helping me overcome this former interest in my life.


I use to look at my astrology and read tarot cards, occasionally.

I didn't think it was a big deal but I was sent two dreams by the Lord that depicted reading tarot cards and dealing with the occult was AS horrendous as being a seriel, insane criminal.

I know for some, these dreams don't make sense or sound logical - but they convicted me.

The devil preys on my weakness, when I worry about the future (which the Bible states I am NOT suppose to do).

So when I feel the temptation to take a look at those satanic tools, I instead read my Bible or look up a daily Bible verse on google.

Thank you Lord for helping me overcome this former interest in my life.

The fact God intervened with you to show you what His letter to you( the bible )clearly states not to do, speaks volumes.

The bible is clear on these issues in many places Deut. 18:9-14 Leviticus 19:31 amongst others . God also tells us His children die from lack of knowledge . We as Christians need to read the bible on a regular basis always asking Jesus to guide us and teach us thru His Holy Spirit. That is the entire bible not just the new testament as some churches teach.

2Timothy2:15 KJV Study to show thyself approved to God a workman need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.
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Oct 26, 2012
Marital Status
I was a 30 year veteran tarot reader, astrologer and rune reader. A year or so ago Yahweh Elohim told me to leave that life behind. At the time I did so because I was ordered to do so but have come to learn over this past year why it is wrong.

Many mystics look into peoples futures because they care about others, they want others to be able to make informed choices, to not make painful mistakes. However, what the psychics don't understand is that they are being used, they are taking people off of the narrow difficult path and setting their feet on the wide easy road. This is perhaps one of the worst things a person can do to another, yet the psychic is deceived into believing that they are doing good, they are helping others, offering comfort and advice.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and learn not unto thine own understandings.
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Another Lazarus

Old Newbie
Sep 19, 2013
Marital Status
I use to look at my astrology and read tarot cards, occasionally.

I didn't think it was a big deal but I was sent two dreams by the Lord that depicted reading tarot cards and dealing with the occult was AS horrendous as being a seriel, insane criminal.

I know for some, these dreams don't make sense or sound logical - but they convicted me.

The devil preys on my weakness, when I worry about the future (which the Bible states I am NOT suppose to do).

So when I feel the temptation to take a look at those satanic tools, I instead read my Bible or look up a daily Bible verse on google.

Thank you Lord for helping me overcome this former interest in my life.

astrology, tarrot reading, ba-zhi, all r a curse to mankind.
because with every bless will come the curse.
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