Foregn god of Judah/Levi

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In Christ Forever

Is Judah still condemend today by God for breaking the convenant with Levi and what foreign God are they married to? If so, I think Israel should rethink how they are interpreting their scripture. If God didn't effect a new convenant with them, then they are still under condemnation I believe. How the heck do they interpret their own scripture? Either Christ the messiah came, or He didn't, so why are they still waiting on one?:amen: :preach:

malachi 2:6 The law of truth was in his[LEVI] mouth, And injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and equity, And turned many away from iniquity. 7 "For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, And [people] should seek the law from his mouth; For he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts. 8 But you have departed from the way; You have caused many to stumble at the law. You have corrupted the covenant of Levi," Says the LORD of hosts. 9 "Therefore I also have made you contemptible and base Before all the people, Because you have not kept My ways But have shown partiality in the law." 10 Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously with one another By profaning the covenant of the fathers? 11 Judah has dealt treacherously, And an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem, For Judah has profaned The LORD's holy [institution] which He loves: He has married the daughter of a foreign god. :scratch:

Malachi 3:1 "Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," Says the LORD of hosts. 2 "But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He [is] like a refiner's fire And like launderer's soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the LORD An offering in righteousness.

ephesian 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not be partakers with them. 8 For you were once darkness, but now [you are] light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit [is] in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose [them.]

In Christ Forever

Bumpy. I would like to know how the Israelis cannot see this as Christ coming and the destruction of their temple by God as proof He did come. Maybe they read Scofield's bible.:eek: God bless.

And who is this "foreign god" they are married to?

malachi 2:6 The law of truth was in his[LEVI] mouth, And injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and equity, And turned many away from iniquity. 7 "For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, And [people] should seek the law from his mouth; For he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts. 8 But you have departed from the way; You have caused many to stumble at the law. You have corrupted the covenant of Levi," Says the LORD of hosts. 9 "Therefore I also have made you contemptible and base Before all the people, Because you have not kept My ways But have shown partiality in the law." 10 Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously with one another By profaning the covenant of the fathers? 11 Judah has dealt treacherously, And an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem, For Judah has profaned The LORD's holy [institution] which He loves: He has married the daughter of a foreign god. :scratch:

Malachi 3:1 "Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," Says the LORD of hosts. 2 "But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He [is] like a refiner's fire And like launderer's soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the LORD An offering in righteousness.

ezekiel 9: 3 Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub, where it had been, to the threshold of the temple. And He called to the man clothed with linen, who [had] the writer's inkhorn at his side; 4 and the LORD said to him, "Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it." 5 To the others He said in my hearing, "Go after him through the city and kill; do not let your eye spare, nor have any pity. 6 "Utterly slay old [and] young men, maidens and little children and women; but do not come near anyone on whom [is] the mark; and begin at My sanctuary." So they began with the elders who [were] before the temple. 7 Then He said to them, "Defile the temple, and fill the courts with the slain. Go out!" And they went out and killed in the city.
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In Christ Forever said:
Bumpy. I would like to know how the Israelis cannot see this as Christ coming and the destruction of their temple by God as proof He did come. Maybe they read Scofield's bible.:eek: God bless.
ICF, I'm sorry but I really think you need to stick with the essentials of Christianity and become firmly grounded in them before tackling other issues.

Salvation, the Trinity, the nature of Christ, how to live a Christian life....all these things are more important. Until you have those things firmly understood, you should put eschatology and Israel on a back burner.
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The Key that Fits:Acts 28
Mar 24, 2004
In Christ Forever said:
Bumpy. I would like to know how the Israelis cannot see this as Christ coming and the destruction of their temple by God as proof He did come. Maybe they read Scofield's bible.:eek: God bless.
You can't be serious... ?? ...

You've been quoting...
1Co 15:23-24
(23) But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
(24) Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.​
...For weeks saying there is no millenial reign because the END is immediately following His coming.

I guess we're in the New Heavens and New Earth and the kingdom has been handed over before it was even taken from the "prince". :doh:
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In Christ Forever

@@Paul@@ said:
You've been quoting...1Co 15:23-24(23) But every man in his own order

Christ the firstfruits;

afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.(24)

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power
...For weeks saying there is no millenial reign because the END is immediately following His coming.I guess we're in the New Heavens and New Earth and the kingdom has been handed over before it was even taken from the "prince". :doh:
Doesn't show a millenial earthly reign of Christ, so why not quote it? This is off topic for "dispensationalism" but was curios how they look at this. God bless.

So what daughter of a foreign god did Judah marry? Are they still married to it today? Can they still "inherit" land while married to it?.:eek: God bless.

malachi 2:10 Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously with one another By profaning the covenant of the fathers? 11 Judah has dealt treacherously, And an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem, For Judah has profaned The LORD's holy [institution] which He loves: He has married the daughter of a foreign god. :scratch:

malachi 3: 2 "But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He [is] like a refiner's fire And like launderer's soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the LORD An offering in righteousness.

Revelation 11:1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, "Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.
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