Engaged, but her past is haunting me... again


Feb 23, 2015
Marital Status
First of all, thank you to everyone who takes the time to read, pray or respond to this. I don't know if I'm looking for answers or simply support.

Let me also start with this, I love my fiance. She is more than I ever hoped to find in a wife. I love her wholeheartedly, and I have no doubts whatsoever about marrying her. We are nearing the 3 month mark.

A little about the two of us. We're in our mid-twenties, actively pursue our relationship with God, we communicate well, we'd spend every second together if we could, both athletic, touch is a love language for both of us.

I don't need to dive into the gritty details of her past, so here's the abridged version. She started dating a guy for a few months. He two-timed her. Being a competitive woman she thought having sex with him would win him over. It didn't, but over the course of 2 years she kept going back to him, unbeknownst to anyone. She said she never loved him, and that their sexual relationship was a "who could care less" kind of dynamic. Even though the guy was an absolute jerk, she had developed an emotional bond with him. It was a cycle of sin that many of us fall into. Indulgence, guilt, pleading with God for forgiveness, complacency, and then back to sin again. The longer the cycle continued, the more damaged her self esteem became.

She was very skiddish about any serious relationship when I came around. The bond she had with him was severed a couple months before we started dating, but the pain was still fresh. Because I cared so much for her, and because she was in such obvious pain, I ignored my own hurt and comforted her, prayed with her, prayed for him even... the guy that took her virginity (he's supposedly a Christian). Forgiveness came quickly because I knew I had failed God more severely than she ever could fail me.

Forgetting is what I can't do. I desperately want to, but the thought of him is always lingering in the back of my head. Some days I can silence the enemy, but I'm not strong every day. And my walk with God isn't perfect. Satan finds holes in my guard and I'm overwhelmed with sadness and anger. The more connected I become with her, and the deeper our hearts bind, the more it overwhelms me.

It's an aspect of our relationship where he won, and I lost. And I won't win until we're married. It's a lie from Satan, but it's what I feel.

I've prayed. I've talked to our PM counselor about it. My fiance and I have talked through it. At this point, I'm just trying to bare the hurt until we're married. I guess I shouldn't expect the pain to go away because that's the consequence of sin. I just wasn't prepared for this kind of grief and I never knew that the woman I most love could also be the cause of my greatest grief...


Part of the Family
Apr 18, 2014
Marital Status
Forgetting is what I can't do. I desperately want to, but the thought of him is always lingering in the back of my head...

It's an aspect of our relationship where he won, and I lost. And I won't win until we're married. It's a lie from Satan, but it's what I feel...

I just wasn't prepared for this kind of grief and I never knew that the woman I most love could also be the cause of my greatest grief...

My sympathies are offered for your struggle. Unfortunately, because we are vulnerable in relationships the same person that is the cause of our greatest joys can also be the cause of our greatest pains. Many married people have told me on that part of the subject, "welcome to marriage."

But - DON'T let the Devil win! You know, and have affirmed in your post, that these negative feelings and thoughts and competition are lies from Satan. Sometimes our feelings lie too. Feelings go up and down and all over the place sometimes. They are influenced by our thoughts and circumstances. If you believe these thoughts are not valid and they are not coming from God, than don't let them win!

I hope you recognize that what I am saying, I am intending to say for your encouragement. I have also experienced spiritual harassment through negative thoughts in various ways. That's why I'm speaking so strongly in my encouragement, because I know that sometimes that's what is needed to overcome such negative thoughts. I hope I do not offend or harm your heart in doing so.

From what I understand in the Bible and from my own experience battling such thoughts... the forces of evil will give you the most grief and harassment at important junctions when you are doing the right thing. Forgiveness is from God. Continue to pray for forgiveness and don't allow yourself to think it's a competition. It's not a competition. You don't ever want to compete with a jerk. You want to be better than that. Being better than that is not competing for her affections or sexual attention. Being better is disengaging from the jerk that hurt her and allowing her and allowing yourself to heal and move on. Love does not keep record of wrongs (1 Cor. 13), and this is a conscious choice just as much as lifelong love is a conscious choice.

If you believe this is spiritual harassment from evil forces... let me share some strategies that have helped me. If they don't help you, feel free to find something else that does. This is just my two cents worth, but I hope it helps.
1) Pray continually. For me this means keeping a dialogue with God in my head. Sometimes when the negative thoughts are strongest, it means voicing my prayer aloud in a private room.
2) Create safe space. For me this was my house and my bedroom. Since at one point my negative thoughts were threatening my life, so for me safe space meant a place where these thoughts were not welcome and where I could relax and feel safe. This might look different for you, but I recommend consciously doing something that will designate a specific space where negative thoughts and evil forces are forbidden and you can relax in the presence of God.
3) Put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6). I printed out the passage and put it next to my bed with my favorite Bible and read it and re-read it every time I felt spiritually harassed or anxious. Even if you don't do that, do remember that you are not fighting flesh and blood - you are not fighting your fiance or this jerk from her past. You love her and he's gone so nothing you do or don't do is in any way affecting him at all. You are fighting against powers of darkness in this world. So keep the correct perspective on that by putting on the armor of God in your conscious thoughts - the ones you choose.
4) Follow Jesus' example. When Jesus was dealing with evil forces, He didn't negotiate, He didn't engage, He didn't accept the lies. He demanded that they be gone. Focus on Jesus. Read His words and His stories and His actions in the Gospels. When you feel your weakest, remember that He shines through strong in our weaknesses. The most helpful text for me in doing this when combating negative thoughts and temptations is Matt. 16:23 and Mark 8:33 where Jesus says to the evil spirit influencing Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You do not have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns."

I'll pray for you. God bless.
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Feb 23, 2015
Marital Status
Did you know this before proposing? If so, why did you propose?

I absolutely did. It's what developed a deeper level of trust at the onset of our relationship. She was very forthright about her past, and she is a different woman now. However, this doesn't make the knowledge of her past less painful.
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Feb 23, 2015
Marital Status
[JojotheBeloved], thank you for speaking truth. It's sometimes needed to hear it from someone else, in words that I haven't formed.

Half the time, I feel like I need some tough love. Someone to say, "Just suck it up!" or "Be the man she needs you to be." I suppose the latter is why I don't talk to her about this anymore. It benefits neither of us to dwell on this continually. I just hope time truly does heal.

I suppose, in the end, if we are both drawn closer to Christ through this experience then what was meant for evil will be used for good.

Again, thank you for your words, and thank you even more for your prayers! They mean the world.

your brother in Christ,
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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Well, do you want to spend the rest of your life with her, even if it means living with this, or not?

You're counting on time to heal. But how long would that be? How long have you known about this? How long until the wedding, if you have set a date?
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Feb 23, 2015
Marital Status
Well, do you want to spend the rest of your life with her, even if it means living with this, or not?

You're counting on time to heal. But how long would that be? How long have you known about this? How long until the wedding, if you have set a date?

Absolutely, my decision to spend the rest of my life with her isn't in question. I'll live with it if it means I get her. Final answer, and there's no doubt there.

As for how long it will take, there's no way I can know that. If you start on a new journey, you have no idea how long that journey will take until you actually reach the end. I've known about it for over a year now, and we're getting married this summer. I had a period of several months where this didn't affect me... I was over it. But the closer we get to marriage, the more it saddens/angers me. I know it shouldn't. That's MY fault for letting Satan take root in my mind. I think writing this out in response to you is helping me see the sin in my own heart.

In simple terms, I want her to have something special... something she's never had before. I want to give her pleasure that she's never experienced. I know that's a purely carnal desire and that there are much more important things in life... so I suppose that's my own pride at work. She's assured me in every way she can that there will be no comparison, that what she shared with Daniel was not love. She's told me that kissing me is more meaningful than sex with him. Unfortunately, I have a powerful imagination, and frequent vivid dreams which plant seeds I don't want. If I'm not vigilant, the comparisons start all over again and I'm back at square one.
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Feb 23, 2015
Marital Status
retroactivejealousy.com and the bible are the best help you can get with this, perhaps a Christian based councilor. Don't ignore it, it is a festering wound that YOU have to deal with.

I couldn't agree more as it IS something I have to deal with. I'm failing in my responsibility to guard her and protect her if I solicit her help in the healing process.
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Nov 4, 2006
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I hope that you have forgiven her, and get up each day and forgive her as necessary in prayer. If she has confessed, sounds like yes, you reviewed the circumstance, details not necessary, it is all history. We all sin, and all sin is sin to God. Some people put so much emphasis on virginity it can be an idol. Her heart, her mind, her life should be so much more. I pray that you can forgive her in time. God Bless <><
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