Eastern vs. Roman Rite Catholicism: Ukrainian Catholic Priest Breaks Down the Fascinating Differences


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Feb 5, 2002
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How much do you know about Eastern Rite Catholicism?

How much do you know about Eastern Rite Catholicism?

In this episode of “The Catholic Talk Show,” Ryan Scheel, Ryan Dellacrosse, and Father Rich Pagano discuss the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches with Father Jason Charron.

Father Charron, a married Ukrainian Catholic priest, offers a unique perspective into how architecture, the Sign of the Cross, iconostasis, and more are used in our faith.

He shares that the universal Catholic Church has diverse expressions of a single, unifying faith, but the Eastern Catholic churches contrast and complement their Western counterparts.

"Italian bread is not the same as German bread... the same with the faith in Ukraine and Mexico. It's the same Catholic faith but takes on a whole new dynamism," Father Charron explains.

For example, while both traditions use architecture as part of worship, there are interesting differences in how the churches themselves are used to preach the Gospel.

"In the West, cathedrals lift man's hearts to God. In the East, it's descending the Heavenly worship down among men," he says.

Iconostasis, a barrier adorned with icons separating the nave from the sanctuary in Eastern churches, is used similarly.

Father Chiron describes it as a "reflection in the movement of liturgy.”

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