
I am ME
Apr 1, 2002
Marital Status
My husband had this dream the other night, and I feel I need to share it with you all!..:)

He had a dream he was walking along with Jesus, and the antichrist kept calling Vince (my husband) over to him, and Vince kept saying no, no, no way am I going to talk to the antichrist, But Jesus said "NO go ahead and see what he has to say."
So Vince went over to the antichrist for a few minutes, and then returned to Jesus. Jesus said "well what did he have to say" and Vince said "I'm not sure it was all just a jumbled mess." And then Jesus said:
"Thats because my son you are saved"

I just had to share that with all of you, I thought that was the most awesome dream, and I hope some of you do too.

I also wanted to know if any of you want to share a dream that you have had..

God Bless,
Allison :pink:


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Apr 24, 2002
Otis, CO
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That is a neat dream! I had a obvious spiritual dream once or twice. (grin)

My mother and father walked around to the back of my house. My mother saw a man all dressed in black, he even had a mask. My dad walked up to him after my mom ran into the house past the man. My dad looked at him and said something to the effect of "Who are you? and What do you want?". The man ignored him and stepped away from the wall beside the glass door and looked at me. Who was standing just inside the door, he motioned for me to come out. So I did, he lunged at me and I found myself pushing against the man's hands with my own hands. I was singing "Jesus Loves me" only instead of "me" I said "you". Then we broke apart and he pulled a knife and swung at me. I luckily moved out of the way and just before he threw it at me my dad tackled him to the ground. the knife went flying. My dad had gotten hurt somehow so I knelt beside him while the man was trying to get up from the ground. My father said something to me but I do not remember what it was. I then stood and looked around desperately for the knife, but he grabbed it first. We stood about five feet away from each other and he was trying to decide whether to throw the knife at me or not. That's where it ended. It was certainly interesting!
feel perfectly free to write me I would love to hear from you and discuss just about anything. Thank you! God Bless!
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