Dream of being recruited by an "Above Top Secret" government organization


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
Last night I had a dream about being recruited by an "Above Top Secret" government organization to work as armed escort for their civilian workers.

All the armed escorts and civilian workers who are mostly engineers working for an above top secret government contract.

What makes this job so special and so secret is I suddenly found myself aboard a very large spacecraft crewed by officers from one of the armed forces in the USA or NATO or w/e. The spacecraft is as big as an aircraft carrier, far larger and heavier than anything we know that is up there in space built by man.

The spacecraft is equipped with warp or hyperdrive and it took little time for us to arrive in our destination. An Earth-like alien planet many light years away from Earth.

The alien planet is very similar to Earth. Similar breathable atmosphere, similar climate. Once we landed in the ground in one of the cities, I'm unable to tell it apart from Earth! The city we went to looked like one of those big cities in UAE. There were different races of sentient aliens living and working in this planet and in many cases, living in segregated subdivisions in the city. The place I got dropped off is obviously one of the subdivision for Earth Citizen workers.

I never got to see any of the aliens in the dream. But interestingly, they also have TVs, TV shows, and TV ads in that planet. I saw one of the aliens in a TV commercial that looks like a giant slug but otherwise, sentient and highly intelligent. The commercial is showcasing a "Teleportation Pad". Obviously a device you can use to teleport yourself instantly from one place to another.

I believe the secret space organization back on Earth possess teleportation pads as well they can use to teleport people back and forth starships orbiting Earth to be able to keep the whole enterprise under wraps, in complete secrecy. So they don't get caught flying around in flying saucers, they'll just use teleportation pads instead. I believe the starships themselves possess stealth technology and in high orbit above Earth so impossible to detect.

I saw many civilian workers from Earth. Many of them engineers from Philippines. Perhaps, because I'm also from Philippines or this secret space org just prefer to recruit workers from my country.

Probably very carefully hand-picked, pysch-evalled individuals. Basically people who are able to keep secrets and "unassuming" like you wouldn't assume a Filipino to be working in a super top secret assignment, would you? You'd probably expect a tall guy or a tall woman with deep voice, looks like Gal Gadot or Luke Evans working in such high value assignments. But no, probably not how super secret orgs works at least the good ones anyway.

Back at camp, we got issued fully body armored suit and weapons. The armored suit resembled the same suit worn by a humanoid alien in my other dream. Anyway, the assault rifle looked strange. It resembled a sawed-off shotgun but no butt, very few buttons. Just the trigger and some sort of a locking toggle. Without a butt, it's probably a directed energy weapon.

Then I remember all my other dreams in this region of space. In some of the dreams, I was one of the civilian workers. Some even involved fierce battles in space, getting attacked by space pirates. It's a very dangerous part of space and probably why in my dream last night, the civilian workers required armed escorts.

Nothing in that dream to suggest the timeline is in the distant feature. All seems to imply it's already happening right now, under our noses.

It will make me so furious if this is actually real. How could our world leaders work in close collaboration with an intergalactic organization, recruit civilians to work 'off-world' but keep the vast majority in the dark, lie to them about this collaboration? Only an enemy would behave like that.

I didn't get good "vibes" from this intergalactic affair either. Although the view is incredible, you get to travel across the galaxy, you feel like you're making a huge contribution to mankind but you can't shake the feeling whoever is running the whole show felt so evil.