• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Does anyone...?

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May 14, 2006
Marital Status
does anyone here that has ocd feel these impulses to where if they have bad evil thoughts, its like you HAVE to question and doubt if its you or something you want to do. i feel so evil and horrible because my thoughts attack me with evil thoughts that are against God and other ppl and then i feel like im going to go "out of control" at any minute. i am so confused and i wish my mind would not question itself. are these impulse and feeling like i have to question myself feelings treated with meds? i dont know i just cant let them go myself, it feels i will never be free to be the person God wants me to be. i am trapped in my mind having to doubt myself and my integrity in God constantly. is that normal for ocd?


Regular Member
May 4, 2006
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Hi Friend,

You have summarized my ocd experience. Medication can help. Of course see your MD. I have been taking Lexapro for a month now, and it is just beginning to help. I am now up to 20 mg. The meds take time and as I would increase the dosage I would have temporary side effects (dry mouth, irritability - my thoughts really scared me when I had more emotion around them).

We have to realize that God loves us and we are his children, who happen to have an affliction. Martin Luther likely had ocd, appeared to be a big time doubter, and God used him for the Reformation.

Further, I am sure you, like me, have obsessed, doubted, checked, panicked, etc about OTHER issues and could not "let go" as others advise. This is another manifestation that really has our attention, because we want to please God and be accepted by God. I think WE are in a way relying too much on our works and our own understanding.

God's word tells us:

1. "By grace we are saved, NOT by works....."

2. "Trust in the Lord...and lean NOT on your own understanding."

Read Romans 8 when you struggle.

In Christ,

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Apr 26, 2006
Winnetka, California
United States
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FaithIsNotAFeeling said:
does anyone here that has ocd feel these impulses to where if they have bad evil thoughts, its like you HAVE to question and doubt if its you or something you want to do. i feel so evil and horrible because my thoughts attack me with evil thoughts that are against God and other ppl and then i feel like im going to go "out of control" at any minute. i am so confused and i wish my mind would not question itself. are these impulse and feeling like i have to question myself feelings treated with meds? i dont know i just cant let them go myself, it feels i will never be free to be the person God wants me to be. i am trapped in my mind having to doubt myself and my integrity in God constantly. is that normal for ocd?
Yes dear heart. I have OCD too and these line of thoughts are typical for the believer who cares so much about GOD. The evil thoughts are part of the sinful nature which we all posess, even apostle paul in ROMANS chapter 7, declares that there is nothing good in him(that is in his sinful nature). We have been justified be grace throught faith, and when GOD looks at us every day HE sees "JUSTIFIED".Meaning: "free from guilt or blame". The illness which is called "OCD" does not effect your relationship with GOD, and we should not allow it too. although It is very difficult for the child of GOD with OCD at times, but talking to other believers or your pastor about these things and recieving reassurances based on the Word of GOD and lots of prayer is the way to go forward. I am struggling with it every day and I am 42 and I have been saved for 20 years.Those bad thoughts that you have are not from your new nature but from your old nature which will be with you until you go home with The Lord. But despite all of those thoughts, you are Justified and Righteous.Just don't dwell on them, keep your mind on other positive things. GOD be with you.
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Sep 17, 2005
Hello please don't feel bad I have the same problems like you do with all the evil thoughts things all the time and stuff with evil thoughts about God and also his children and stuff. It is really hard for me cause I have only asked to be saved just two years ago and I pray I am speaking truth but its hard for me. I have also developed scruples too and man I get really angry at times and then turn around I am really mean to people cause one of my weaknesses is my temper. I am not making excuses here but man having all this stuff in my mind I really have to watch what goes through it. Sometimes I read to where something bad has happend to someone and I don't know what the heck is wrong with me but man I start to get a smile in some way and man I always hate that and I have to correct myself and ask how could i be so sick. Having ocd is not fun but I am still trying to be a child of God and yes I always have doubt I always feel like God hates me or something and cause ocd affects everything i do I feel like I am not alowed to come to him or pray or read his word etc. Sometimes I just say the heck with it and do it anyways. Well I pray that you will get better it also helps getting books about ocd and such and get more then one. I have learned many different things from having different books. Well take care and God bless
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May 14, 2006
Marital Status
thanks guys for the encouraging words. I am now on zoloft but have only been on it for about 5 days, so i cant tell if it helps me yet. but i have been getting better everyday, yet i still have the thoughts and impulses pretty bad. i hope to be free from the doubt and thoughts one day, cause its frustrating and i hate going through fear a doubt everyday of my life. its so hard to grown in Christ when i have something pulling me the other way all the time. so please pray:prayer: for me guys, i need it really bad, and pray that God will always keep making sure stay with Him and that i stay sane. it feels like im going to go mentaly insane and my biggest fear is that i am going to turn into an evil person who's going to turn from God and hurt all my friends and fam. anyway its horrible and gross. but if i keep my eyes on God i will get through this. glad that im not the only one that struggles really bad with this.
God Bless u all!!!!
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Senior Veteran
Jul 5, 2006
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Hello Faithisnotafeeling! I love your name, because it's so true!

I have (what I call) "religious ocd" also. I am 43, and have been having problems with different forms of this since I was about 12.

I am new here, and just thought I would check in and see how you are doing. I take 3 different meds, and had therapy when I was finally diagnosed about 13yrs ago.

Please know that God understands ocd. Nothing is too difficult for Him.
The verse "Be still and know that I Am God" is what finally made me surrender all this to Him. Also, remember "There is nothing new under the sun" (I can't think of where these 2 verses are found right now). The Lord has seen it all. He loves you and knows what you are going through. He is way stronger then OCD!

:clap: seajoy
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Jul 2, 2006
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Your thoughts sound typical of OCD. It would be good to see a good or recommended psychiatrist. I see one monthly. I had a dream the other night I was pure evil with evil running through my blood. I woke up feeling very mentally sick and overwhelmed. I kept telling myself I am not evil, I am not evil until it went away. Therapy with a counselor is also good for OCD. I have seen one of them before too and it helped. Right now my OCD is acting up and I'm going to tell my doc on Monday. Maybe he'll increase the Lexapro I'm on. Best wishes for you to recover from this. There is always hope for us, I also tell myself that a lot and it helps me. Take care.
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Jun 21, 2006
Marital Status
hey theres a linkin park song that sounds like this, "its like a whirlwind inside of my head its like i can't stop what im hearing within its like the face inside is right beneath my skin" its called "papercuts" read alot of scripture and pray with faith and it instantly goes away, i have the same thing! God Bless!!
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