Do soulmates exist? How do you know if someones your soulmate?


Sep 8, 2011
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Two souls can't be joined together, that's not biblical.

My wife and I are one flesh. Not one soul. The flesh is very different from the soul.

Just because you love someone doesn't mean that your souls are somehow connected in some manner. It's romantic but you won't find a mention of it in scripture.

One could also say that the two of you are "living souls". If you've become one flesh in any manner... you are two souls who have become one in several given ways.
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Nerd Girl Supreme

There are way too many pop culture definitions of "soul mate"; everything from a best friend to someone you really just wanna get into bed to you-name-it. So I'm going to avoid that particular term, because there's so much argument that can possibly surround it.

That being said, do I believe God can create a man and a woman with the explicit intention of them being together for life, and then guide them to each other and bless their union? Absolutely. My hubby and I are proof. He's not just some nice guy I met and decided to marry, our meeting was more like a cosmic collision of two people that only God could have orchestrated. I often remarked during our courtship that I felt like I was on a roller coaster and couldn't get off, like I was being swept along on something beyond my control, and it was awesome.

There's a reason the Bible says "love is stronger than death" and "don't awaken Love until "IT" so desires". There's something about God-ordained love that takes hold of us, and has nothing to do with us, and is beyond our control.
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κύριε ἐλέησον χριστὲ ἐλέησον
Apr 1, 2007
New Carlisle, IN
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There are way too many pop culture definitions of "soul mate"; everything from a best friend to someone you really just wanna get into bed to you-name-it. So I'm going to avoid that particular term, because there's so much argument that can possibly surround it.

That being said, do I believe God can create a man and a woman with the explicit intention of them being together for life, and then guide them to each other and bless their union? Absolutely. My hubby and I are proof. He's not just some nice guy I met and decided to marry, our meeting was more like a cosmic collision of two people that only God could have orchestrated. I often remarked during our courtship that I felt like I was on a roller coaster and couldn't get off, like I was being swept along on something beyond my control, and it was awesome.

There's a reason the Bible says "love is stronger than death" and "don't awaken Love until "IT" so desires". There's something about God-ordained love that takes hold of us, and has nothing to do with us, and is beyond our control.

The problem I have is

"Can God do this" Yes of course he can.

"Does God do this" is completely another manner. And just because we feel as though God made us for one another does not necessarily mean that he entirely did. Lots of emotionally influenced people have felt that God wanted them to do something that turned out to be very ungodly. Which is why I don't like to read scripture and allow my emotions to influence me.

Is it possible God purposefully brought my wife and I together, my emotions tell me that I certainly believe it. But logically I'm not so sure. If God did that, then how does that jive with the idea that her and I also had free will and therefore a choice in the matter?

And going further then that, how does it jive with people who's spouses die early and remarry? Did God design that person for 2 people???

There is a reason I don't like this as a theological topic. And that is because the scripture does not present a clear answer or even allude to one. And on top of that emotions get caught up so heavily in it that people often consider the whole thing through an emotional angle.

And lost in this whole thing is the statement that there is no marriage after the resurrection and what exactly that means.

I love my wife and believe in the resurrection. . . but at the same time, I understand that our union is only temporary and lasts until one of us passes on or the resurrection (whichever comes first). That's a harsh reality in some ways to come to terms with and sadly I think many people try to just ignore it.
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Student of Life
Mar 6, 2005
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Of course they exist. A soul mate is what you get when a soul man finds a soul woman. ;)

I seem to recall a scene from one of the Anne of Green Gables TV episodes where Anne describes one of her female friends as a soulmate or a kindred spirit. Maybe it was just kindred spirit. I've read or heard soulmate used that way, elsewhere, though. I've also heard the idea used to describe the one person one is supposed to marry.

But seriously, I think LinkH has the right idea. A soul mate is kindred spirit of the kind that one should marry. Somebody who is cut from the same cloth so to speak. Then again, I'm sure it will be pointed out that those not of the same clan or tribe technically aren't "kindred," and that "spirit" can be even harder to define than "soul." Even the idea of being "cut from the same cloth" might be objected to on the grounds that human beings aren't constructed of man-made fabric. In my opinion, this kind of hair splitting entirely misses the point.

That said, the Bible contains references to people who are to be "In the line of David" and whatnot. And let's not forget that Eve was made for Adam. As such, the idea of being meant for a particular person isn't without precedent. Not that such marriages necessarily require being kindred spirits or even getting along particularly well for that matter. Just that a Biblical perspective suggests it was meant to be. Although I wouldn't equate this with the soul mates of pop culture, it's something to think about.
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Sep 29, 2017
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After reading through the comments, some people have misunderstood what Jesus said when asked about if there was marriage in the resurrection as evidence for there being no soulmates. What we must understand is this: Jesus answered a specific question, His answer applied to the situation in the question, and He also said that there would be no marrying or being given in marriage in the resurrection. That’s not speaking about after the resurrection. In the book of Revelation, a New Jerusalem is mentioned, where Heaven and Earth has passed away to then introduce a new Heaven and Earth. Meaning that, things won’t be the same as we imagined them now. There are so many more verses in the Bible that supports my claims. However, something to also consider is how God said that it wasn’t good for man to be alone, so He made a helpmeet that was suitable for him. This is an important concept to understand. It doesn’t mean that everyone will have a spouse, but those who do have the one who God has chosen for them. According to Song Of Solomon 3:4, our soul can love someone, which is much deeper than you may think. Although, to give you a brief summary, it’s a love between two souls that unites them. There’s so much more that can be said on this topic, but to just leave it at this, I will say that soulmates may not have the same connotations as how the world defines it, but it has a basis in Scripture. Also, the Bible doesn’t have to mention something by name to give understanding on it. There are many examples of this.
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Far Side Of the Moon

" The moon is high& the stars are aligned" :)
Mar 11, 2016
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I remember watching a video... And the guy in it talked about this matter, he said there isnt the one...there are many "one's" meaning there are so many people out here that you can genuinely click with and have chemistry with. I used to believe in soulmates ....but as I got older I'm not sure I do now....the word itself sounds very heavy and kind of dramatic lol ...

I just think you have to take a chance on people and simply see if it works or not. Not saying God can't have your future wife/ husband lined up...but I think for the most part we have to go through that journey of getting to know a person and just seeing if theyre right for us.

Just my opinion.
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Far Side Of the Moon

" The moon is high& the stars are aligned" :)
Mar 11, 2016
United States
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After reading through the comments, some people have misunderstood what Jesus said when asked about if there was marriage in the resurrection as evidence for there being no soulmates. What we must understand is this: Jesus answered a specific question, His answer applied to the situation in the question, and He also said that there would be no marrying or being given in marriage in the resurrection. That’s not speaking about after the resurrection. In the book of Revelation, a New Jerusalem is mentioned, where Heaven and Earth has passed away to then introduce a new Heaven and Earth. Meaning that, things won’t be the same as we imagined them now. There are so many more verses in the Bible that supports my claims. However, something to also consider is how God said that it wasn’t good for man to be alone, so He made a helpmeet that was suitable for him. This is an important concept to understand. It doesn’t mean that everyone will have a spouse, but those who do have the one who God has chosen for them. According to Song Of Solomon 3:4, our soul can love someone, which is much deeper than you may think. Although, to give you a brief summary, it’s a love between two souls that unites them. There’s so much more that can be said on this topic, but to just leave it at this, I will say that soulmates may not have the same connotations as how the world defines it, but it has a basis in Scripture. Also, the Bible doesn’t have to mention something by name to give understanding on it. There are many examples of this.
This is a great answer...just wondering why doesn't everyone have a that I mean people who want to get married but don't...why does God give some people the desires of their heart and not other?
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Christian Flower
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Mar 27, 2017
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Do soulmates exist? How do you know if someones your soulmate?
I believe soulmates exist. I feel someone is your soulmate if they protect you, are gentle with you and are loyal to you. I feel your soulmate will love you no matter what and always be there.
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Jonathan Dahlin

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Nov 10, 2020
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Short answer is no they do not. It's not romantic, but it's the truth.

Soulmates is something made up by society, it sounds cool and romantic. But you won't find it in the bible.

The theoretical implications of trying to mix soulmates with a biblical understanding of romance and marriage also makes no sense.

For example . . . if my wife dies the bible says I am ok in marrying another person. Say after several years of trying to move on from that I meet and marry another person. If I do marry another person, which person is my soulmate . . . my first wife or my second?

If you say my soulmate was my first wife then and my second is just a wife, then what if the 2nd wife is was never married beforehand. Does she not have a soulmate?

What about people who never marry. . . the bible says this is an ok thing and in ways preferable to marriage. . . Commonly people who believe in soul mates like to say that everyone has one.

Plus the idea of soul mates brings up even more questions. . . What happens if you never meet your soul mate or you screw it up with them? We are creatures of free will, that means that while God knows what will happen to us and what we will do, he doesn't control it. That means it's entirely possible and because of that free will nature PROBABLE that we will not meet our "soulmate" if there is only one in the world for us.

Jesus essentially put all of this soulmate talk to rest when he told us that there is no marriage after the resurrection. So my wife is only my wife until one of us dies. Even after we are both resurrected on the New Earth where Jesus reigns supreme over all, we will not be committed in marriage to one another.

The idea of soulmates is completly unbiblical and borderline heretical and should have in my opinion no place for talk among Christians other then to completly dispel the notion. It's an entirely worldly created idea in which we worship romanic love instead of the one true God.

Love is a great creation of God, and romantic love is a part of that great creation in which God gave us. And love is to be most praised as it is commanded by God to do. However we do not worship the love we have for another person, we worship the one true God who gave us that love and the love we should have for all people. Just as we don't worship the earth, we worship the God who created it.
Why doesn't God give people soulmates? Why doesn't God make every person part of a pair/twin of male and female?
The reasons why God doesn't give people soulmates is very foggy. What is the foggy reason why God doesn't create "the one" for everybody?
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Jan 16, 2019
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I believe in divine connections. David and Jonathan had one and I have the same with my best friend. Love is the glue that binds us. The Lord put us together 18 years ago and I’ve never had a bond like that.

Now I have the other. We are equally yoked and divinely centered. We’d be BFFs if we didn’t like each. Our togetherness is one of kind. I’d do life with him no matter what. He brings out the best in me.

I feel like Francis Chan. I’ve got crazy love. Two people who know, love, respect, and regard me highly. They’re my heartsongs and cheerleaders. I agape them dearly.

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