• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

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Do I even have a chance?


Jun 2, 2020
United States
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I hold onto the promises

If you have “ Been Broken” or “ made Contrite” as God would put it ....all that means is that you have come to the “ end of yourself.” That was the purpose of the Law.To Show Lost Sinners that they could NOT KEEP IT ! It was given to “ shut the mouth” of all that “ tried” to keep it. It was given to show that one MUST have a Savior .
“ Nobody comes to God lest the Spirit draw him” .....The Holy Spirit draws men to Christ by the Conviction Of Sin....Once a person sees that they are a hopeless, lost Sinner who NEEDS a Savior, hopefully they will “ Turn to God ( The Type Of Repentance involved in Salvation ) with Faith in Jesus Christ- THEN you are Saved....
You say that you “ hold onto the Promises Of God”.... That is GREAT! God makes a Promise—— BELIEVING that Promise is what FAITH is! You are SAVED by Faith—- Saved by Trusting God to carry out His Word!
Too many people see the Bible as a Book Of Rules— do do this, Don’t do that—- and of course, the Bible has an abundance of rules......but is MUCH more than that ! Rule -Keeping is great .....God will Bless you for Obedience—- He just won’t SAVE you because of it
God is not saving anybody that is TRYING to be saved ( mainly by the Delusion that their Performance Of Keeping The Law is adequate enough to get them “ worthy” of Eternal Life).......The People That God WILL save are those TRUSTING to be saved.Trusting in the Promises Of God.That is Faith. Faith is what saves.Faith Plus NOTHING
If one has Faith in THIS Promise ( regardless of the extent of your “ brokenness”) it is God’s PROMISE to SAVE you. 1 Cor 15:1-4...... “ Jesus died for your sins and rose from the grave”
I think you can handle that.....you sound like a man of Faith already......maybe you did not know the EXACT Promise that will put you in the Body Of Christ where you are SAVED FOREVER—UNTOUCHABLE !!!......you know it now....REST in this Promise and see all the good things that follow! May God bless you immensely, like He has blessed me!

I think what bothers me about that is that I feel like I don't feel broken over my sin enough and it makes me feel like I'm just so insincere about everything. I would say that have faith in God. I just keep on struggling with feeling that I have committed the unpardonable sin and that since I have done such a thing that he's just given up on me. Many times I feel like giving up but I know he is merciful. I just hope I haven't pushed him too much.

Yes it makes sense.....the most effective way to please God and take care of your concerns is to REST in the Fact that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the Grave. Believe that and God will put His Holy Spirit in you and that Spirit will change you from the inside out—- an act of TRANSFORMATION that ONLY HE can perform .....Trust Him to change “ the inside of the cup” and He will.....

I will continue to pray for my faith to grow. I will continue living for Jesus regardless if he accepts me or not because living a life like I have before is unfulfilling. I will keep putting praying in hopes that he will hear it.
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Jun 2, 2020
United States
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When you're in a state of brokenness to the point that u believe u cannot be saved, it's difficult to just trust in God. I acknowledge all of this is true. I guess by trying to be obedient u wanna show God that in love Him. At least, this is how I feel. I know it's not by my works. It's like a desperation...u Just want God and nothing else can satisfy. There's a longing and a craving..yet still u see the badness of who u are and u know that u can't stop the badness. So in your futile effort to stop yourself...u still try to be obedient because all your heart really longs for is God. Does this make sense?

This does. I feel like I don't feel broken enough over my sin though and that bothers me. I guess in my obedience I as trying to get closer to Jesus. I know I have lived a life of sin and the fact that I don't see the full extent of how much I have hurt God is troublesome. I feel so loveless. I know God is much bigger than I am and he can do the impossible I just hope I haven't realized it too late.
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Mar 20, 2020
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This does. I feel like I don't feel broken enough over my sin though and that bothers me. I guess in my obedience I as trying to get closer to Jesus. I know I have lived a life of sin and the fact that I don't see the full extent of how much I have hurt God is troublesome. I feel so loveless. I know God is much bigger than I am and he can do the impossible I just hope I haven't realized it too late.
I feel like I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I know I hurt Him very very much and I feel like He may not want me anymore because of how much i hurt Him. Im sorry i took Him for granted but the reality is I can't fix me. And I can't change without Him. God is loving, merciful and forgiving. Greatly to be feared. I keep reminding myself...have faith, don't follow feelings. Im waiting..
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Blood Bought 1953

Ned Flander’s Buddy
Oct 21, 2017
United States
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I feel like I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I know I hurt Him very very much and I feel like He may not want me anymore because of how much i hurt Him. Im sorry i took Him for granted but the reality is I can't fix me. And I can't change without Him. God is loving, merciful and forgiving. Greatly to be feared. I keep reminding myself...have faith, don't follow feelings. Im waiting..

You guys wouldn’t know true Sin if it came up and bit you on the rear-end! You ever murdera brave, virtuous man like David did so he could satisfy his lust and never tell the truth about it until he was forced to...You ever murder innocent men, women and children because you thought their religion was a threat to your own, as Paul did? God used these sinful men to show that he can save some of the most wretched men the World has ever seen! Take the hint..... If God’s Love and Mercy can handle these two, it can handle you
One is not saved by the amount of guilt or self- pity one can conjure up .God ain’t looking for Perfect little boys and girls—- He is looking for Sinners that See and Admit that they are hopeless and MUST have a Savior to be Saved...Get your eyes off of yourself and start looking at the One that WAS Sinless and Trust Him to Clean you up and make you fit for Heaven. Understand that Your sins are no match for God’s Amazing Grace...Simply ask God to Save you and get out of His Way so He can do what He promised to do.....save you to the “ UTTERMOST “—- IF you will only Trust Him to do so.....
Hopefully this did come across as harsh....you just need to be “ Woke Up” so you will quit spinning your wheels.....God Bless...
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Mar 20, 2020
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You guys wouldn’t know true Sin if it came up and bit you on the rear-end! You ever murdera brave, virtuous man like David did so he could satisfy his lust and never tell the truth about it until he was forced to...You ever murder innocent men, women and children because you thought their religion was a threat to your own, as Paul did? God used these sinful men to show that he can save some of the most wretched men the World has ever seen! Take the hint..... If God’s Love and Mercy can handle these two, it can handle you
One is not saved by the amount of guilt or self- pity one can conjure up .God ain’t looking for Perfect little boys and girls—- He is looking for Sinners that See and Admit that they are hopeless and MUST have a Savior to be Saved...Get your eyes off of yourself and start looking at the One that WAS Sinless and Trust Him to Clean you up and make you fit for Heaven. Understand that Your sins are no match for God’s Amazing Grace...Simply ask God to Save you and get out of His Way so He can do what He promised to do.....save you to the “ UTTERMOST “—- IF you will only Trust Him to do so.....
Hopefully this did come across as harsh....you just need to be “ Woke Up” so you will quit spinning your wheels.....God Bless...
Thank u for your encouragement. I appreciate it. No you were not harsh. U made alot of sense to stop doubting and just believe.
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Christ loves you very much. Always know He is there in the midst of whatever storm you are experiencing right now. I am in prayer for you and I bless you and yours for God's blessings to shower upon your family.

God bless!
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Jun 2, 2020
United States
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You guys wouldn’t know true Sin if it came up and bit you on the rear-end! You ever murdera brave, virtuous man like David did so he could satisfy his lust and never tell the truth about it until he was forced to...You ever murder innocent men, women and children because you thought their religion was a threat to your own, as Paul did? God used these sinful men to show that he can save some of the most wretched men the World has ever seen! Take the hint..... If God’s Love and Mercy can handle these two, it can handle you
One is not saved by the amount of guilt or self- pity one can conjure up .God ain’t looking for Perfect little boys and girls—- He is looking for Sinners that See and Admit that they are hopeless and MUST have a Savior to be Saved...Get your eyes off of yourself and start looking at the One that WAS Sinless and Trust Him to Clean you up and make you fit for Heaven. Understand that Your sins are no match for God’s Amazing Grace...Simply ask God to Save you and get out of His Way so He can do what He promised to do.....save you to the “ UTTERMOST “—- IF you will only Trust Him to do so.....
Hopefully this did come across as harsh....you just need to be “ Woke Up” so you will quit spinning your wheels.....God Bless...

No need for an apology! I am being stubborn when I should just be putting my trust in Jesus Christ. The more each day goes I have been seeing all that God has done for me and how he loves me. Though I will never be able to appreciate him enough for what he has done for me I will believe that he went to the cross for me and laid my sins upon it. I will continue to trust him that he will replace my stony heart with a fleshy heart for him. I have seen things start to change even they have been only little so far. I will completely trust that God has me in mind and is working to make my life better for him. Thanks again friend!
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Mar 20, 2020
United Kingdom
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No need for an apology! I am being stubborn when I should just be putting my trust in Jesus Christ. The more each day goes I have been seeing all that God has done for me and how he loves me. Though I will never be able to appreciate him enough for what he has done for me I will believe that he went to the cross for me and laid my sins upon it. I will continue to trust him that he will replace my stony heart with a fleshy heart for him. I have seen things start to change even they have been only little so far. I will completely trust that God has me in mind and is working to make my life better for him. Thanks again friend!
I can relate to these sentiments Sean.
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Jun 2, 2020
United States
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I feel like I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I know I hurt Him very very much and I feel like He may not want me anymore because of how much i hurt Him. Im sorry i took Him for granted but the reality is I can't fix me. And I can't change without Him. God is loving, merciful and forgiving. Greatly to be feared. I keep reminding myself...have faith, don't follow feelings. Im waiting..

That guilt is actually good. It shows you still have a conscience. No matter what you have done or will do won't change the fact that God loves you and wants you. He is indeed merciful and forgiving and all you have to do is trust in Jesus. Tell him all you have done and lay them at his feet for he has said come all who are burdened and heavy laden and you will find rest. He loves you like no one else can. For whatever sin you may be dealing with just tell him that you can't do it alone and trust in him and will make all things new! I know I shouldn't be one to talk but I have high hopes for you in getting through whatever you may be going through in the name of the father! I wish the best of luck to you and I will be praying for you!
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Mar 20, 2020
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That guilt is actually good. It shows you still have a conscience. No matter what you have done or will do won't change the fact that God loves you and wants you. He is indeed merciful and forgiving and all you have to do is trust in Jesus. Tell him all you have done and lay them at his feet for he has said come all who are burdened and heavy laden and you will find rest. He loves you like no one else can. For whatever sin you may be dealing with just tell him that you can't do it alone and trust in him and will make all things new! I know I shouldn't be one to talk but I have high hopes for you in getting through whatever you may be going through in the name of the father! I wish the best of luck to you and I will be praying for you!
I wish u the same. God bless!
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Blood Bought 1953

Ned Flander’s Buddy
Oct 21, 2017
United States
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Step 12: Commit Sins Worse than Incest and Blasphemy
If salvation is to be lost, then it must be lost through disobedience to God. Most who teach an unsure salvation would agree with this. Yet, what degree of sin brings this loss of salvation? Evil thoughts? Bitterness? Murder? Failing to attend church? Failure to pray? What sin or sins cross the line of no return? Again, we must let Scripture be the measure of truth.

In 1st Corinthians, chapter five, a man in the church had taken his father's wife as his own. Paul states that this is "such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles" (1 Corinthians 5:1). One could hardly imagine a worse category of sin than this.

Yet Paul's instructions concerning the treatment of this man are as follows:

1 Corinthians 5:5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Only his flesh was to be delivered to Satan. The spirit was still saved. This matches the description in 1 Corinthians 3:15 of the man whose works will be burned:

1 Corinthians 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

You can lose every reward you could have had and yet go to heaven. Why? Because your salvation is based on the work of Christ, not on your own works. Your works, good or bad, neither gain nor lose salvation.

Another heinous sin is blasphemy. Surely if evil sins could remove salvation, this one could.

Yet, in 1 Timothy 1:20, Paul states: Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

The pattern is the same as that found in 1st Corinthians, chapter five. Their flesh is delivered to Satan so that their spirits may be saved in the day of Christ.

You cannot lose your salvation by committing these or other terrible sins. You will be judged. You will lose heavenly rewards. But a human spirit once quickened by God must remain quickened. So, in order to lose your salvation, you must commit sins greater than these.

The preceding was taken from another post you May be interested in......” Losing Your Salvation in 14 easy steps”....... check it out....enjoy!
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