Did King Saul lose his salvation?


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Oct 2, 2011
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1 Samuel 10:

10 When they came to Gibeah, behold, a group of prophets met him, and the Spirit of God rushed upon him, and he prophesied among them.
Note that the Spirit was not in him.

1 Samuel 16:

14 Now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the Lord tormented him.
Did King Saul lose his salvation?

It depends on how you define salvation. Saul did lose the Spirit that was given to him.

Did Saul know about resurrection and eternal life?

Saul understood salvation this way, 1 Samuel 11:

11 The next day Saul organized the troops into three divisions, and during the morning watch they invaded the camp of the Ammonites and slaughtered them, until the hottest part of the day. And the survivors were so scattered that no two of them were left together.
12 Then the people said to Samuel, “Who said that Saul should not reign over us? Bring those men here so we can kill them!”
13 But Saul ordered, “No one shall be put to death this day, for today the LORD has worked salvation in Israel.”
To him, salvation meant God's physical deliverance, not spiritual eternal life.

1 Samuel 28:

19 Moreover, the LORD will give Israel also with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me.
That meant that they would be dead like Samuel.

The LORD will give the army of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines.”
Will Saul inherit eternal life?

I don't know. But it is not promising for him.
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Grip Docility

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1 Samuel 10:

Note that the Spirit was not in him.

1 Samuel 16:

Did King Saul lose his salvation?

It depends on how you define salvation. Saul did lose the Spirit that was given to him.

Did Saul know about resurrection and eternal life?

Saul understood salvation this way, 1 Samuel 11:

To him, salvation meant God's physical deliverance, not spiritual eternal life.

1 Samuel 28:

That meant that they would be dead like Samuel.

Will Saul inherit eternal life?

I don't know. But it is not promising for him.
Colossians 1:15-20 specifies that Christ reconciled ALL of Creation unto God, Himself. Obviously, all of Creation doesn't respond positively to that "Reconciliation".... but it most assuredly creates implications about the depths of the Love of our Lord, God, Who encouraged us to "Love our Enemies". It also creates much biblical mystery, within matters that many of us are excited to see unfold, one unknown day.
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Richard T

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King Saul had the Spirit for his office. It was removed when his Kingship was removed by God, yet he continued on. Given that David was likely destined to be King and in the bloodline fo Jesus, Saul was destined to fail. He should have stepped down though, rather than continue and certainly the witch at Endor was a huge mistake. Still, was he a believer? I think so. Hard to know, but the man Paul turned over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh due to gross immorality was done so that his spirit could be saved. Perhaps God did the same to Saul?
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