Dealing with Tics


Sep 20, 2014
United States
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...not the icky bugs, the uncontrollable movements.

My youngest has been experiencing tics for about the last three years. They come and go and haven't been too severe until now.

It's been happening so much recently that it has become bothersome to him. His neck moves, jerking his head. His arm raises and his wrist flicks. He has started a new thing this weak where he is hitting himself.

So, several things have been going on and I think any or all of them have triggered it.
First, he was severely ill back in February, and was hospitalized for pneumonia. It got pretty scary.

As a result of the pneumonia, he was put on a steroid inhaler (one he's had before) for his asthma so that it can help prevent another case of pneumonia in the event he gets sick or has another allergy attack. This inhaler has been said to cause tics or make them worse.

Another thing is anxiety. He is worried about Covid-19 because his respiratory health is very poor and it would cause a serious situation for him.

He is also worried about passing 10th grade because he was barely passing before getting pneumonia. He missed so much school over that and it made his struggle worse. He has had a hard time getting his grade back up, especially with school being closed. His teachers are working with him, but it's taking a toll on him emotionally.

I've not been able to get him in for a psychiatrist because of insurance issues. He now his state insurance, but the psychiatrist that was recommended and takes the state insurance is booked up for a year as far as taking on new patients.

So, I'm trying to talk with his pediatrician about the inhaler, considering an anxiety drug, and just browsing for tips on coping with tics and anxiety.
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Chris V++

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Mar 16, 2018
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Hi Have you researched Pandas? Its an autoimmune reaction to strep and possibly other bacteria/ viruses which is believed to cause inflammation and consequently tics. You can buy home test kits for strep. Most pediatricians don't recognize it yet so its an uphill struggle, but the NIH specialist we saw (Dr Latimer) said they 've known for over a hundred years that strep caused episodes in mental hospitals. We caught one pediatrician googling Pandas before she told us its not a real condition. They have other names for it now. The point is certain bacteria /viruses can cause autoimmune reactions in children. Strep lives on the tonsils and doesnt always cause normal symptoms. Don't let them start on the anxiety meds just yet.
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May 5, 2012
New Jersey
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I would definitely talk to his physician about this. Tell the doctor that the medication seems to be causing side effects. Maybe there's an alternative medication, or a lesser dose, or maybe the tics have a different cause that hasn't been diagnosed yet. That's the kind of thing that a physician will have expertise in.
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