Dating Internet sites and photos


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Jan 16, 2019
United States
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I don't recommend selfies for profile pics. There's too much scrutiny. Get a nice headshot instead. You can opt for one outdoors or a simulated setting in a studio. You'll feel more relaxed with a professional and look your best.

Glamour Shots is a popular option that's still around. You can find photographers through GroupOn too. You'll have web ready photos and prints. If you need a professional image you'll have one on hand. A win/win.

If you opt for my suggestion you'll simplify the process. The digital files will probably be emailed. You'll have them on your system. Reference the site requirements beforehand if you need a specific size. It may vary for different sources (websites). You may want to check a few and jot them down. Ask the photographer to resize your favorites accordingly. You won't have to do so. Once you receive them, save them to your device and upload them later.

As for your profile, compose it in a document with spell check. The first iteration is rarely the last. Consider it a calling card of sorts. Have a strong opening and closing statement. Keep it light and friendly. Paint a picture if you can. Don't be afraid to share your interests or dreams. You're inviting them into your life.

Be openminded. God is full of surprises. Prayerfully consider your response and expressions of interest. Polite goes a long way. Avoid debates and strong opinions. Every one has them and there's a time and place for that. But they're murky in this medium and misinterpreted often.

Trust the Lord. Responses may be slow or absent for a time. Don't despair or get upset. Entrust your desire to Him and allow Him to lead you. And don't put all your eggs in one basket. You may encounter someone in this space or elsewhere unexpectedly. And that's okay.

You'll hear a lot about online dating. Both good and bad. Somethings are true and others less so. Don't allow your heart to tarnished or swayed. One person's challenge is another's blessing. Remember that. There's nothing too hard for God.

While you wait, remain in prayer for yourself and the one you seek. That isn't said enough. Pour into her prayerfully before she arrives. It makes a difference and sharpens your discernment. You'll have less disappointments.

With that in mind, never forget it's an ad. It isn't a judgment of your attractiveness or worthiness. It's just an introduction. You don't need a lot of traction. The right nibble is enough. You'll know when it happens.

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Good luck. May the Lord grant the desires of your heart.

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