Darkness at the cross - was supernatural - it was not a total eclipse


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Nov 21, 2008
United States
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"a new moon is necessary for a solar eclipse to happen, making it the wrong moon phase. Also, the darkness during the crucifixion was too long to be a solar eclipse. The time from the start to the end of a partial eclipse can run almost three hours. However, Consolmagno says the darkness of a total eclipse only lasts a few minutes. Not to mention, people were aware of eclipses. They could accurately predict them, so it’s inevitable that they knew the darkness at the time of the crucifixion couldn’t be a typical solar eclipse."

During almost all of a partial eclipse it is not actually dark. Only an almost 100% total eclipse does that -

So that means we do not need to find a Passover date that has an eclipse with it - to find the crucifixion date.