Continental drift: How is this explained in the Bible or is it addressed at all?


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Dec 13, 2020
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We all wonder how this happened. I presume the lands were all together at one point and the flood came. After that animals and people migrated to different areas and then the lands would have to segregate with them on them. But how would that be possible without the aid of some cataclysmic event like a flood? If the lands move during the flood how do those people and animals get to an area like Australia or anywhere other than where the ark landed? The continents would have to be together after the flood, right?

It's pretty clear we all live on tectonic plates that move. For this to work those plates would have to move quite fast but only after people and animals had migrated to their destinations which of course is possible with God. But is there really nothing in the Bible that addresses this? Maybe it couldn't be discussed because of the lack of knowledge back then. It might have been too much for them to deal with as many thought the world was flat back then which is understandable as it probably appeared rather flat! Even the highest point on the Tower of Babel wouldn't have even hinted at a curvature of the Earth.
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Apr 19, 2017
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Scripture does say that the fountains of of the great deep opened to help flood the earth, so it had to be during this time that the plates were breaking up and on the move. I guess after the water receded that the land pretty much stabilized into new positions and to a slow crawl..

Genesis 7:11
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2020
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Scripture does say that the fountains of of the great deep opened to help flood the earth, so it had to be during this time that the plates were breaking up and on the move. I guess after the water receded that the land pretty much stabilized into new positions and to a slow crawl..

Genesis 7:11
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
My point was the lands can't separate until animals and people have gotten there. Think of Australia and animals distinct to that region. First they have to get there, then the land has to move. I don't think Koalas swam to Australia. :) Of course we don't know how versed people were back then in shipbuilding. Noah had heavenly help but he could have passed on his knowledge to people after the flood as he lived for hundreds of year after. Wouldn't that have been something? That the technology and engineering used in the ark could have kickstarted shipbuilding?
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Jul 9, 2018
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We all wonder how this happened. I presume the lands were all together at one point and the flood came. After that animals and people migrated to different areas and then the lands would have to segregate with them on them. But how would that be possible without the aid of some cataclysmic event like a flood? If the lands move during the flood how do those people and animals get to an area like Australia or anywhere other than where the ark landed? The continents would have to be together after the flood, right?

It's pretty clear we all live on tectonic plates that move. For this to work those plates would have to move quite fast but only after people and animals had migrated to their destinations which of course is possible with God. But is there really nothing in the Bible that addresses this? Maybe it couldn't be discussed because of the lack of knowledge back then. It might have been too much for them to deal with as many thought the world was flat back then which is understandable as it probably appeared rather flat! Even the highest point on the Tower of Babel wouldn't have even hinted at a curvature of the Earth.

There is nothing about continental drift in the bible.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2017
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My point was the lands can't separate until animals and people have gotten there. Think of Australia and animals distinct to that region. First they have to get there, then the land has to move. I don't think Koalas swam to Australia. :) Of course we don't know how versed people were back then in shipbuilding. Noah had heavenly help but he could have passed on his knowledge to people after the flood as he lived for hundreds of year after. Wouldn't that have been something? That the technology and engineering used in the ark could have kickstarted shipbuilding?

It always starts with a raft, lol. My only type of shipbuilding experience was of rafts when I was young. I never did make a canoe, but it looks cool!

But you are right, sort've. The Koala bears did not have to swim to Austrailia. But you can bet even money that God provided them a way. I'm sure He left a rickety peninsula that allowed them to walk over as the Lord wanted them to. After the animals finished their migrations to different areas, God let the peninsulas break down in the surf and wash away. Most of the animals they saved and let loose were babies at first so if God notices even when a sparrow falls to the ground, then he did help the little critters to survive and thrive.

And the peninsulas washed away like glaciers do on the edge. SO now there is 7 continents.
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Apr 19, 2017
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There is nothing about continental drift in the bible.

Maybe not directly, but it does say in Genesis 7:11 that the fountains of the deep were broken up and that sounds significant. They say the original land mass was all together and called, Pangea. We hadda make up more names after the breakup. And modern science has identified how sub strata and deep ocean have huge effects on the plates of the continents. My point was that, the flood was a big enough event (with the fountains of the deeps help) to make the land mass break up and shift. SO even if it doesn't directly say it, I think this is a good supporting scripture that...the flood happened, and then there were 7 continents!
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Job 33:6

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Jun 15, 2017
Hartford, Connecticut
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We all wonder how this happened. I presume the lands were all together at one point and the flood came. After that animals and people migrated to different areas and then the lands would have to segregate with them on them. But how would that be possible without the aid of some cataclysmic event like a flood? If the lands move during the flood how do those people and animals get to an area like Australia or anywhere other than where the ark landed? The continents would have to be together after the flood, right?

It's pretty clear we all live on tectonic plates that move. For this to work those plates would have to move quite fast but only after people and animals had migrated to their destinations which of course is possible with God. But is there really nothing in the Bible that addresses this? Maybe it couldn't be discussed because of the lack of knowledge back then. It might have been too much for them to deal with as many thought the world was flat back then which is understandable as it probably appeared rather flat! Even the highest point on the Tower of Babel wouldn't have even hinted at a curvature of the Earth.
Continental drift is not addressed in the Bible because continental drift was not discovered till the mid 1900s. The Bible was written at least as early as 200 BC.

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the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing
Apr 5, 2020
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Maybe not directly, but it does say in Genesis 7:11 that the fountains of the deep were broken up and that sounds significant. They say the original land mass was all together and called, Pangea. We hadda make up more names after the breakup. And modern science has identified how sub strata and deep ocean have huge effects on the plates of the continents. My point was that, the flood was a big enough event (with the fountains of the deeps help) to make the land mass break up and shift. SO even if it doesn't directly say it, I think this is a good supporting scripture that...the flood happened, and then there were 7 continents!
Yes, I believe the earth was split at the catastrophic flood event about 4,500 years ago not millions. Continental drift is residue of that event.

"Pangea, which means “all the Earth” in Greek."

[2Pe 3:6 NASB95] through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water.
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d taylor

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
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Yes, I believe the earth was split at the catastrophic flood event about 4,500 years ago not millions. Continental drift is residue of that event.

"Pangea, which means “all the Earth” in Greek."

[2Pe 3:6 NASB95] through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water.

To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.
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