Confidence in God through Christ

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The irony of the Christian life is in continuing to pay for that which is already ours. When each crises is covered up by other crises w/o dealing with the one previous, then deep dodo is the experience instead of clarity.

Christ went thru His own set of crises in His earthly journey, each formulated by God to create the first Christian experience. From each Christ learned obedience.

Previously the Israelites were experiencing an undermining of their religious fabric. The decay of the branch/tree was in imminent doom and the axe was posed. The Pharisees were ritualistic, having a form w/o power, but the offspring of vipers’s Tradition only evaporated their religion. The Saducees denial of the spiritual rationalizing was sapping any life essence the people possessed by denying power in their own form of contempt. The characteristic sin of the people was being satisfied by their pedigree of relation to God thru Abraham. Christ countered that by making the rocks of human hearts to sing and from that crises came the understanding that there is no contradiction in the essential greatness of God nor the faith placed therein obedience to the Divine Will. Obedience to the Divine Will was Christ’s mark in trade. By the insertion of their own will the Israelites had enthroned their own will and had dethroned God from their hearts.

Christ’s birth, baptism, temptation, transfiguration, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension resulted in the answer of redemption for the forerunner of the new creation. Redemption carried with it for those who followed a) restoration to God, b) knowing God thru Christ c) being like God thru Christ.

Confidence in God thru Christ paints a beautiful picture of each one of His Children being a letter from Christ to the Father. We are described as epistles of Christ whose function is to translate the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ into words and deeds to those with whom we come in contact.

This is a long intro into what a book by G. Campbell Morgan ~ the Crises of the Christ~ defines as seven crucial moments in the life of Christ - seven turning points of history. In this thread we will attempt to follow along the road of the life of Christ.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

Hidden in Christ
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Having said that we can all rest assured that none of us are guilt-free. We have all done our part in shaming ourselves and others. But, God willing, we that are here Today will hear His voice and follow through.

Isaiah 26:20-21
Come, my people, enter your chambers,
and shut your doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until the wrath is past.
For the Lord comes out from his place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
the earth will disclose the blood shed on it,
and will no longer cover its slain.​

This a a picture of the passover Exodus 12:22-23 with the assurance of God’s protection Psalms 91:1,4 when the weeping of the night is replaced with the joy of the morning Psalms 30:5 and the lost souls are gathered in Isaiah 54:7-8 and the wrath has passed

2 Corinthians 4:17
For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure,
Micah 1:3
For lo, the Lord is coming out of his place, and will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth.​

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
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Tolworth John

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The irony of the Christian life is in continuing to pay for that which is already ours.

A very generalised accusation which you provide no evidence to substantiate it with.

How do Christians try to pay for what Jesus has done for them?

hjow do you distinguish between working to earn Gods aproval and showing that one loves Jesus by how one lives for him?

This is where you have fallen in to error.
Assuming that those who are seeking to show there love for Jesus is actually an attempt to earn their salvation.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

Hidden in Christ
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A very generalised accusation which you provide no evidence to substantiate it with.

How do Christians try to pay for what Jesus has done for them?

hjow do you distinguish between working to earn Gods aproval and showing that one loves Jesus by how one lives for him?

This is where you have fallen in to error.
Assuming that those who are seeking to show there love for Jesus is actually an attempt to earn their salvation.
~Cassia~ said:
The irony of the Christian life is in continuing to pay for that which is already ours.

What I meant was continuing to not accept forgiveness. Repentance plunges one into His death, resurrection and ascension are obtained at the throne of grace where the conscience is cleansed in the blood of the lamb. That’s not a yearly acceptance but is once for all. Not moving on from there is the irony to which sins attach themselves. If the conscience is not cleansed then scripture says it has been seared. However, many waters cannot quench love.

If that doesn’t answer the question then maybe you’ll find it > Spiritual and Emotional Healing
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Citizen of the Kingdom

Hidden in Christ
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The condensed version may be too much for most so I’ll slowly plug away from the crises of the Christ book and glean what may have been forgotten.

The crises’ of Christ is a consideration of the accomplishment of a divine Work. The NT opens with the man Jesus’ appointment to service and it closes with Him crowned as Lord by His accomplished purpose. Grace is issued and portioned to saints.

Every crises that He went thru initiated and commenced a new process that ushered in a new order of things crowning that which was past and creating the force for that to come.

The call for Christ came at the ruin of the race while His answer to that call of the race was redemption. The slow process involved explained the sudden crises experienced in a new line of action, while still being in continuity of that which had proceeded. IOW, a return to God’s wavelength.

Be no mere spectator, turn the glass we give you round upon yourself, look into the ruin of your own conscious spirit, and see how much it signifies, both that you are human and a sinner ( Here within the soul’s gloomy chamber, the loosened passions rage and chafe, impatient of their laws) here bundle on the wild and desultory thoughts here the imagination crowds in shapes of glory and disgust, tokens both and mockeries of it’s own creative power, no longer in the keeping of reason; here sits remorse scowling and biting her chain; here creep out the fears, a meager and pale multitude; here drives on the will of the chariots of war; here lay trampled the great aspirations , groaning in immortal thirst; here the blessed affections weeping out their life in silent injury; all that you see without, in the wars, revenges and the crazed religions of the world, is faithfully represented in the appalling disorder of your own spirit.
Horace Bushnell ~ “The New Life”​

I’m sure we can all relate to that in it’s intricacies.

Ezra 9:15
Lord, the God of Israel, you are righteous! We are left this day as a remnant. Here we are before you in our guilt, though because of it not one of us can stand in your presence.
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