conclusion of the value of wisdom


Oct 18, 2019
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Here also is brief of Hushai’s resume:
• He was king David’s friend (1Chronicles 27:33b).
• He was useful, faithful and dependable (1 Samuel 15:32-37).
• He was a voice wherever he was (2 Samuel 17:5).
• He was a man of intelligence and acumen (2 Samuel 17:7-14).

Job experienced the exaltation and honour that wisdom bestows on its possessors. Thus, he lamented, “If only I could be as in months gone by, in the days when God watched over me, when men listened to me with expectation, waiting silently for my advice. After a word from me they did not speak again; my speech settled on them like dew” (Job 29:2,21-22 HCSB).

Wisdom distinguished Solomon from all others. The Scripture declares that

God gave Solomon great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge too vast to be measured. In fact, his wisdom
exceeded that of all the wise men of the East and the wise men of Egypt. He was wiser than anyone else, including Ethan the Ezrahite and Heman, Calcol, and Darda – the sons of Mahol. His fame spread throughout all the surrounding nations. He composed some 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. He could speak with authority about all kinds of plants, from the great cedar of Lebanon to the tiny hyssop that grows from cracks in a wall. He could also speak about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. And kings from every nation sent their ambassadors to listen to the wisdom of Solomon. [1Kings 4:29-34 NLT]

3. Wisdom beautifies its possessors with a garland of grace and a crown of glory. Proverbs 4:9 declares, “[Wisdom] will set a garland of grace on your head and present you with a crown of splendour [glory].” A garland is an unbreakable chain. Grace is simply divine favour. So a garland of grace is an unbreakable chain of divine favour. Proverbs 8:35 affirms this when it asserts that, “whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life and receives favour from the LORD.” Wisdom exposes its possessors to a life of unbreakable succession of favour and finally crowns them with beauty, splendour and glory.

Joseph experienced this kind of life. He enjoyed the favour of his biological father Jacob when he gave him a coat of multiple colours (an indication of chieftaincy) amongst his brothers (Genesis 37:3). He also enjoyed Potiphar’s favour when Potiphar set him over all his household in Egypt (Genesis 39:2-4). He enjoyed the prison warden’s favour when he put him in charge of the entire prison’s affairs (Genesis 39:21-22). And lastly, he enjoyed Pharaoh’s favour and that of all the Egyptians throughout his lifetime in Egypt.

Favour made Joseph to accomplish in one day what it takes others years to achieve. In one day Joseph was freed from prison without trial, had the highest national appointment without interview and opposition, had a state wedding courtesy of Pharaoh, got a royal personal mansion, executive car (Pharaoh’s own chariot and wagon), a royal wardrobe and servants in attendance (Genesis 41:37-45; 47:5-6).

4. Wisdom leads its possessors in pleasant ways and peaceful paths. Proverbs 3:17 reads, “[Wisdom’s] ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace.” Wisdom helps its possessors to chart ways and paths that are pleasing to those with whom they relate and to be at peace with them and all who come in contact with them. The Scripture described Solomon as a man of peace and rest prior his birth (1 Chronicles 22:9) and by his wisdom Israel experienced absolute peace throughout his reign. Wisdom makes its possessors peacemakers, not just peace-lovers.

This is the lifestyle David exhibited most times with his subjects, friends and even supposed enemies. For instance, in the death of Abner, the commander of Saul’s army, David’s attitude to Abner and his reaction to Abner’s death pleased the people. The Scripture records that when Abner who appointed Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth as a rival king to David in Mahanaim and fought several bloody battles with David’s men visited David in his palace in Hebron, that “David prepared a feast for Abner and his men… and sent Abner away and he went in peace” (2 Samuel 2:8-9; 3:6,17-21). But when Joab returned and learned of David’s treatment of Abner, he frowned at it and immediately arranged for Abner’s return. On Abner’s return, Joab murdered Abner in cold blood in retaliation for the death of his younger brother Asahel (2 Samuel 3:22-27).

When David later learnt of Abner’s murder, he wept profusely and arranged for him a befitting burial. The Scripture records that David “the king wept aloud at Abner’s tomb… sang a lament for him” and refused eating till dusk and “all the people took note and were pleased; indeed, everything the king did pleased them. So on that day all the people and all Israel knew that the king had no part in the murder of Abner son of Ner” (2 Samuel 3:31-37). The reason we must learn to walk in pleasant ways and peaceful paths is because we need men to succeed in life. You can’t succeed alone. Success is a by product of the kind of relationship we keep. 2 Samuel 15:1-6 record Absalom’s foundational secret to his temporary kingship. The text reads:

In the course of time, Absalom provided himself with a chariot and horses and with fifty men to run ahead of him. He would get up early and stand by the side of the road leading to the city gate. Whenever anyone came with a complaint to be placed before the king for a decision, Absalom would call out to him, “What town are you from?” He would answer, “Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel.” Then Absalom would say to him, “Look, your claims are valid and proper,but there is no representative of the king to hear you. And Absalom would add, “If only I were appointed judge in the land! Then everyone who has a complaint or case could come to me and I would see that he gets justice.” Also, whenever anyone approached him to bow down before him, Absalom would reach out his hand, take hold of him and kiss him. Absalom behaved in this way towards all the Israelites who came to the king asking for justice, and so he stole the hearts of the men of Israel. [2 Samuel 15:1-6].

5. Wisdom protects and watches over its possessors. Proverbs 4:6 says, “Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.” Wisdom is like a protective shield and a watchman (watcher) to its possessors. Ecclesiastes 7:12a says wisdom is a protection (NASB) and a defense (KJV). Proverbs 27:12 says, “A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton [fool] goes blindly on and suffers the consequences” (NLT). Why? Because “a wise man’s eyes are in his head, while the fool walks in darkness” (Ecclesiastes 2:14 NASB).

Let’s experiment with anger. What stirs up a person’s anger? According to Proverbs 15:1: “A gentle [soft] answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Now Ecclesiastes 7:12 says both wisdom and money are protection. Let’s see which affords the best protection by looking at how the rich and the wise answer. According to Proverbs 18:23: “A poor man pleads for mercy, but a rich man answers harshly.” Why? Because “a rich man’s wealth is his fortified city; in his imagination it is like a high wall” (Proverbs 18:11 HCSB). But a wise man’s words are quiet and gracious ( Ecclesiastes 9:17; 10:12). For instance, David and Abigail’s meeting in 1 Samuel 25:9-13,23-35 and Joab and his army at the gate of Abel of Maacah in 2 Samuel 20:14-22. Abigail’s wisdom protected her and her entire family from David’s murderous rage. The wisdom of a woman saved the entire city of Abel of Maacah from genocide.

6. Wisdom will save its possessors from the ways of wicked men. Proverbs 2:12-15 read: “Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways, who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil, whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.” This text describes wicked men as follow: first, they are people whose words are perverse that is, people with corrupt speech (v.12a); second, they are deviants, walking in dark ways (v.13); third, they delight and rejoice in doing evil and corruption (v.14); and fifth, they live crooked and devious lives (v.15). These wicked men do not only perpetuate wickedness, they invite others to join them in their lifestyle (Proverbs 1:10-11). Wisdom will enable its possessors to refuse and reject such enticing invitations. This is because the end is always destruction and death (Proverbs 1:15-19).

For example, David had more than one opportunity to killed Saul his archenemy but he always declined. In one instance Abishai offered to do the killing for him with these words: “Today God has delivered your enemy into your hands. Now let me pin him to the ground with one thrust of my spear; I won’t strike him twice” (1 Samuel 26:8). If you were in David’s shoe what would you do? Kill Saul or let him go? If David had killed Saul when he had the opportunity, how much torment and torture do you think his conscience would have dealt him when Shimei threw stones at and rained curses on him as he and his followers escaped from Absalom’s conspiracy and rebellion? Wisdom will teach you not to follow the advice of the wicked, not to stand around sinners and not to join with scoffers (Psalm 1:1 NLT).
The world says, “Two wrongs do not make a right.” But my Scripture admonishes, “Do not multiply evil by retaliation, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21 Author’s own Translation). Multipliers of evil acts in the name of retaliation are wicked men. Let wisdom teach you to choose the overcoming way by feeding and clothing your enemies (Romans 12:20).

7. Wisdom will save its possessors from sexual immoralities. Proverbs 2:16-19 assert, “[Wisdom]” will save you also from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words, who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. For her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.” Sexual immoralities are in various forms. They include fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, incest, cohabitation, oral sex, pornography, bestiality, and others. Immoral folks are seductive using seductive words that is, sugar coated speeches in enticing their preys (Proverbs 2:16). They are covenant and promise breakers (Proverbs 2:17). They are cheats, thieves, looters, heart-breakers, unfaithful, and destroyers. Immorality is the entrance to death and the invitation to the spirits of the dead (Proverbs 2:18). It is the way of no return and the forfeiture of life (Proverbs 2:19).

Wisdom taught Joseph to flee from sexual immorality millenniums before Paul’s injunction to flee sexual immorality to Christians in 1 Corinthians 6:18. Of all sins, sexual immorality is the prominent sin that desecrates our body – God’s holy temple and drives His Holy Spirit fast and far from us (1 Corinthians 6:15-20; 3:16-17). David’s few minutes fleasure* with Bathsheba Uriah’s wife sent him and his entire kingdom nose diving. Ammon’s uncontrollable lust towards his half sister Tamar caused him his reputation and life. Immorality caused Reuben his birthright and earned him and his descendants a life of instability.

Sexual immorality has plagued many with untold sorrows, regrets, tears, hardships, disgraces, shame, diseases, abortions, lost bodily organs, unplanned and unprepared fatherhood and motherhood and death. Just to mention a few. No wonder the Scripture remarks that the person “who commits sexual immorality is an utter fool, for he destroys his own soul” (Proverbs 6:32 NLT).

Let wisdom teach you the gravity of sexual immorality that you might know that “it is great wickedness [against your fellow human], sin against God and self destruction” (Genesis 39:9 KJV; Proverbs 6:32 NLT). Sexual immorality is no pleasure; it is a plague.

8. Wisdom makes its possessors to be successful leaders. Proverbs 8:15-16 read: “By [wisdom] kings reign and rulers make laws that are just: by [wisdom] princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth.” Leadership is more than influence. How can one influence more than 140 million people of divers ethnicities? Leadership is about governing and ruling people with just laws and reigning with them. The critical question in leadership is, Which laws do a leader enact as just in a society or group like ours with multiple-interests, divers opinions, and different natures and sexes?

The nation of Israel with just twelve tribes in its history was blessed with only two successful leadership that is, David and Solomon. After these leaders, the nation witnessed its disintegration into two different nations with terrible atrocities. Rehoboam crumbled when faced with the critical choice of whether to serve the people or to lord it over the people. The people’s simple request to lighten our burden and we will serve you, received a threatening reply from Rehoboam: “My father made your yoke heavy: I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips: I will scourge you with scorpions” (1Kings 12:14). Bravado! What a powerful reply from the powerful king? But that reply destroyed his relationship with the people and divided the nation. Leadership is not about power to be served but rather it is about power to serve the people (Mark 10:45)

Unlike his grandfather David who served his people – delivered them from slavery and indebtedness, fought for and with them, wept with them, rejoiced with them, made the ordinary people great, refused to imposed himself on the people, enacted just laws that bettered their lives and protected their properties, and made them a renowned people, Rehoboam wanted to enslaved and impoverished them.
Wise leaders always leave their people better than they met them. David met his people slaves to the Philistines and the surrounding nations. He left them a freed and developed nation with goods coming from the surrounding nations and beyond. Solomon met his people without a befitting temple for the worship of their great God. He left them with the world most magnificent temple. He left them the wealthiest and most renowned nation in the then world, famous for its wisdom, wealth, arts and crafts, a home of tourism and the world most developed nation.

What kind of leader are you? A wise leader enriches his nation and his people, but a wicked one enriches himself and his caucus, and impoverishes the entire nation. The Scripture declares that, “By wisdom a [nation] is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge [all its states, regions and areas] are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4). May God bless Nigeria with wise leaders!

As I bring this teaching to an end, let me ask everyone this question: If you are offered the following jobs:

1. The General Manager of one of the multinational oil companies
2. The Governor of one of the oil rich states of the Niger Delta region
3. The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria
4. The President / Speaker of either house of the National Assembly
5. The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
6. The Governor of one of the states in the United States of America
7. The President of the United States of America
8. A waiter in the home of Divine Wisdom

Which will you choose? No matter what your choice is, the voice of Wisdom unequivocally declares that, “Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway” (Proverbs 8:34). Blessed indeed is such a one because “whoever finds [wisdom] finds life and receives favour from the LORD. But whoever fails to find [wisdom] harms himself; all who hate [wisdom] love death” (Proverbs 8:35-36).

No wonder, at the end of her visit to Solomon, the queen of Sheba exclaimed: “How blessed are your men, how blessed are your servants who stand before you continually and hear your wisdom” (1 Kings 10:8). Several hundreds of years after her exclamation about Solomon’s wisdom, Jesus declared, “Look – [one] greater than Solomon is here” (Matthew 12:42 HCSB). That one is Jesus Christ, the wisdom of God Himself (1 Corinthians 1:30) in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). 2010 years ago, he said to his disciples, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see, for I say to you, that many prophets and kings wished to see the things which you see, and did not see them, and to hear the things which you hear, and did not hear them” (Luke 10:24). “Christ in you is the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7 KJV). Therefore, search and lay hold on wisdom and let wisdom revolutionize your life. Let’s stand to pray.

N.B: Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Scripture quotations marked NLT are from the New Living Translation, KJV are from the King James Version, NASB are from the New American Standard Bible, and HCSB are from the Holman Christian Standard Bible.