Statement of Purpose Christian Forums RPG Forum Statement of Purpose

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
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Christian Forums RPG Forum Statement of Purpose

Welcome to the Christian Forums RPG (Role Playing Games) forum. Please remember that all posts must adhere to the Christian Forums sitewide rules.

RPG (Role Playing Game):

An RPG on CF is a game in which players (members) create their own characters and play them in an online world (game thread). Members may create new worlds (game threads) which will have specific rules which govern their world. If members would like to join an already created world, then they must play their characters according to the culture, location and history which was created for that world. The creator (Original Poster) of each world decides the storyline and the rules for their world.

Game Thread Rules:
  • Play by post rule: you must play by post, meaning when A finishes a post, B is to respond by making his own post. Everyone takes turn in posting; this is mainly because of the fact that A has to watch for B’s move and vice versa.
  • Control of other players’ characters are permitted, but only minimal control is allowed, exception would be when the players grant you total control, or when the players abandon their characters.

Poor control:

Wayth jumped over a log to Saliea’s rescue, relief flooded through her at the sight of him and she fainted as the creature turned around at his yell, ready to face a more dangerous foe.

Good control:
Wayth jumped over a log to Saliea’s resuce, he had a glimpse of her relieved face before the creature turned around at his yell, ready to face a more dangerous foe.

Note: never control other players’ characters to the extent that it results in changing their personalities. In these examples Saliea was a strong girl and she would not have fainted.
  • Number of characters is not restricted, one character is recommended in order to develop the full potential of the player, as well as the character you are controlling.

How to Begin Playing:

You may either make a new world (game thread) or join a world which is already in progress. Creating a new word is explained below. The first post which you would make in either a newly created world or an established world usually includes a character biography. The character bio should be introduced in the following format (which will also assist you in creating your character).

Bio (history):

This is a general format for the character bio, however, some players may wish to to add in extra headings, like “weapons”, “ability” etc.

Due to the creation of the character database, players now have a choice of omitting their character bio in their first post in a game world, but their character bio post must be entered into character database forum.

After your first post is made (character bio), then you may expand the story using your own creativity and imagination. Some of the things you can do to expand the story:
  • Describe your surroundings
  • Explain what your character is doing
  • Write about your character’s thoughts and feelings
As other players join and participate in the game thread the story will continue to unfold depending on how the characters interact with one another.

Creating a New Game Thread:

Not all threads have to be based on a grand quest, and many quests often become a part of the storyline as the players' characters interact together. Members are welcome to start their own game threads, provided that the characters are not in two places at once (two game threads at the same time), and that a very general storyline is given.

Some storyline suggestions:
  • On the way to explore uncharted areas
  • Visiting a new place
  • Studying in a school
  • Working in a difficult job/country/government agency
Threads for big adventures will normally be accompanied by a storyline which will give more than just a general direction. A big adventure storyline may describe the current relations between certain factions and detail out the main events that will occur in the story.

CF staff reserves the right to edit, remove, move or close any thread when deemed necessary.

If you have issues with another member and can't work it out or are disgruntled about a staff decision, please click on the "Support" tab in the header navigation bar, or "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page, and open a new support ticket. Discussion of members or staff actions in the forums is considered disruptive and can result in additional staff actions.
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