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Aug 11, 2023
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Hello folks. This will be the first time that this Bible analysis series will cover a Catholic book. Today we will be discussing the importance of medical doctors, as stated in Matthew 9:12 and Sirach 38:1-15.

May 8, 2024​
Matthew 9:12 (NIV): "On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.’"

Sirach 38:1-15 (NSRA): "Honor physicians for their services, for the Lord created them; for their gift of healing comes from the Most High, and they are rewarded by the king. The skill of physicians makes them distinguished, and in the presence of the great they are admired. The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and the sensible will not despise them. Was not water made sweet with a tree in order that its power might be known. And he gave skill to human beings that he might be glorified in his marvelous works. By them the physician heals and takes away pain; the pharmacist makes a mixture from them. God's works will never be finished; and from him health spreads over all the earth. My child, when you are ill, do not delay, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. Give up your faults and direct your hands rightly, and cleanse your heart from all sin. Offer a sweet-smelling sacrifice, and a memorial portion of choice flour, and pour oil on your offering, as much as you can afford. Then give the physician his place, for the Lord created him; do not let him leave you, for you need him. There may come a time when recovery lies in the hands of physicians, for they too pray to the Lord that he grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving life. He who sins against his Maker, will be defiant toward the physician."​
Matthew 9:12 and Sirach 38:1-15 both emphasize the importance of doctors and the value of medical care, especially for those who are sick. In Matthew 9:12, Jesus acknowledges that doctors are necessary for those who are ill, as opposed to the healthy who do not require medical attention. This verse highlights the importance of seeking medical help when needed.
Sirach 38:1-15 further emphasizes the role of doctors in healing and the divine origin of their skills. The text praises physicians for their services and the Lord's role in creating them and granting them the gift of healing. It also acknowledges that some people may recover from illness through medical intervention, emphasizing the importance of not delaying in seeking care when ill.

Both texts suggest that Christians should trust in the expertise of doctors and seek medical care when needed. However, Sirach 38:1-15 also emphasizes the importance of humility, repentance, and prayer in the healing process. Christians are encouraged to offer their best to the physician, as well as to God, in the form of a sacrifice and prayer for healing.
Societal Relevance
In the modern world, Sirach 38:11 suggests that people should offer "as much as they can afford." This verse implies that healthcare should be accessible to all, regardless of their financial means, and that those who are able to pay more should do so in order to help cover the costs for those who cannot. In today's economic model, where healthcare can be expensive and unaffordable for many, this verse could be interpreted as a call for a more equitable and accessible healthcare system, such as one that employs a pay-what-you-can or sliding scale fee structure. This approach would ensure that those who need medical care the most are able to receive it, while also allowing those who are able to pay more to contribute to the overall cost of the system. In today's society, Christians are called to trust both in medical science and in God's providence for our health and well-being. These Bible verses emphasize the importance of seeking medical care when needed, while also recognizing the role of prayer in the healing process.

To follow these verses in relation to trusting in medical science and prayer, Christians can:
  1. Seek professional medical advice: When we are ill, we should seek the advice of qualified medical professionals. This does not mean neglecting prayer or faith, but rather trusting in the expertise and knowledge of medical science to help us understand our condition and receive appropriate treatment.
  2. Pray for healing and guidance: While seeking medical care, Christians can also pray for God's healing and guidance. This can include prayers for a successful diagnosis and treatment, as well as prayers for wisdom and discernment in navigating the healthcare system.
  3. Be discerning and cautious: It is important for Christians to be discerning and cautious when it comes to false or quack medical practices. This can include researching the credentials and qualifications of healthcare providers, and being skeptical of treatments or remedies that seem too good to be true or that are not supported by scientific evidence.
  4. Seek the wisdom of the Church: The Church has a long tradition of teaching on the importance of healthcare and the role of medical science in promoting health and well-being. Christians can turn to the wisdom and guidance of their faith community, as well as the teachings of the Church, when making decisions about their healthcare.
  5. Advocate for accessible and affordable healthcare: The Bible verse from Sirach emphasizes the importance of making healthcare accessible and affordable for all, regardless of financial means. Christians can advocate for policies and systems that ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare, and that the cost of care does not place an undue burden on individuals or families.
Ultimately, these Bible verses encourage Christians to trust in the expertise of medical professionals, to seek care when needed, and to strive for a healthcare system that is accessible and equitable for all.