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Apr 28, 2024
Perth Amboy
United States
Marital Status
April of last year I was given a prophetic message that there was a sense of urgency on my life. I said many God whatever you want, I will do it. I don’t know how, but no problem. A few weeks later, I slipped up into a sin of touching myself( I was 7 months pregnant). I asked God to forgive me right after, but I knew it was wrong. I felt a little sick after but I thought it was from me being pregnant . Fast forward to June, I have my baby. 36 hours of intense labor. Afterwards the medicine wears off, and I instantly felt cold.
I started shaking uncontrollably, that my own mother couldn’t pin me down. I just knew something was wrong. Fast forward I go home after a week in the hospital. While there, I have these intense muscle spasms, and at night my body was heating up as if I was inside of a furnace.

I get released a week later. I go home, I recognized that I couldn’t sleep. I try sleeping pills, melatonin, every [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] one thing, no pill has any effect. It’s like just eating a piece of candy. I go to the doctor to get prescribed antidepressants, they don’t work. Fast forward to where I am now. I still can’t sleep, I have this weird pressure behind my eyes, my body heats up like a furnace at night, I’m having issues with going to the bathroom. I haven’t gotten sick since last year, no pills work. Every time I try to read the word, I get these bad headaches. Tylenol doesn’t have any effect.

My bones hurt really bad. I don’t get sick anymore( ie, common colds or allergies ). My body smells like a dead body, no matter how many bathes or showers I take. I feel no love, no peace, no joy, I’m numb, I don’t feel any conviction . I hear these demonic voices that sound like me that say you know you’re going to hell. That I hate Jesus. He hates me, I cry terribly because I believe that I’m not going to see Jesus. I look at hell videos and have no emotion. My memory is fading greatly. I can only remember my sins. I can’t remember what happened the previous day. I can’t hold the word of God when I read it. I only care because I’m going to hell, I feel like it’s not genuine at all. Has anyone ever experienced this? Has God turned me over for to my own devices for good? I keep seeing the number 6 everywhere. And these big black crows are everywhere I go. Please help me


Dispensationalist 72
Nov 23, 2022
United States
Marital Status
Please help me
It is pretty obvious what the problem is. We need to enter into the presence or God through thanks giving and praise. We have to have a positive attitude and positive energy. Most everyone can tell you that. Delight in the Lord THEN He will give you the desires of your heart.

4Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and bless His name. 5For the LORD is good, and His loving devotion endures forever; His faithfulness continues to all generations.…
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Devoted to Jesus
Jan 19, 2024
Marital Status
April of last year I was given a prophetic message that there was a sense of urgency on my life. I said many God whatever you want, I will do it. I don’t know how, but no problem. A few weeks later, I slipped up into a sin of touching myself( I was 7 months pregnant). I asked God to forgive me right after, but I knew it was wrong. I felt a little sick after but I thought it was from me being pregnant . Fast forward to June, I have my baby. 36 hours of intense labor. Afterwards the medicine wears off, and I instantly felt cold.
I started shaking uncontrollably, that my own mother couldn’t pin me down. I just knew something was wrong. Fast forward I go home after a week in the hospital. While there, I have these intense muscle spasms, and at night my body was heating up as if I was inside of a furnace.

I get released a week later. I go home, I recognized that I couldn’t sleep. I try sleeping pills, melatonin, every [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] one thing, no pill has any effect. It’s like just eating a piece of candy. I go to the doctor to get prescribed antidepressants, they don’t work. Fast forward to where I am now. I still can’t sleep, I have this weird pressure behind my eyes, my body heats up like a furnace at night, I’m having issues with going to the bathroom. I haven’t gotten sick since last year, no pills work. Every time I try to read the word, I get these bad headaches. Tylenol doesn’t have any effect.

My bones hurt really bad. I don’t get sick anymore( ie, common colds or allergies ). My body smells like a dead body, no matter how many bathes or showers I take. I feel no love, no peace, no joy, I’m numb, I don’t feel any conviction . I hear these demonic voices that sound like me that say you know you’re going to hell. That I hate Jesus. He hates me, I cry terribly because I believe that I’m not going to see Jesus. I look at hell videos and have no emotion. My memory is fading greatly. I can only remember my sins. I can’t remember what happened the previous day. I can’t hold the word of God when I read it. I only care because I’m going to hell, I feel like it’s not genuine at all. Has anyone ever experienced this? Has God turned me over for to my own devices for good? I keep seeing the number 6 everywhere. And these big black crows are everywhere I go. Please help me
I am no doctor but it seems to be you suffer of severe depression, I urge you to seek medical help immediately, ( not the doctor from before ) depression can increase the negatives thought process, the evil voices you think you hear are from depression that is .. never doubt in GOD or Christ, he does love you and will not abandon you, you should not abandon your faith.

What could help is reading scripture I suggest John,

Blessings to you and please seek professional help you could have postpartum depression or psychosis( hearing the voices) no shame in asking for asking for professional help. I put a link below, it could be what you suffer from but only a doctor can confirm.

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Maria Billingsley

Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2018
United States
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April of last year I was given a prophetic message that there was a sense of urgency on my life. I said many God whatever you want, I will do it. I don’t know how, but no problem. A few weeks later, I slipped up into a sin of touching myself( I was 7 months pregnant). I asked God to forgive me right after, but I knew it was wrong. I felt a little sick after but I thought it was from me being pregnant . Fast forward to June, I have my baby. 36 hours of intense labor. Afterwards the medicine wears off, and I instantly felt cold.
I started shaking uncontrollably, that my own mother couldn’t pin me down. I just knew something was wrong. Fast forward I go home after a week in the hospital. While there, I have these intense muscle spasms, and at night my body was heating up as if I was inside of a furnace.

I get released a week later. I go home, I recognized that I couldn’t sleep. I try sleeping pills, melatonin, every [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] one thing, no pill has any effect. It’s like just eating a piece of candy. I go to the doctor to get prescribed antidepressants, they don’t work. Fast forward to where I am now. I still can’t sleep, I have this weird pressure behind my eyes, my body heats up like a furnace at night, I’m having issues with going to the bathroom. I haven’t gotten sick since last year, no pills work. Every time I try to read the word, I get these bad headaches. Tylenol doesn’t have any effect.

My bones hurt really bad. I don’t get sick anymore( ie, common colds or allergies ). My body smells like a dead body, no matter how many bathes or showers I take. I feel no love, no peace, no joy, I’m numb, I don’t feel any conviction . I hear these demonic voices that sound like me that say you know you’re going to hell. That I hate Jesus. He hates me, I cry terribly because I believe that I’m not going to see Jesus. I look at hell videos and have no emotion. My memory is fading greatly. I can only remember my sins. I can’t remember what happened the previous day. I can’t hold the word of God when I read it. I only care because I’m going to hell, I feel like it’s not genuine at all. Has anyone ever experienced this? Has God turned me over for to my own devices for good? I keep seeing the number 6 everywhere. And these big black crows are everywhere I go. Please help me
It's time to seek professional help. Meanwhile, I will leave you with these words:

1 John​

18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with torment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Be blessed.
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Apr 28, 2024
Perth Amboy
United States
Marital Status
It's time to seek professional help. Meanwhile, I will leave you with these words:

1 John​

18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with torment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Be blessed.
I did. Had several studies done. They can’t find nothing wrong. I go to therapists I wake up everyday with that impending doom feeling. My body feels like it’s in a hot furnace and I’m sitting in an air conditioned room
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Mar 23, 2024
United States
Marital Status
The Bible says God and Jesus are one. Jesus is a God of love, teaching, and peace. He’s with you. He won’t leave you nor forsake you. People always forget (including me) that your sins were forgiven 2000 years ago.
Focus on Jesus. He will lead you to peace.
If you need professional help, He will be with you every step of the way.
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The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
Site Supporter
Nov 26, 2019
The Wild West
United States
Generic Orthodox Christian
Marital Status
April of last year I was given a prophetic message that there was a sense of urgency on my life. I said many God whatever you want, I will do it. I don’t know how, but no problem. A few weeks later, I slipped up into a sin of touching myself( I was 7 months pregnant). I asked God to forgive me right after, but I knew it was wrong. I felt a little sick after but I thought it was from me being pregnant . Fast forward to June, I have my baby. 36 hours of intense labor. Afterwards the medicine wears off, and I instantly felt cold.
I started shaking uncontrollably, that my own mother couldn’t pin me down. I just knew something was wrong. Fast forward I go home after a week in the hospital. While there, I have these intense muscle spasms, and at night my body was heating up as if I was inside of a furnace.

I get released a week later. I go home, I recognized that I couldn’t sleep. I try sleeping pills, melatonin, every [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] one thing, no pill has any effect. It’s like just eating a piece of candy. I go to the doctor to get prescribed antidepressants, they don’t work. Fast forward to where I am now. I still can’t sleep, I have this weird pressure behind my eyes, my body heats up like a furnace at night, I’m having issues with going to the bathroom. I haven’t gotten sick since last year, no pills work. Every time I try to read the word, I get these bad headaches. Tylenol doesn’t have any effect.

My bones hurt really bad. I don’t get sick anymore( ie, common colds or allergies ). My body smells like a dead body, no matter how many bathes or showers I take. I feel no love, no peace, no joy, I’m numb, I don’t feel any conviction . I hear these demonic voices that sound like me that say you know you’re going to hell. That I hate Jesus. He hates me, I cry terribly because I believe that I’m not going to see Jesus. I look at hell videos and have no emotion. My memory is fading greatly. I can only remember my sins. I can’t remember what happened the previous day. I can’t hold the word of God when I read it. I only care because I’m going to hell, I feel like it’s not genuine at all. Has anyone ever experienced this? Has God turned me over for to my own devices for good? I keep seeing the number 6 everywhere. And these big black crows are everywhere I go. Please help me

Firstly, please see a doctor. It sounds like you are having a health problem, and a doctor can help you with that. Secondly, talk to the clergy at your parish.

In my church, there is a much venerated figure, St. Silouan the Athonite, who said there are two thoughts that are dangerous, so that every that every Christian must flee from them: firstly, the idea that we have attained some level of holiness, since this leads to pride and delusion, and secondly, and equally importantly, we must flee the thought that we are beyond hope of salvation, for this leads to despair, and is simply not the case: God is infinitely powerful and infinitely loving and none of us are without hope of His salvific grace.

May God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost bless you, heal you, and remain with you, now and always.
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The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
Site Supporter
Nov 26, 2019
The Wild West
United States
Generic Orthodox Christian
Marital Status
I did. Had several studies done. They can’t find nothing wrong. I go to therapists I wake up everyday with that impending doom feeling. My body feels like it’s in a hot furnace and I’m sitting in an air conditioned room

We will continue praying for you. It sounds like you might need a second opinion. I myself was misdiagnosed with regards to a hereditary illness that i have, for several years, before a gifted doctor finally realized the condition I actually have and was able to get me on a path to recovery. Also if you should feel worse, or if this persists, you might really want to go to the hospital. I would do that if I felt in as much pain as you are talking about. Meanwhile please accept our love and prayers that you should be able to recover. God bless you!
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