• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist


Jul 31, 2016
Maple Grove, MN USA
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"Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds: and when he finds he will become troubled, and when he is troubled he will be astonished and he will reign over the all!" (Gospel of Thomas) In 1999, I both found and experienced something deeply troubling when I set my focus to understanding the truth in the Bible. I discovered manic depression and slipped into mania. At the time, I had no idea what manic depression was let alone mania and could in no way control the extreme high and lows I felt when in that state of mind. What I thought was purely a spiritual matter of the heart had become a psychological nightmare of the mind. A war ensued within me as I struggled to regain control of myself and my life. This took 7 years of being in and out of every psych ward in my city and multiple arrest before I finally got a grip on my illness.

Fast forward 12 years later and I have not had a manic episode sense. I have come close but each time through the strengthening of my will power I have been able to stop it dead in it's tracks. And this is where the astonishing part of this story comes in. I have discovered something through this experience I never realized before that I want to share with you. Not only have I discovered the secret location of the tree of life discuss in one of my previous posts but I am getting very close to actually accessing it. But before we dive in I need to bring some verses into your mind from the Bible that will help you understand where my theory is coming from.

Jesus said in Matthew 13:44, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it he hid and in all his joy went out sold all he had and bought that field." And later in Luke 17:21 kjv Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." Furthermore the Bible says you are God's field (1 Cor. 3:9) and his spirit dwells in you (1 Cor. 3:16). So if the kingdom of heaven (the dwelling place of God's spirit) is within us and is likened unto treasure hidden in a field then where within us does this field and treasure reside but the mind, which is theorized by some to be an electromagnetic field? And this is where my theory starts to get interesting.

First of all, the human brain when taken out of the skull resembles the appearance of a tree split in two. My understanding is that their are two distinct parts of our minds, the conscious mind we use daily to think and the subconscious mind that makes our hearts beat or heals our bodies that we don't often use let alone have any idea how to control. In my theory I compare the conscious mind to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the subconscious mind to the tree of life. And if we start to bring in the story of what happened to Adam and Eve and relate that story to what we all go through in life some remarkable insights arise.

The Bible says God knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5) and that he knit us together (with garments of flesh (Genesis 3:21)) in our mothers womb (Psalms 139:13). This strongly suggest we all were with God in paradise at some point before we were born or in or around our childhood. Now hold that thought for a moment. It is my understanding that in the development of a childs mind the subconscious mind is developed first. How do I know this? Because without it controlling our heartbeat etc. we would all be dead. Anyways, when a child is very young their conscious mind has not developed yet. And as a children we often didn't have a care in the world until one day, and it happened for all of us, we realized we were naked (Genesis 3:7). At that time life changes for us dramatically as we slip out of the subconscious mind into the newly developed conscious mind. At that time "The man has become like one of us knowing both good and evil. He musn't be allowed to reach out his hand and grab also from the tree of life, eat and live forever. So, God banished man from the garden and put a flaming sword spinning every which way and Cheribum to guard the way to the tree of life" (Genesis 3:24). And of that way Jesus said "Few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:14)

But here is what I want to call your attention to now. The Bible doesn't say that no one finds it and notice carefully the tree of life that promises eternal life is merely GUARDED. This means that it is not impossible to find and eat of. But if the tree of life is the human brain how then to we eat of it? By mentally grasping the truth!

That said, what I inadvertently had stumbled upon in 1999 through mania and bipolar disorder was that narrow path back to the tree of life (hypomania - the state of consciousness that precedes full blown mania) which resides in our subconscious mind. But the reason I could not take hold of it and mentally grasp all that was there for me was because I lost my will power to focus on one thing (eating of the tree of life) and excluding everything else. This is because when you are in that state of mind there is so much insight you just get swallowed up like a tiny wave in the ocean. Additionally all this rush of insight and feelings of euphoria often lead people to feeling christ like. This is easily explainable in my theory because you are sitting in the seat of god in your own body (Psalms 82:6). But is that a bad thing? Is it antichrist? Nope. Remember Jesus prayed that we would be made one with the father as he and his father were one (John 17:22). All you are doing at that point is trying to take the divided house of your mind and make the two spheres one as they were when we were children. Jesus even said, "Unless we become like little children we will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3). Perhaps this theory is what he meant by that!

I leave you with this fun little verse:

Matthew 11:25 "I praise you Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, for you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father for this was your good pleasure."

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Jul 31, 2016
Maple Grove, MN USA
United States
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The brain is not the tree of life, my friend. The tree of life grants immortality. There is nothing about the brain that does that.

That's an interesting viewpoint. What would say the tree of life is then since it is clear from scripture that it is merely guarded suggesting it is not impossible to access?
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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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"Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds: and when he finds he will become troubled, and when he is troubled he will be astonished and he will reign over the all!" (Gospel of Thomas) In 1999, I both found and experienced something deeply troubling when I set my focus to understanding the truth in the Bible. I discovered manic depression and slipped into mania. At the time, I had no idea what manic depression was let alone mania and could in no way control the extreme high and lows I felt when in that state of mind. What I thought was purely a spiritual matter of the heart had become a psychological nightmare of the mind. A war ensued within me as I struggled to regain control of myself and my life. This took 7 years of being in and out of every psych ward in my city and multiple arrest before I finally got a grip on my illness.

Fast forward 12 years later and I have not had a manic episode sense. I have come close but each time through the strengthening of my will power I have been able to stop it dead in it's tracks. And this is where the astonishing part of this story comes in. I have discovered something through this experience I never realized before that I want to share with you. Not only have I discovered the secret location of the tree of life discuss in one of my previous posts but I am getting very close to actually accessing it. But before we dive in I need to bring some verses into your mind from the Bible that will help you understand where my theory is coming from.

Jesus said in Matthew 13:44, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it he hid and in all his joy went out sold all he had and bought that field." And later in Luke 17:21 kjv Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." Furthermore the Bible says you are God's field (1 Cor. 3:9) and his spirit dwells in you (1 Cor. 3:16). So if the kingdom of heaven (the dwelling place of God's spirit) is within us and is likened unto treasure hidden in a field then where within us does this field and treasure reside but the mind, which is theorized by some to be an electromagnetic field? And this is where my theory starts to get interesting.

First of all, the human brain when taken out of the skull resembles the appearance of a tree split in two. My understanding is that their are two distinct parts of our minds, the conscious mind we use daily to think and the subconscious mind that makes our hearts beat or heals our bodies that we don't often use let alone have any idea how to control. In my theory I compare the conscious mind to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the subconscious mind to the tree of life. And if we start to bring in the story of what happened to Adam and Eve and relate that story to what we all go through in life some remarkable insights arise.

The Bible says God knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5) and that he knit us together (with garments of flesh (Genesis 3:21)) in our mothers womb (Psalms 139:13). This strongly suggest we all were with God in paradise at some point before we were born or in or around our childhood. Now hold that thought for a moment. It is my understanding that in the development of a childs mind the subconscious mind is developed first. How do I know this? Because without it controlling our heartbeat etc. we would all be dead. Anyways, when a child is very young their conscious mind has not developed yet. And as a children we often didn't have a care in the world until one day, and it happened for all of us, we realized we were naked (Genesis 3:7). At that time life changes for us dramatically as we slip out of the subconscious mind into the newly developed conscious mind. At that time "The man has become like one of us knowing both good and evil. He musn't be allowed to reach out his hand and grab also from the tree of life, eat and live forever. So, God banished man from the garden and put a flaming sword spinning every which way and Cheribum to guard the way to the tree of life" (Genesis 3:24). And of that way Jesus said "Few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:14)

But here is what I want to call your attention to now. The Bible doesn't say that no one finds it and notice carefully the tree of life that promises eternal life is merely GUARDED. This means that it is not impossible to find and eat of. But if the tree of life is the human brain how then to we eat of it? By mentally grasping the truth!

That said, what I inadvertently had stumbled upon in 1999 through mania and bipolar disorder was that narrow path back to the tree of life (hypomania - the state of consciousness that precedes full blown mania) which resides in our subconscious mind. But the reason I could not take hold of it and mentally grasp all that was there for me was because I lost my will power to focus on one thing (eating of the tree of life) and excluding everything else. This is because when you are in that state of mind there is so much insight you just get swallowed up like a tiny wave in the ocean. Additionally all this rush of insight and feelings of euphoria often lead people to feeling christ like. This is easily explainable in my theory because you are sitting in the seat of god in your own body (Psalms 82:6). But is that a bad thing? Is it antichrist? Nope. Remember Jesus prayed that we would be made one with the father as he and his father were one (John 17:22). All you are doing at that point is trying to take the divided house of your mind and make the two spheres one as they were when we were children. Jesus even said, "Unless we become like little children we will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3). Perhaps this theory is what he meant by that!

I leave you with this fun little verse:

Matthew 11:25 "I praise you Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, for you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father for this was your good pleasure."

We have a left and a right side because of our duel nature. We are told that we were in the beginning with Christ at the foundation of the world. Some people believe that it was always the plan for us to be joint heirs with Christ. The beginning in the Bible has to do with Heaven and Earth. The duel nature between Heaven and Earth. We are told the Tree of Life is in Heaven. Yet we are to pray thy kingdom come Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. I do not expect to see the tree of life here on Earth until the New Heaven and the New Earth at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ. On the eighth day. So what you are seeing must be Spiritual. I am not sure what part the Tree of Life would play in the Kingdom age or day 7.

As far as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Eve. This is what makes us Human and sets us apart from the Animals. This is the frontal lobe part of the brain is involved in problem solving and decision-making. Jung of course studied all of this and more recently Ken Wilber talks about the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and how this impacts our understanding of Science.

Meghan Kelly had a interview with a Savant this week that shows us how very powerful the unconscious mind is. It you look at a professional baseball player when he steps up to bat the ball is traveling 60 miles an hour. Yet the brain is able to do the math to hit that ball. This involves extremely complicated math that the most simple minded person can perform. In their unconscious mind. It is rare for people to be able to do this level of math in their conscious or earthly mind, only their unconscious or heavenly mind.

In modern physics, the double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles. That maybe another story though.

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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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That's an interesting viewpoint. What would say the tree of life is then since it is clear from scripture that it is merely guarded suggesting it is not impossible to access?
The Garden of Eden today is most likely under the Persian Gulf.
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Bought by His Blood
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Mar 25, 2005
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Yes also having bi-polar i see where you are coming from. However i see this still different than you do. It is Jesus who is the bread of life - knowing Him builds eternal life in our spirit and renews our minds. Indeed much of this happens in our unconscious minds. Jesus builds us without us seeing what He is doing but we are producing those pearls and diamonds in our lives nevertheless if we love and obey Him.

The unconscious mind is more capable working at a genius level than the conscious mind for the conscious mind is build by the world and its lies ruling and twists our view often out of perspective, making us unable instead of able, and sick instead of healthy. That is why living out of love for Christ produces much more good fruit than thinking to deeply about all the factual aspects like the world goes about things. Here we find the difference between religious people and people who have faith in God's love.

The tree of life is in Heaven and when our minds our blown apart by His light of Day then we will see ruler ship come down from Heaven. The great Zion from above renewing our minds and energising our lives. For eternal is the spiritual and not the physical down here.

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Jul 31, 2016
Maple Grove, MN USA
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Yes also having bi-polar i see where you are coming from. However i see this still different than you do. It is Jesus who is the bread of life - knowing Him builds eternal life in our spirit and renews our minds. Indeed much of this happens in our unconscious minds. Jesus builds us without us seeing what He is doing but we are producing those pearls and diamonds in our lives nevertheless if we love and obey Him.

The unconscious mind is more capable working at a genius level than the conscious mind for the conscious mind is build by the world and its lies ruling and twists our view often out of perspective, making us unable instead of able, and sick instead of healthy. That is why living out of love for Christ produces much more good fruit than thinking to deeply about all the factual aspects like the world goes about things. Here we find the difference between religious people and people who have faith in God's love.

The tree of life is in Heaven and when our minds our blown apart by His light of Day then we will see ruler ship come down from Heaven. The great Zion from above renewing our minds and energising our lives. For eternal is the spiritual and not the physical down here.


This is a good reply and one I can work with. You say it is Jesus who is the bread of life and knowing him is what gives eternal life and renews our minds. I think that is a good insight but in order to fully grasp what that means I think it is important to try to understand not so much of who we think Christ was but what we know Christ is.

According to John 1 Christ is the Word. And I would ask that you pause for a moment and think of the magnitude of what that statement means for us. Just think without the Word we could not write, read, speak, understand, know or even form a simple thought which gives new meaning to Christ's statement, "Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) So, if Jesus is the Word (John 1) who sat at the right hand of the Father (Hebrews 10:12) who is in heaven (Matthew 6:9) which is within you (Luke 17:21) and you are the temple of the living God (1 Corinthians 3:16) then the big questions where inside of you does the Word or bread of life reside my friend?

The only place I know of in the human body where the Word resides is the mind, the temple of Words. And Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, place of the skull right? (Matthew 27:33) I hear what you are saying that "Knowing him builds eternal life and renews our minds" but how else do we "know" him but through our minds where he clearly resides in us? Do you see what I am saying?

Lots more I could add but I think you see my point.


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Open Heart

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Aug 3, 2014
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That's an interesting viewpoint. What would say the tree of life is then since it is clear from scripture that it is merely guarded suggesting it is not impossible to access?
As I already said, the tree of life gives immortality. After the resurrection, we will be immortal.
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Bought by His Blood
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Mar 25, 2005
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According to John 1 Christ is the Word. And I would ask that you pause for a moment and think of the magnitude of what that statement means for us. Just think without the Word we could not write, read, speak, understand, know or even form a simple thought which gives new meaning to Christ's statement, "Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) So, if Jesus is the Word (John 1) who sat at the right hand of the Father (Hebrews 10:12) who is in heaven (Matthew 6:9) which is within you (Luke 17:21) and you are the temple of the living God (1 Corinthians 3:16) then the big questions where inside of you does the Word or bread of life reside my friend?

The only place I know of in the human body where the Word resides is the mind, the temple of Words. And Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, place of the skull right? (Matthew 27:33) I hear what you are saying that "Knowing him builds eternal life and renews our minds" but how else do we "know" him but through our minds where he clearly resides in us? Do you see what I am saying?

Lots more I could add but I think you see my point.

Indeed brother Jesus is The Living Word - in John 14 He tells us that He and His Father will make their Home in us. So Yes the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven is first of all a renewed mind in Christ. That is what The Living Word is all about building us into The Word and we are allowed to observe this process with our conscious minds if we keep our eyes on Jesus and not the things He unearths from our hearts doing His job purifying and sanctifying us into The Word.

1 Peter 1:23-25
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For,

“All people are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of the Lord endures forever.”

And this is the word that was preached to you.
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