Being ok watching nudity with partner, etc


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Jul 23, 2023
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I have this ongoing issue with watching any show or movie with my fiancé (will be married in a couple months) involving female nudity. We try to avoid the really gratuitous stuff but it seems like it’s in everything now…when it comes up I get really upset, and oftentimes angry with the situation/people who made the content in the first place.
My fiancé has told me that it doesn’t really ‘do anything for him’, that there’s no reason I should feel insecure, etc. He also has been making it a point to either look at me or at his phone during these moments. I really appreciate him.
But there are moments where he can’t look away without missing important content. Like if something is happening in the story and there’s also a very scantily clad woman also in the scene.
For some context, I have never had a very healthy relationship with sex. I grew up in the church with very mild-mannered parents who would answer questions if they ever arose but made it a point to keep their children away from that content for a long time. I started struggling with sexual desires when I was about 12-13 and instead of realizing that some of it was actually a normal part of growing up, I felt absolutely disgusted with myself. I spent several years being absolutely disgusted with myself for all of this, and as I grew up more and so did the content I was allowed to watch, I personally found myself very stimulated by any sexual content in movies or shows. And then I’d feel disgust and shame.
It wasn’t until recently (I’m 26 now) that I’ve been able to learn how to embrace the healthy sides of sexuality…but if something comes up while I’m with my fiancé, I get so protective, angry, and upset. Like if we’re on the beach and a woman is in a little bikini…I just feel so small, even though he really does his best not to look.
My fiancé was not a Christian until about 5-6 years ago. He engaged with hookup culture, and partied a lot in college, although he has also told me that for the majority of that time he was in committed relationships and so was not hooking up, also there was like 1 woman to every 14 men at his college. It was a very small school. I have also struggled a lot with his past, but do my best to put it to the side because it’s not fair to him to hold his past over him now.
I went on a couple dates in college/shortly after graduating but I never kissed anyone. I sent some photos I should not have sent. I’m not in the clear either and I know that.
My fiancé and I have been together for about 3 years now. At the beginning of the relationship I was adamant that I was waiting until marriage to have sex. My now-fiancé respected this. We still did some things that we probably shouldn’t have done. We did end up starting to have sex a year and a half into dating. I knew I was taking a risk but by that point we were 98% sure we’d be getting married. I’m not saying I’m not a sinner, because I am.
I’ve always been insecure about the fact that he’s been with other women. He had promised me he does not think about any past sexual moments with them. I’ve had some very unstable moments of breaking down over the pain these thoughts bring me, which in turn makes him feel terrible, because he can’t undo his past. It still hurts sometimes, but has gotten so much better.
I don’t want to continue to bring this issue into our marriage. I don’t want to have an issue any time we watch something with nudity. Like I said, we try to avoid it, but there are some really good shows that involve it. Like we’re watching Yellowstone right now and there was nudity. He made a point to look away for most of it. But I looked it up and there’s some more that will be coming up. I plan to tell him generally what kind of scene is coming up and just ask him to look away. But I also don’t want to be crazy, here.
Advice and wisdom is appreciated…I want to forgive his past. I want to be less bothered when these things come up. It hurts me and then I hurt him by making him feel terrible for his past. It’s not healthy.


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Dec 29, 2002
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Maybe ...oh HI! WOOT! Might not be the one you want to really hear from. Well been married together almost 40 years now. I LOVE the lord seen so many wonders and oh praise GOD GLORY TO JESUS. HAHA but I am still a man still human. Its like you walking into the store and some girl is dressed.. well does not leave much or anything to the imagination. I have to say this. I watched a video of this I think this man was 100 on Carson show..yeah long time ago and he said they would in town watch the women walk by hoping to see an ankle. Yeah that was it and they really liked seeing that. Times have changed. So walking into the store.. you have to say.. lets take a second.. ooh look at those cars haha.

See its reminds me of this meeting (reading this in a book) where the preacher said to give up something you put before God. So the young guy who had a bike that he never ever took out in the rain. He loved that bike. He ran to his house to get that bike because he didn't want doubt to catch up to him. Oh the moment he took it out side? It was raining. The preacher told them you can take it all back IF you know you wont put it before the lord.

Oh man what am I going on about haha. I'm human..oh I can say I know Christ I LOVE Christ but I am still living in this flesh that loves to sin so I can't look because I can't let temptation creep in. Its not that it "tempts" me every time or not. Its just never giving the enemy one moment. I as its written give no place to the devil. Nothing wrong with nudity's but were human. Now watching a show if there is nudity.. I and my wife skip it. Those parts.. never known one to be of God. Now me.. If I know there will be I will not watch it. I don't make my wife do anything.. but she will also skip it. A older woman in what 1967? Talked about something the lord showed her about the future. How TVs' would be like the radio with many stations. She said the most intimate things between a man and woman will be shown for everyone to see. So the only nudity I want to see is my wife.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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Like if we’re on the beach and a woman is in a little bikini…I just feel so small, even though he really does his best not to look.
My wife and all the Filipinos are very conservative. When they go to a beach they often ware shorts and a tee shirt over whatever bathing suit they have. They really do not notice or pay any attention at all to what other people are wearing. She does not like porn, finds it disgusting and she will walk away from it. Rabbi Friedman did marriage counseling and he wrote a book called: "The Joy of Intimacy". He said marriage is based on intimacy and porn destroys that and it destroys peoples relationships. It is not unusual for people to go from person to person and marriage to marriage. Because they never develop the relationship God has for us.

Science has done research on the Prairie Voles. They mate for life because of bonding hormones called Oxytocin. They sell this in artificial pill called OxyContin. It is very addictive. The natural hormone is what caused people to bond and create a life long relationship. Also this is what causes parents to bond to their child and it helps women with the pain of delivery. We do bond with animals also a little bit.

When I was single I found if I wanted to live celebrate I had to stay away from beaches where women wore a postage stomp bathing suits. If I allowed myself to get excited then it was difficult to be celebrate. I did not watch much TV and my entertainment was to read the Bible. Even there was a short time when I would read the Bible for 10 or 12 hours a day. I read the whole Bible in three months once.

You may want to look at the Rabbi's book. He is Hasidic and they teaching the young women what marriage is all about and how to avoid the lust that we find in the world. Or you can look at one of his videos on youtube where he talks about the subject if you are limited on the amount of time you have.

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May 30, 2020
casa grande
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Where would you watch nudity except for a inappropriate contento?
I didn't make that change in wording..the word was promo sounding. Would you watch it with Jesus?
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