Autism Speaks--spin off


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Jun 17, 2004
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I want to hear people's experience with Autism Speaks......I don't know a whole lot about the organization yet. From what I have discerned, I gather they are looking for a "cure" for autism. I am going to get on there site and poke around and make up my own mind about them, but would also like to hear other's stories.

My history, why I ask, is my six year old daughter is on the spectrum--HFA. She has significant speech delays, social interaction issues (no boundaries), impulse control issues, and many more autistic behaviors/traits. My goal for her is to ensure she has all the skills needed to be a happy adult who can do whatever her potential/desires allows. She is "too smart for her mommy already ;):thumbsup:", so this is not a cognition issue for her. If she wants college, marriage, career, kids.....I want to her to be "able to" perform tasks needed to achieve those goals. I am not looking for a cure for autism, I am looking for a way to allow her to incorporate that aspect of herself into her future as she best can. Just my flip on this coin so to speak, so you know where I come from on this question.

Additionally, I know another individual who needs a lawyer to defend herself against her son's school for various reasons, and she needs a pro-bono lawyer desperately (long unrelated story). The first place I thought to look was Autism Speaks, simply because their name is out there so much.

I DO NOT want to have debates about whether we should or should not be looking for a "cure". If someone wants to state their opinion--please everyone respect that they are coming from a different set of circumstances than you are, and therefore may have different goals. RESPECT please. A "cure" is a hot button issue, so let's not make this emotionally charged please.


Oct 2, 2011
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first off, I have Autism (Asperger's Syndrome to be exact) and i do not support autism speaks. this organization spends more money on their smear campaign against Autistic individuals and the employees on the Autism Speaks staff that they barely have money left over to spend helping families living with Autism. This organization also does not have one single member on their staff who is on the spectrum. They simply base their cure-bound organization around the dramatics displayed in their commercials hoping to rope in supporters.
I am not just saying this b/c i don't support the organization, i know that they do their lab testing on mice (which is animal cruelty. I had to send an email to PETA for this) and they are pushing for a prenatal screening for autism which will most likely increase the number of abortions if things go their way.
the truth is Autism Speaks doesn't want to help us they want to erase us from existance!
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