Statement of Purpose Ask about the Restoration Movement Statement of Purpose

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Jul 11, 2007
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Ask About the Restoration Movement Statement of Purpose
There are three main branches of the Restoration Movement in the US - the Church of Christ, the Christian Churches and the Churches of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This forum is a place to ask questions about the churches within the Restoration Movement, and to have discussions on the beliefs and concerns herein. Debates about doctrines are not appropriate here and should be addressed in General Theology or the congregational specific forums.

A Few Things to Know About Us:
We believe that Christianity should not be divided as Christ intended the development of one church.
Creeds divide, but Christians should be able to find unity by standing on the Bible.
The church should stress all things that bring unity, and suppress those divisive doctrines and practices that do not.

Forum Guidelines:
When speaking about well-known, revered, and highly regarded past or present leaders, teachers, or pastors (living or deceased) within the Restoration Movement, please show a measure of respect. These public religious figures are respected by CF members from a wide range of churches and movements. Please avoid using inflammatory words or phrases in reference to these public religious figures. Focus on discussing the beliefs and teachings of these leaders (e.g. whether it is biblical or not), but don't mock these leaders as it disrupts civil discussion.

House Rules:
All posts within this faith community must adhere to the site wide rules found here (Community Rules). In addition, if you are not a member of this faith group, you may not debate issues or teach against its theology. You may post in fellowship. Active promotion of views contrary to the established teachings of this group will be considered off topic.
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