Any PK's from DC, MD or NoVa?

  • Thread starter NowTheresaReason71
  • Start date


If so, please give me a holler.

I'm looking to start support group for teen and young adult PK's.

Here's my ad on Craigslist:

Have past or present issues from being under the microscope become too much to bear? Got issues with your parents, the church they’re affiliated with or Christianity/religion in general? Then you might be a Pastor's kid. Yes, YOU.

If so, let me know you’re out there. Why? Because I’m interested in creating a forum just for YOU. One dedicated solely to helping Pastor’s Kids deal all their issues and get them out in the open without any judgment or condemnation.

Hey I’m no professional, but it doesn’t take much figure out if you have a problem, you should sit down and talk about it. It’s time to figure out our identities, what God wants for our lives and take a stand.

Email me at for details. Let’s make it great in 2008. It’s time to take a stand.


Also, even if you not from the area, holler at me any way, if you wanna talk, about well...anything I guess.
