Another opportunity: Providing clean water for the poor.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
This is a permanent structural change that enables poor to become more productive and healthier for generations.

I am more familiar with CBN that with other ministries so I post this. Some believers in Christ have actually travelled to India to help dedicate the wells their donations built. Non-Christians are the main beneficiaries, and that has created opportunity for people to hear the Gospel.

In this website, Christians are drilling wells for those who cannot get them themselves... the poor of Asia.

I live in an area of the world (the Great Lakes) that has the greatest concentration of fresh water on Earth. As a result we are the most productive food producing area on the planet. Water is the key to life. By building wells in Asia, we help them feed themselves, and this is free of any government action or plan or restrictions.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2004
I too have devoted myself to the cause of clean water, I canvassed for Clean Water Action in and around minneapolis last summer. CWA is a nonpartisan nonprofit lobby formed during the early 70's to champion the clean water act. sadly, the bush administration has fought tooth and nail to compromise the law... after failing to raise support for a weakening ammendment, the administration has issued a guidance letter which essentially guts the clean water act. it's sad to see something so basic and necessary and common get totally pushed onto one side of the political spectrum... conservatives see any concern for our planet as being "anti-business", as if business ought to be of primary concern. quality of life, on the other hand....

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Treasure the Questions

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2004
There is an international charity called Water Aid, which in the UK at least has a clever way of raising funds. It has become fashionable for companies to provide their staff with bottled water, whereby a much larger than usual bottle of water is placed on a dispenser so people can help themselves as they feel the need. Water Aid have joined the market of those supplying this bottled water, so the water that moistens the lips of staff with slightly dry mouths provides profits to pay for the provision of clean, safe water for those who previously had to walk miles for water than may well have made them ill. It seems a good idea to me.

There US website is here

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
Condemnation said:
I too have devoted myself to the cause of clean water, I canvassed for Clean Water Action in and around minneapolis last summer. CWA is a nonpartisan nonprofit lobby formed during the early 70's to champion the clean water act. sadly, the bush administration has fought tooth and nail to compromise the law... after failing to raise support for a weakening ammendment, the administration has issued a guidance letter which essentially guts the clean water act. it's sad to see something so basic and necessary and common get totally pushed onto one side of the political spectrum... conservatives see any concern for our planet as being "anti-business", as if business ought to be of primary concern. quality of life, on the other hand....

Thanks for sharing of your political involvement.
Isn't there clean water in Minnesota? I thought the land of 10,000 lakes would have atlest a few clean ones left? ;)

Seriously I would have veteod the bill myself. I remember it was flawed and overly restrictive. There is nothing harmful with the clean water now allowed. This bill was more of a political football scheme designed to embarrass the President.

If you want to help provide clean water for people in India where they really need it, please consider supporting ministries that actually drill wells for the poor. The Operation Blessing at does this. I believe there are many more including or

The most important water a person can have is the Living Water of Christ Himself. That is salvation, being born-again. Be sure any ministry you support is spreading the message of repentance and belief in Christ. Make sure you read about it in the Bible.

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