An Open Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis


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Feb 5, 2002
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An Open Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis –

Your Holiness,

Christ is King. He is Risen, Alleluia. He is Risen as He Said!

If you will permit me, I have a few questions through which I and many others have come to be clouded in a confused stupor.

Is there anything that the US President, nominally Catholic Joseph Biden, might do or say that would warrant a correction? Under the auspices of being a follower of Christ, his record is already that of the most pro-abortion politician that the non-communist world has ever produced. This man scandalously claims to be a devotee of the Rosary, yet is the biggest friend to the gay, lesbian and trans industry, in their goal of leading young people to ruin. He accepts and promotes the lies of this age, rejecting the complementarity of man and woman on a scale heretofore unseen.

There isn’t much he hasn’t done, there is no Rubicon he hasn’t crossed. But on this occasion when he has sided with the enemy in an attempt to usurp Easter, the most holy and solemn of Christian celebrations, show him that this offense to Christ and His Holy Church is a bridge too far. It is not too late. Please do not hide in the upper room this week after we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Please, do not let Biden deny Christ as did your predecessor two thousand years ago.

Continued below.
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