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Aug 3, 2016
Marital Status

I was raised as a Christian, I went to a church school from the age of 4 to 11. I am 18 at the time of writing this. I am honestly in a battle with pornography and sin. I don’t want to question my faith just so I can sin. Nor do I want to justify sin. I have been battling pornography since I was 15/16. I know sex is saved for marriage, but I don’t see how a single young Christian boy or girl is not expected to watch porn or commit sexual sin, especially in modern day society. With saying this I fear for Christian children of today growing up with increased exposure to porn and other sexual environments. I feel that it will be harder for them, more than any other generation to stay away from porn or other sexual sins. Like I said I’m 18 and I honestly want to get married and have children. I know I am not expected to be perfect as no man or women can be and this is why god created Jesus. Jesus too faced lust but lived through it. But the question I ask myself is, lets say the average age to get married is 28-30, that is 10-12 years from now. How am I supposed to stay clear of sexual sin for this long? There are increasing temptations in the world we live today. I have committed sexual sin with porn, however somehow I am still a virgin. I find this hard to believe with most of my friends losing their virginity outside of marriage and some before the age of 18. I am trying to save myself for marriage.

I find it hard to cope with sexual sin, because whenever I do commit a sexual sin, I never have the intention of hurting god, but I do. I touch, with or without because it feels nice and nothing more. I don’t want to have sex with the women I see, I know real sex won’t be the same and I still have respect for women. At a young age of 18, your body is still going through puberty and your sex drive is way high. It doesn’t seem possible or practical to stay away from THIS type of sin for such a long time. I know we will all sin and stumble and god will forgive, but just knowing this fact doesn’t give me the right to sin, just because I know god will forgive. It is the same as cheating on someone just because you know that they will say sorry. Both instances are wrong, but if you know you are going to be forgiven, what stops you?

If I could be married now I would. But I feel god won’t let me get married at this stage in my life because of what I am currently going through. But this also gives me the intention to sin now because, ‘hey! I might as well because I am not going to be in a relationship time soon, and because I have faith in god, I will be married someday just not right now.’ Honestly this is what I think at times. I don’t want to think like this but I do.

I also find that my views are conflicting of each other, as a Christian I am supposed to believe that god created this world, but do I actually believe this?... I’m not sure, I believe in the science of the world to. Another thing is do I honestly believe that the stories of the bible actually took place in earth and had a real place in history?.. yet again I’m not sure.

I know I believe in something, but is it Christianity. I feel that being raised in a Christian lifestyle has forced me to believe no different, yet if I try and convince my self that god doesn’t exist I can’t do it. If I was raised in Pakistan or India , then I would have been a Muslim or Sikh. How am I to believe one god despite every other religion claiming that there is only one true god?...


This image speaks volumes to me. Each religion claiming , there religion is the real and true one, who are we to believe? Different countries main religions being embedded into children’s minds at young age?

Honestly I like the bibles principles of the 10 commandments, I like the idea to live by them. I try to live by them and the only one I have a serious problem with adultery/lust. I also feel like I live by and believe in only some parts of the bible but not all.

For example I pray, but I don’t go to church, I’m not going to lie here, I don’t like going to church and I don’t know if I should be ashamed of saying this. I don’t read the bible. Sometimes I read specific stories and that is because those are the ones I find interesting and enjoy reading, the rest of the bible feels like a chore that I don’t enjoy. I still pray and try not sin as much as possible, but because there are things I don’t do, does this not make me a Christian?...

A lot of the time I pray to god because I want to do well in life, I want others to do well in life, like my friends and my family, or even people I don’t even know. I know I don’t prey just for selfish reasons, I pray for others and the world too.

I can’t tell you why I am a Christian, because the idea of Christianity was given to me from birth and I can’t think any other way. I am going to hopefully cut this post to an end , but here are my opposing thoughts when it comes to certain ways of life as a Christian

I think abortion is a good thing if used responsibly, but I obviously don’t believe in murder?

I think tattoos are okay, but the bible is against this

I don’t think you should be able to sin and lust in a relationship or single. Its just when single I think people should be a bit more understandable and I feel this sexual sins should be more expected at a younger age when you make certain discoveries…

I do kinda think you should also be allowed to have sex if engaged, but waiting to marriage will make the moment sweeter

I think that it is okay to be gay

And I also think its okay to marry someone who is not of the same faith, but the bible is against this.

Because I do not believe in every word of the bible can I not be a Christian?. Even if now I was to get and get a tattoo, even though I don’t see what is wrong with it, I still feel as if I would be sinning .



Fading curmudgeon
Apr 29, 2009
Marital Status

I was raised as a Christian, I went to a church school from the age of 4 to 11. I am 18 at the time of writing this. I am honestly in a battle with pornography and sin. I don’t want to question my faith just so I can sin. Nor do I want to justify sin. I have been battling pornography since I was 15/16. I know sex is saved for marriage, but I don’t see how a single young Christian boy or girl is not expected to watch porn or commit sexual sin, especially in modern day society. With saying this I fear for Christian children of today growing up with increased exposure to porn and other sexual environments. I feel that it will be harder for them, more than any other generation to stay away from porn or other sexual sins. Like I said I’m 18 and I honestly want to get married and have children. I know I am not expected to be perfect as no man or women can be and this is why god created Jesus. Jesus too faced lust but lived through it. But the question I ask myself is, lets say the average age to get married is 28-30, that is 10-12 years from now. How am I supposed to stay clear of sexual sin for this long? There are increasing temptations in the world we live today. I have committed sexual sin with porn, however somehow I am still a virgin. I find this hard to believe with most of my friends losing their virginity outside of marriage and some before the age of 18. I am trying to save myself for marriage.

I find it hard to cope with sexual sin, because whenever I do commit a sexual sin, I never have the intention of hurting god, but I do. I touch, with or without because it feels nice and nothing more. I don’t want to have sex with the women I see, I know real sex won’t be the same and I still have respect for women. At a young age of 18, your body is still going through puberty and your sex drive is way high. It doesn’t seem possible or practical to stay away from THIS type of sin for such a long time. I know we will all sin and stumble and god will forgive, but just knowing this fact doesn’t give me the right to sin, just because I know god will forgive. It is the same as cheating on someone just because you know that they will say sorry. Both instances are wrong, but if you know you are going to be forgiven, what stops you?

If I could be married now I would. But I feel god won’t let me get married at this stage in my life because of what I am currently going through. But this also gives me the intention to sin now because, ‘hey! I might as well because I am not going to be in a relationship time soon, and because I have faith in god, I will be married someday just not right now.’ Honestly this is what I think at times. I don’t want to think like this but I do.

I also find that my views are conflicting of each other, as a Christian I am supposed to believe that god created this world, but do I actually believe this?... I’m not sure, I believe in the science of the world to. Another thing is do I honestly believe that the stories of the bible actually took place in earth and had a real place in history?.. yet again I’m not sure.

I know I believe in something, but is it Christianity. I feel that being raised in a Christian lifestyle has forced me to believe no different, yet if I try and convince my self that god doesn’t exist I can’t do it. If I was raised in Pakistan or India , then I would have been a Muslim or Sikh. How am I to believe one god despite every other religion claiming that there is only one true god?...


This image speaks volumes to me. Each religion claiming , there religion is the real and true one, who are we to believe? Different countries main religions being embedded into children’s minds at young age?

Honestly I like the bibles principles of the 10 commandments, I like the idea to live by them. I try to live by them and the only one I have a serious problem with adultery/lust. I also feel like I live by and believe in only some parts of the bible but not all.

For example I pray, but I don’t go to church, I’m not going to lie here, I don’t like going to church and I don’t know if I should be ashamed of saying this. I don’t read the bible. Sometimes I read specific stories and that is because those are the ones I find interesting and enjoy reading, the rest of the bible feels like a chore that I don’t enjoy. I still pray and try not sin as much as possible, but because there are things I don’t do, does this not make me a Christian?...

A lot of the time I pray to god because I want to do well in life, I want others to do well in life, like my friends and my family, or even people I don’t even know. I know I don’t prey just for selfish reasons, I pray for others and the world too.

I can’t tell you why I am a Christian, because the idea of Christianity was given to me from birth and I can’t think any other way. I am going to hopefully cut this post to an end , but here are my opposing thoughts when it comes to certain ways of life as a Christian

I think abortion is a good thing if used responsibly, but I obviously don’t believe in murder?

I think tattoos are okay, but the bible is against this

I don’t think you should be able to sin and lust in a relationship or single. Its just when single I think people should be a bit more understandable and I feel this sexual sins should be more expected at a younger age when you make certain discoveries…

I do kinda think you should also be allowed to have sex if engaged, but waiting to marriage will make the moment sweeter

I think that it is okay to be gay

And I also think its okay to marry someone who is not of the same faith, but the bible is against this.

Because I do not believe in every word of the bible can I not be a Christian?. Even if now I was to get and get a tattoo, even though I don’t see what is wrong with it, I still feel as if I would be sinning .

Hi there; good to see you.

It's best to look at Scripture itself, and figure what it means all about the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ, rather than to theorize and maybe become a bit distracted by things that are less profitable.

There is so much value in reading the Scriptures daily; Ephesians 5.26 speaks of the 'washing of water by the Word'; it has a cleansing effect on us.

John's First Epistle - a very searching, short book, which has answers to a lot of the sort of questions that people ask - says about those who love and trust the Lord Jesus in faith, that 'the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin' (1 John 1.7).
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Aug 3, 2016
Marital Status
I have never renounced my baptism, as Christianity has all i have been brought up with so i just accepted it. I did accept the lord and christ as my savior, but as you said, im not sure on my commitment, i do pray most days, but i dont go to church or read the bible...

If you've been baptized, and haven't renounced it, you're a Christian in a certain sense, one who has been received into Christ's church. But if you are not a believer in the fundamentals of the faith, you'd probably be considered a nominal Christian--identified as one in a general, classification, sense, but little more.

And then some people like to talk about "real" Christians, by which they mean ones who are deeply committed and do live up to the faith's demands and tenets about as much as is possible. That's hard to define.

Some of the doctrinal issues you grapple with are not necessarily against the Bible and are indeed accepted by some Christian churches, the more liberal ones. However, I don't see much of anything in your post that speaks of a commitment to Christ and him as your Savior, so I doubt that you should consider yourself to be a Christian based on what you wrote. Still, I'd have to know more before passing that kind of judgment.
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Aug 3, 2016
Marital Status
It sounds like you're more or less what's called a nominal Christian, Dan.

However, it looks like I've wondered into a teens forum and I'm not a teen. I just assumed from the nature of your first post that this was the Christian Advice forum.
Yes i wasn't really sure where to post, but how would describe a nominal christian?
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2 know him

Dec 9, 2011
Marital Status

I was raised as a Christian, I went to a church school from the age of 4 to 11. I am 18 at the time of writing this. I am honestly in a battle with pornography and sin. I don’t want to question my faith just so I can sin. Nor do I want to justify sin. I have been battling pornography since I was 15/16. I know sex is saved for marriage, but I don’t see how a single young Christian boy or girl is not expected to watch porn or commit sexual sin, especially in modern day society. With saying this I fear for Christian children of today growing up with increased exposure to porn and other sexual environments. I feel that it will be harder for them, more than any other generation to stay away from porn or other sexual sins. Like I said I’m 18 and I honestly want to get married and have children. I know I am not expected to be perfect as no man or women can be and this is why god created Jesus. Jesus too faced lust but lived through it. But the question I ask myself is, lets say the average age to get married is 28-30, that is 10-12 years from now. How am I supposed to stay clear of sexual sin for this long? There are increasing temptations in the world we live today. I have committed sexual sin with porn, however somehow I am still a virgin. I find this hard to believe with most of my friends losing their virginity outside of marriage and some before the age of 18. I am trying to save myself for marriage.

I find it hard to cope with sexual sin, because whenever I do commit a sexual sin, I never have the intention of hurting god, but I do. I touch, with or without because it feels nice and nothing more. I don’t want to have sex with the women I see, I know real sex won’t be the same and I still have respect for women. At a young age of 18, your body is still going through puberty and your sex drive is way high. It doesn’t seem possible or practical to stay away from THIS type of sin for such a long time. I know we will all sin and stumble and god will forgive, but just knowing this fact doesn’t give me the right to sin, just because I know god will forgive. It is the same as cheating on someone just because you know that they will say sorry. Both instances are wrong, but if you know you are going to be forgiven, what stops you?

If I could be married now I would. But I feel god won’t let me get married at this stage in my life because of what I am currently going through. But this also gives me the intention to sin now because, ‘hey! I might as well because I am not going to be in a relationship time soon, and because I have faith in god, I will be married someday just not right now.’ Honestly this is what I think at times. I don’t want to think like this but I do.

I also find that my views are conflicting of each other, as a Christian I am supposed to believe that god created this world, but do I actually believe this?... I’m not sure, I believe in the science of the world to. Another thing is do I honestly believe that the stories of the bible actually took place in earth and had a real place in history?.. yet again I’m not sure.

I know I believe in something, but is it Christianity. I feel that being raised in a Christian lifestyle has forced me to believe no different, yet if I try and convince my self that god doesn’t exist I can’t do it. If I was raised in Pakistan or India , then I would have been a Muslim or Sikh. How am I to believe one god despite every other religion claiming that there is only one true god?...


This image speaks volumes to me. Each religion claiming , there religion is the real and true one, who are we to believe? Different countries main religions being embedded into children’s minds at young age?

Honestly I like the bibles principles of the 10 commandments, I like the idea to live by them. I try to live by them and the only one I have a serious problem with adultery/lust. I also feel like I live by and believe in only some parts of the bible but not all.

For example I pray, but I don’t go to church, I’m not going to lie here, I don’t like going to church and I don’t know if I should be ashamed of saying this. I don’t read the bible. Sometimes I read specific stories and that is because those are the ones I find interesting and enjoy reading, the rest of the bible feels like a chore that I don’t enjoy. I still pray and try not sin as much as possible, but because there are things I don’t do, does this not make me a Christian?...

A lot of the time I pray to god because I want to do well in life, I want others to do well in life, like my friends and my family, or even people I don’t even know. I know I don’t prey just for selfish reasons, I pray for others and the world too.

I can’t tell you why I am a Christian, because the idea of Christianity was given to me from birth and I can’t think any other way. I am going to hopefully cut this post to an end , but here are my opposing thoughts when it comes to certain ways of life as a Christian

I think abortion is a good thing if used responsibly, but I obviously don’t believe in murder?

I think tattoos are okay, but the bible is against this

I don’t think you should be able to sin and lust in a relationship or single. Its just when single I think people should be a bit more understandable and I feel this sexual sins should be more expected at a younger age when you make certain discoveries…

I do kinda think you should also be allowed to have sex if engaged, but waiting to marriage will make the moment sweeter

I think that it is okay to be gay

And I also think its okay to marry someone who is not of the same faith, but the bible is against this.

Because I do not believe in every word of the bible can I not be a Christian?. Even if now I was to get and get a tattoo, even though I don’t see what is wrong with it, I still feel as if I would be sinning .

I am glad that you are being honest about where you stand. It is very important.

What does it mean to be a Christian? It means to be a follower of Christ.

The reason lust is a problem is because it devalues other people to the status of the objects and it does not respect them in a way that honors them.

Abortion is murder a baby living outside of the womb or living inside of the womb are both depend upon their mother 4life.

The teachings of Jesus are the basis of Christianity maybe not most people's Christian but to the early church following Jesus's teachings was what Christianity is all about.

If I may make a suggestion today's Church is not a good representation of what Christianity supposed to be.

Tear out the Gospels from your Bible throw the rest away follow the teachings of Christ and all will be well.
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J. Elias

Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
Oklahoma, USA
Christian Seeker
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I was raised as a Christian, I went to a church school from the age of 4 to 11. I am 18 at the time of writing this. I am honestly in a battle with pornography and sin. I don’t want to question my faith just so I can sin. Nor do I want to justify sin. I have been battling pornography since I was 15/16. I know sex is saved for marriage, but I don’t see how a single young Christian boy or girl is not expected to watch porn or commit sexual sin, especially in modern day society. With saying this I fear for Christian children of today growing up with increased exposure to porn and other sexual environments. I feel that it will be harder for them, more than any other generation to stay away from porn or other sexual sins. Like I said I’m 18 and I honestly want to get married and have children. I know I am not expected to be perfect as no man or women can be and this is why god created Jesus. Jesus too faced lust but lived through it. But the question I ask myself is, lets say the average age to get married is 28-30, that is 10-12 years from now. How am I supposed to stay clear of sexual sin for this long? There are increasing temptations in the world we live today. I have committed sexual sin with porn, however somehow I am still a virgin. I find this hard to believe with most of my friends losing their virginity outside of marriage and some before the age of 18. I am trying to save myself for marriage.

I find it hard to cope with sexual sin, because whenever I do commit a sexual sin, I never have the intention of hurting god, but I do. I touch, with or without because it feels nice and nothing more. I don’t want to have sex with the women I see, I know real sex won’t be the same and I still have respect for women. At a young age of 18, your body is still going through puberty and your sex drive is way high. It doesn’t seem possible or practical to stay away from THIS type of sin for such a long time. I know we will all sin and stumble and god will forgive, but just knowing this fact doesn’t give me the right to sin, just because I know god will forgive. It is the same as cheating on someone just because you know that they will say sorry. Both instances are wrong, but if you know you are going to be forgiven, what stops you?

If I could be married now I would. But I feel god won’t let me get married at this stage in my life because of what I am currently going through. But this also gives me the intention to sin now because, ‘hey! I might as well because I am not going to be in a relationship time soon, and because I have faith in god, I will be married someday just not right now.’ Honestly this is what I think at times. I don’t want to think like this but I do.

I also find that my views are conflicting of each other, as a Christian I am supposed to believe that god created this world, but do I actually believe this?... I’m not sure, I believe in the science of the world to. Another thing is do I honestly believe that the stories of the bible actually took place in earth and had a real place in history?.. yet again I’m not sure.

I know I believe in something, but is it Christianity. I feel that being raised in a Christian lifestyle has forced me to believe no different, yet if I try and convince my self that god doesn’t exist I can’t do it. If I was raised in Pakistan or India , then I would have been a Muslim or Sikh. How am I to believe one god despite every other religion claiming that there is only one true god?...


This image speaks volumes to me. Each religion claiming , there religion is the real and true one, who are we to believe? Different countries main religions being embedded into children’s minds at young age?

Honestly I like the bibles principles of the 10 commandments, I like the idea to live by them. I try to live by them and the only one I have a serious problem with adultery/lust. I also feel like I live by and believe in only some parts of the bible but not all.

For example I pray, but I don’t go to church, I’m not going to lie here, I don’t like going to church and I don’t know if I should be ashamed of saying this. I don’t read the bible. Sometimes I read specific stories and that is because those are the ones I find interesting and enjoy reading, the rest of the bible feels like a chore that I don’t enjoy. I still pray and try not sin as much as possible, but because there are things I don’t do, does this not make me a Christian?...

A lot of the time I pray to god because I want to do well in life, I want others to do well in life, like my friends and my family, or even people I don’t even know. I know I don’t prey just for selfish reasons, I pray for others and the world too.

I can’t tell you why I am a Christian, because the idea of Christianity was given to me from birth and I can’t think any other way. I am going to hopefully cut this post to an end , but here are my opposing thoughts when it comes to certain ways of life as a Christian

I think abortion is a good thing if used responsibly, but I obviously don’t believe in murder?

I think tattoos are okay, but the bible is against this

I don’t think you should be able to sin and lust in a relationship or single. Its just when single I think people should be a bit more understandable and I feel this sexual sins should be more expected at a younger age when you make certain discoveries…

I do kinda think you should also be allowed to have sex if engaged, but waiting to marriage will make the moment sweeter

I think that it is okay to be gay

And I also think its okay to marry someone who is not of the same faith, but the bible is against this.

Because I do not believe in every word of the bible can I not be a Christian?. Even if now I was to get and get a tattoo, even though I don’t see what is wrong with it, I still feel as if I would be sinning .



You message strikes a chord in my heart. I'm honestly up too late as is, but I feel compelled to reply.

Firstly, I think you should reflect on what your beliefs are. There comes a point where one must separate from parents and begin to form their own beliefs about the world. Doubtless you have sort of stumbled into this phase as I have. (I'm still going through it, BTW) Since you were raised Christian, I suppose you might start with your own faith basis:

--Does God exist?
--If so, is it the Judeo-Christian God?
--If it is, then what are your beliefs pertaining to creation, attributes of God, what God expects of you, etc.?

There comes a point where we must critically examine what we believe and why we believe it. HOWEVER, I would also be wary of your motives. You see, throughout your message, you seem awfully concerned with whether or not you are a "Christian" and less concerned with such questions as to whether God existed or some other problem. It seems you still have reservations about abandoning Christianity, but you also seem to think you were "conditioned" into believing it.

I would personally recommend you try to find a church local to you that will be hospitable towards you (believe it or not, good, hospitable churches exist) If you're struggling with these doctrinal issues, shouldn't you find a pastor or someone else qualified to help you? A sick man goes to a doctor, so a fellow like you needs a pastor to talk to so you can ask all your questions

As mentioned above, I would definitely go back to the Word, especially the epistles. Actually, I would recommend you start with the Gospel of John and then read Romans. With that aside, I would also seek out a mentor--someone older than you that you can trust that will help you through this. They usually have a lot more life experience, and have been through what you're going through now.

Finally, I advise you to pray and ask God to show Himself to you, and to lead you into the truth. Belief is useless if what is believed is a lie. Above all you should pursue truth, and I might suggest you start listening to some Christian apologists. Many of them are quite knowledgeable about Church history and can demonstrate how Christianity is more plausibly true than not.

In your struggles, just remember that if you seek, you will find. Jesus taught that. If you seek diligently for God, He will show Himself to you.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
United States
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Tear out the Gospels from your Bible throw the rest away follow the teachings of Christ and all will be well.

NO! All Scripture is God breathed... (2 Timothy 3:16)

I urge you to meditate on Matthew 4:4, John 1:1-3, 14, Hebrews 4:12 and Revelation 19:13...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
United States
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Jesus's words alone will judge mankind on judgment day. Just because men place words in a book does not make them the inspired words of God. The bible along with Paul's contradictory words of Jesus's are definitely not inspired by God.

You are wrong. The Bible is God's words. Jesus is the judge, yes. But He judges based on whether men believe and obey His word. (Matthew 7)

"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4 - Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 8:3). Jesus affirmed Scripture and rebuked the Saducees and Pharisees for not believing it. All Scripture is God breathed, not just the words "in red". If you take away the rest, there's no basis for the gospel. Jesus created with His Word and He's going to destroy with His Word. Please believe it.
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2 know him

Dec 9, 2011
Marital Status
You are wrong. The Bible is God's words. Jesus is the judge, yes. But He judges based on whether men believe and obey His word. (Matthew 7)

"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4 - Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 8:3). Jesus affirmed Scripture and rebuked the Saducees and Pharisees for not believing it. All Scripture is God breathed, not just the words "in red". If you take away the rest, there's no basis for the gospel. Jesus created with His Word and He's going to destroy with His Word. Please believe it.

I think you are missing the point the point is that most people get sidetracked buy other people's believes if Jesus is the basis of your faith use his words to establish your belief
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
United States
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I think you are missing the point the point is that most people get sidetracked buy other people's believes if Jesus is the basis of your faith use his words to establish your belief

If you believe Jesus' words, you won't nullify the rest of the Bible. Many who think they know Him don't. Matthew 7.
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