A true Christian drama--my writing of a difficult situation

Unofficial Reverand Alex

Pray in silence...God speaks softly
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Dec 22, 2017
The Mystical Lands of Rural Indiana
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First & foremost, I want to ask for prayers...what I have written & am sharing here is true, and it's painful to admit to, but therapeutic to write out, and I pray that you who read it may find some spiritual blessing within the lessons I've learned & the story I lived.

It's very much a work in progress...so any & all feedback, positive & negative, is appreciated.

[Oh, and just so y'all know...the image I use in this document is public domain. There's a wonderful website called CathoPic, which doesn't even require me to give credit to the source of the image...but the more seasoned writers out here may have concerns about me using an image without permission, so I want to emphasize that public domain rules mean it's fine.
Nails on the cross photo — Cathopic ]

God bless you all.


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